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Wake the Fuck Up

Lily Winsaft

A Young Man's Souljourn

Unspeakable debilitating terror pushes Daniel to travel the multiverse in search of peace and joy, ultimately discovering that the answers to all his questions were in his heart all along.

  YA Fiction    Inspirational   62,000 words   25% complete   26 publishers interested
$2,000.00 funded
52% of goal
260 preorders
52% of goal
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Update #1 - Thank you to EVERYONE that has preordered our book. You are in our hearts with so much gratitude!! This book is being delivered through channels that I cannot totally explain. I just know that it is going to change many lives!! Blessings to all of you!! Aug. 10, 2017

Dearest Abadia, Anita, Belinda, Bonnie, Brandi, Brittny, Carrie, Charlene, Chloe, Cyndi, David, Deborah, Durley, Eileen, Ellen, Estelle, Fabricio, Giovanni, Illissa, Jackie, Jill, John, Kat, Kelsey, Ken, Lance, Leanne, Linda, Luis & Norita, Luz, Marcos, Maria, Marie, Matthew C., Matthew D., Michael C., Michael W., Michelle, Mildred, Nicoletta, Robin, Rosana, Shawn, Suzanne, and Zayra:

Your support is helping us reach our major milestone of 250 preorders. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts!!  We are getting closer and closer to attracting a publisher!!

We are moved and inspired beyond belief :-)

Lily & Shawn