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Wake the Fuck Up

Lily Winsaft

A Young Man's Souljourn

Unspeakable debilitating terror pushes Daniel to travel the multiverse in search of peace and joy, ultimately discovering that the answers to all his questions were in his heart all along.

  YA Fiction    Inspirational   62,000 words   25% complete   26 publishers interested
$2,000.00 funded
52% of goal
260 preorders
52% of goal
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Update #5 - The power of ONE Aug. 31, 2017

We want to thank you ALL for supporting this campaign!!  To Abadia, Andrew K., Andrew P., Anita, Arturo, Belinda, Bonnie, Brandi, Brittny, Carrie, Charlene, Chloe, Claire, Claudia, Clay, Cyndi, Dan, Danita, David, Deborah, Don, Durley, Eileen, Ellen, Estelle, Fabricio, Giovanni, Helena, Holly, Illissa, Illsee, Jackie, Jaime, Jill R. Jill W., John, Hoseph, Juan Pablo, Julie, Kathryn, Kat G., Kelsey, Ken, Kory, Lance, Leanne, Lisa, Linda, Luis & Norita, Luz, Manuel & Lucia, Marcos, Maria, Maria Elena, Marianne, Marie, Mark, Mary, Matthew C., Matthew D., Michael C., Michael L., Michael W., Michelle, Mildred, Nicoletta, Pamela, Paula B., Paula K., Rhonda, Richard, Robin, Rosana, Shawn, Sophie, Suzanne, and Zayra:

We are less than 35 preorders from reaching our goal. If only half of you knew just ONE person that could place a $5 preorder in the next 2 hours, we would reach our goal of 250 preorders and practically secure a publisher! 

Regardless of reaching our goal, I know in my heart that we will be published and that "Wake the Fuck Up" will change the lives of many and make a huge impact for humanity!!

Thank you all for believing in  me!!

