Magdalene Speaks
For the first time ever - the "what happened next" story of the most famous people in history is unveiled, as Magdalene holds the greatest legacy dangerously in her womb.
Dear friends of the Grail,
Great news. Contracts have been signed for the release of Woman in Red - Magdalene Speaks. The publisher has set the release date for 02.20.2020! What a magical number!!!!! So exciting.
I am just now putting finishing sweetenings to the final five chapters, and I am certain that you will be overjoyed upon reading the words on each page. This is a book that will change lives and I am so excited for you to get your copy and drink the nectar for which you have thirsted.
This is the start of something very new and exciting for a lot of us.
Much love and many blessings,
May the Lord light your way,
Krishna Rose
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