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Tonya Whittle

One Woman's Journey of Unf*cking Her Life

A woman's journey of facing and healing her past to find redemption for herself so she could reclaim her own wild soul and embrace the wild woman within.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   70,000 words   100% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
520 preorders
$7,707.00 funded


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Update #9 - 22 More Books! Nov. 2, 2018

We've just had an amazing offer that's coming in tomorrow, if all goes well... for 60 books :0 

That means we have only 22 more books to sell to hit the 500 mark that will get the book pitched to all possible publishers. 

If you haven't picked up a copy yet, now is a great time to do it.  If you have, now is a great time to give yourself a BIG HUG from me for helping this project happen.  I'm still a little in shock of what's shown up and that this is REALLY happening. 

If you can take a moment to share the campaign via your social networks, let's hope we can hit our numbers by end of the Nov 2.  

That feels like a good day to celebrate doesn't it?

Thank you so much for your patience and support during this process!
