Magdalene Speaks
For the first time ever - the "what happened next" story of the most famous people in history is unveiled, as Magdalene holds the greatest legacy dangerously in her womb.
Dear friends of the Grail,
Just a quite note to give you all an update. The book is going from strength the strength as I make final edits to the manuscript before sending it off to the publishers. This process takes time - one cannot fully express the beauty of the creation in but a moment. Good news is, we have numerous publishers interested in the book.
Next month decisions will be made as to who to publish with, until then, I am busy refining Woman in Red, which is a book you will come to love, and know, as your turning point.
In the meanwhile feel free to join my online facebook community page Holy Grail Experience where I share many cryptic truths from within Woman in Red.
Thank you for your patience,
Krishna Rose