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Wake the Fuck Up

Lily Winsaft

A Young Man's Souljourn

Unspeakable debilitating terror pushes Daniel to travel the multiverse in search of peace and joy, ultimately discovering that the answers to all his questions were in his heart all along.

  YA Fiction    Inspirational   62,000 words   25% complete   26 publishers interested
$2,000.00 funded
52% of goal
260 preorders
52% of goal
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Update #8 - It's About Time You Heard From Us! Dec. 20, 2017

Hi everyone!

Shawn and I are thinking of you all and feeling deep appreciation for your support of Wake the Fuck Up, our upcoming book. So much has happened since we last updated you! But before I tell you what's been going on, I have to say right up front that the book will unfortunately not be completed by Christmas. Of course, you probably already figured that out. 

We have made a lot of progress but the writing has been a much bigger challenge than I anticipated for a variety of reasons. In the past I would have beaten myself to a pulp for not meeting my goal to deliver this book to you in the timeframe I promised. However, these days I am treating myself with deeper kindness. So allow me to simply apologize.

Last month I visited Sedona, a trip I scheduled for the sole purpose of working on the book. My plan had been to complete it. I wrote a lot, but I also spent a lot of time editing and perfecting. We want to give you a high quality work of art and that is what you will receive. 

In the spirit of the holidays, we are prepared to deliver your bonuses to you now. I will begin to send you via email, the additional bonuses that were promised to you. We will pull together a special online program combining Akashic Records and the DreamWorker™ Protocol for those of you that qualified for the Workshop. This class will assist you in remembering who you are and why you are here through accessing the Akashic Realm. The workshop will be available in mid-February. Those of you that earned an Akashic Records reading will receive a special email instructing you how to claim it. 

If you would like to gift either the workshop or the Akashic Records reading to a loved one, let me know immediately and I will send you a gift certificate. Please send an email to to let me know.

Our hearts are filled with love for all of you and we wish you an amazing holiday season spent with family and friends.

Hugs from us both,

Lily & Shawn