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Wake the Fuck Up

Lily Winsaft

A Young Man's Souljourn

Unspeakable debilitating terror pushes Daniel to travel the multiverse in search of peace and joy, ultimately discovering that the answers to all his questions were in his heart all along.

  YA Fiction    Inspirational   62,000 words   25% complete   26 publishers interested
$2,000.00 funded
52% of goal
260 preorders
52% of goal
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Update #4 - Thank you for your support! Aug. 31, 2017

In 1994 Shawn and I became great friends. He would tell me about his life and what he went through and I couldn't believe he had survived all of that! Throughout the years I have witnessed his healing and I'm so delighted that he agreed to let me write a novel based on his life. His story is a testament to what is possible for people in pain when they choose to welcome Spirit into their lives.

Thank you for supporting this book campaign! We are confident that Shawn's life journey as told through the eyes of the Masters of Light and humanity's Essence will be an inspiration to us all. We promise you will be moved and shaken into remembering who you are and why you are here.

With all our love,

Shawn & Lily