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Adult Learning Architecture

Whee-Teck Ong

How a Technology Consultant Trained to be an Artist - taking a year off work (2012), pursuing art (watercolor) with gusto, and live to tell about it! Sharing the "secrets" to successful unlearn old habits, then relearn new ones for the 21st century!

How I use my own learning strategies - Adult Learning Architecture - to train myself in relative short time to become an artist.

  Business & Money    Personal Development   42,000 words   100% complete   10 publishers interested
312 preorders
$5,390.00 funded


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Update #1 - A BIG Thank You to my first supporters! March 7, 2016

Folks -

Really appreciate your support - indie writers like myself finds every encouragement valuable especially when you are "voting" with your monies, it really is true support!

My hope and prayer is that this book will be read and that people find ides and inspirations to improve themselves.


1) ISBN number applied - should get it soon.

2) Final touches by editor is almost complete.

3) Looking for printer in Singapore - should decide soon the printer, it will take 15 days to print 1000 copies.

Thanks for your support - really!

Whee Teck
