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A Birds Guide to Complementary Colors

BG Lloyd

a color reference tool for designers and crafters

By illustrating as a reference tool the philosophy that the diverse plumage of birds can be used for discovering interesting, unique and complementary color combinations to help guide creative people.

  Reference    design/crafting   1,000 words   100% complete   5 publishers interested
116 preorders
$2,822.00 funded



A book designed to work as a simple reference tool for both professional and novice designers of all specialties and experience levels. By illustrating the philosophy that the natural and diverse plumage of birds from around the world can be used for discovering interesting, unique and complementary color combinations that can be applied to all fields and practices of design.

Evolution is the evidence. As birds evolved in their geography and cultures so did their feathers, some for the purpose of attracting a mate, others for the purpose of blending into their natural environments. The success of this species and its varieties are the result of thousands if not millions of years of an evolutionary process that adapted these beautiful birds to be both culturally successful and visually harmonious.

We as an intellectual species exercise the uncommon ability to uniquely express ourselves through our art, by designing how we look and constructing our surroundings. And as we exercise this practice, choices of color become significant. For a few choosing color combinations is a talent, for the rest of us however feeling confident and comfortable about the direction our color projects are headed can be a difficult. The purpose of this book is to help make those color decisions fun, easy and satisfying for all.


between 145-155 pages. soft cover, photo gloss paper. 

10 page introduction

-opening monologue "philosophy"

-using the color table

-tips for interior painting

60 birds divided into three chapters

-Brown & Blue

-Purple & Pastel

-Rich & Vivid

15 page index of all colors shown in each bird with the RGB color codes.  Book is formatted in CMYK.


With such broad use, functionality, and ease of application to consider, it is fair to assume an equally broad interest from both the professional and novice consumer markets.

All professionals employed in design fields would benefit by applying the practical philosophy offered in this product with success. It also acts as an excellent tool for professionals to use in concert with the client as a
reference for discovering the clients unique color preferences, interests and expectations.  Designers rely heavily on reference books and tools for textile and material samples. This book though unique is designed to work the same and would easily acclimate to any professional’s routine.  Employment numbers in fields of design in the U.S. published by the Bureau of labor statistics in 2017 are - Graphic designers (266,300), Multimedia artist and designers (73,700), interior designers (66,500), Industrial designers (39,700), Fashion designers (23,800).

Home owners and the novice home designer are this books target market outside of the professional realm. However, it is very important to recognize this books use and potential in the arts and crafts markets as well.  

Color and decisions about color impact multiple facets of the creative person’s day to day life and experience, but what percentage of the population is considered actively creative? The Mintel report is a market statistics and analysis company that studies and reports on consumer behaviors and trends. A lifestyles and leisure analyst working for the Mintel report is quoted on their website stating “59% of adults can be classified as a crafter”.
That puts 6 out of 10 adults in a creative mindset that would find value in a book about interesting color combinations that exist in nature. puts the number of adults in the U.S. in 2014 at 245.3
million, 59% of which is 144.7 million and that is the market of adults this book would appeal to in the U.S. alone. Internationally the functionality this book uniquely presents does not discriminate and every person, in
every country, in every culture around the world could find use and enjoy!


Promotion of the book on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have already produced great results by connecting artists and bird enthusiast to the crowd funding campaign. This post alone garnered thousands of responses and sold over 70 copies in 10 days.   Implementation of a cost effective, targeting strategy of boosted posts that engage a variety of communities that the book appeals to has already produced consistent book sales for less then $30 a day.   Participation was much higher then sales, and that tells me that interest in the idea on its own is sincere.  Putting a physical book in potential customers hands is paramount and brick and mortar participation is key.  Traditional distribution that puts the book on book shelves must be exercised, and the potential that paint stores like Sherman Williams, hardware stores like Home Depot and art and craft stores like Hobby Lobby that the use of this book is aligned with should be investigated. 


There are countless nature books about birds and their taxonomy. There are also a handful of books about the color rainbow in its natural and digital forms. Currently there are no books or publications specifically combining the two as a design reference tool as this book (and any of its proceeding volumes) does. There are forums on Pinterest that have extracted 4-5 dominate colors from a variety of artistic photos to which birds have been a few.

BG Lloyd

About the author

art and design enthusiast and graffiti artist who has devoted the last two years to the study, extraction and cataloging of the unique colors found in the plumage of birds.

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Ballast Books

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
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Something or Other Publishing

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.

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  • Nicholas Goodroad
    on Sept. 18, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

    Looking forward to having a copy for myself and a couple of extras for friends of mine.

  • Chemynne Perlingieri
    on Sept. 18, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

    Very cool tool. Looking forward to my copy. Spent 25 years in design/color...nothing like a fresh approach!

  • Susan Lloyd Allen
    on Sept. 19, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

    I am so hoping your book finds a publisher! Our natural world is the color and design guru for every lovely, authentic work of art that exists in our material world.
    Your idea and efforts are deserving! I am so impressed!

  • Sara Oltvedt
    on Oct. 9, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

    I am SO excited to gift this book to my Dad! He is an artist and has recently bridged his work to include birds, which is new for him. Thank you for sharing your talents!

  • Megan Henson
    on Oct. 11, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

    Super stoked for this, thank you for posting! I will continue to share on FB.

  • Jacqui Pitcher
    on Oct. 19, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

    Good luck BG! I love your idea and I love that you’ve been brave and tenacious enough to act on it. I’d buy more copies for my friends if I could afford it. Never give up!!!! 🦅🦆🕊🐓

  • Meg Richardson
    on Nov. 3, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

    I am blown away! I'm a bird watcher and sometime artist. I cant wait to get the book

  • Renee Orlandi
    on Nov. 4, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

    looking forward to receiving a copy! Thank you! What a unique and innovative idea

  • Jill Butler
    on Nov. 4, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

    Great idea! I really hope this takes off for you.

  • Jared Stokes
    on Nov. 5, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

    As a painter and bird enthusiast, I am really excited about this book! :)

  • Lara Greene
    on Nov. 5, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

    This is a great idea! I hope it is a great success and would love to see more additions!

  • Victoria Coffey
    on Nov. 6, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

    Good luck! As an artist myself, I'd love to have a reference book like this!

  • Carrie Stark
    on Nov. 8, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

    I am so excited about your book! I feel that nature is the best at showing color, and bird plumage is a prime example! The idea that someday I will be able to design a room around a specific bird is a wonderful idea! I wish you much luck!

    on Nov. 9, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

    Looking forward to receiving your book. I know it's going to be great.

  • José Hekkens
    on Nov. 14, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

    What a great idea. Looking forward to the book and to using it in my silk screen printing class.

  • Nicky Meaux
    on Aug. 27, 2019, 5:16 p.m.

    Hi! Any updates? I was told it would be produced/delivered by this spring or summer, and was wondering when I can expect my copies :)



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