Exceptional Traits That Give People An Edge
Discover the exceptional assets you already possess, and how they can be turned into real gold, bringing your worth to a value you never suspected or dreamt of.
Even though the number of millionaires has increased enormously in the last decade, many people from the common mass still consider that being rich is a prerogative reserved to others such as those who are blessed at their birth, by their family they belong to, or a factor influenced by luck which seems to never cross their path.
Is this kind of thinking or approach to richness true? Is it possible to change your status independently from your background? If yes, what are the ingredients, backed up by science, real-life experience that any common person from the mass can use to change his status? and definite representative of your status as rich or no?
In this book, Judith Glory, a renowned leadership coach, shares her insights backed up with research, to show that anyone reading the book, is in fact much richer than he thinks. She takes the reader through a process where he discovers all the assets he has, just as he is now. Then she goes further to show how to leverage these unique assets of each reader to help him achieve his richness goals.
Each chapter will bring you closer to the awareness of the very wealthy person you are.
Even though the message of the book will help anyone interested in reaching his wealth potential, the book is written to speak more to women struggling financially.
Dominique Forand, MBA Coach,
“This book is all about empowerment!
Great read!.”
Carin Rockind, Purposegirl,
“This book is a wonderful application of positive psychology. Make sure you read and apply the concepts!”
Judith Glory is an MBA graduate, as well as a John Maxwell leadership Coach, trainer and speaker. She is also a published author, a certified positive psychology practitioner, with decades of experience in the corporate world, working for companies like, Apple, IBM, The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, and a major financial institution in North America. Her experience covers various roles, in multiples industries and continents.
● Judithglory.com
● Instagram: 350
● Facebook: 2903
● Twitter: 180
● subscribers to newsletter: 2500
● Podcast show: Glory4U
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Ballast Books is a full-service hybrid publisher that handles all aspects of book creation, design, publishing, marketing, distribution, and platform building. We help our authors sell more books, secure more keynotes, do more consulting, earn more customers, and book more media appearances.
We want to work with the best of the best: Former Special Operations Forces, CEOs, big thinkers, industry-leading experts. Top-performing people with experiences worth sharing and skills that translate into a larger message and goal.
We've seen particular success with military memoirs, but we've also recently hired a children's book specialist, so we run the spectrum of genres. We're a small but growing team and take pride in dedicating more time and energy to all our authors than traditional publishers.
250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Boyle & Dalton was founded in 2014 and publishes works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The world of publishing is changing, we're changing with it. Our founder Brad Pauquette, conceptualized a hybrid model that balances the financial and rights model of self-publishing with the quality controls and production excellence of a traditional publisher. Our designers and editors produce exceptional books that are distributed in both print and digital formats to all major retailers, including Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. Boyle & Dalton carefully consider all submissions for publication, based on manuscript quality. We do not accept erotica or children's books.
100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Inside Edge Publishing works with our writers every step of the way on their literary journey, helping to bring out the most from their work. From an idea and rough draft to editing and publication, Inside Edge Publishing helps our authors produce high quality, interesting and entertaining books. We are looking for innovative writing in just about any genre but love memoirs, thrillers, sci-fi, business, and motivational books just to name a few. Our books frequently appear on the bestseller lists and our authors are among some of the best known in their genre. At Inside Edge Publishing, we believe that every author has a story to tell and that every story deserves to be told.
250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Authors Unite helps you become a profitable author and make an impact. We take care of printing and distribution through major online retailers, developmental editing, and proofreading with unlimited revisions. We take care of the entire process for you from book cover design all the way to set up your backend so all your book royalties go straight to your bank account. We can also help with ghostwriting if you prefer not to have to figure out all the steps on how to write a book yourself.
With our book marketing services, you don’t need to worry about figuring out all the steps on how to market a book or how to become a bestselling author. We’ve helped hundreds of authors become bestselling authors on Amazon, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. We take care of the entire book launch process for you to help you sell thousands of copies of your book and become a bestselling author.
View case studies here: https://authorsunite.com
Looking for all types of books, including fiction, children's books, health, memoir, business books, and cookbooks
Bright Communications LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founding CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. Our team of expert editorial, design, and marketing pros help authors go from idea to completed books and retain 100% of the rights to their work. We also offer four custom publishing packages and a $1900 self-publishing assist program.
Looking for health, parenting, inspiration, and children's books.
Momosa Publishing LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founder and CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. We are an efficient, effective, excellent team of editorial, design, and marketing pros.
"... Comment oses-tu t’inscrire pour un programme de MBA alors que tu es issue d'une famille humble comme la nôtre? Sur quoi comptes-tu pour le …
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Five days into our campaign, and I wish to share with you passionate backers, one of the reasons I wrote the book :
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In less than 48 hours after our campaign launch, we have passionate backers and have
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We’re truly stunned (and very, very …
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You know your assets and using them, has helped you achieve a richer and happier life.
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+ A half-day workshop for your team teaching how to know and use their assets as a team.