The Rise of the Gig Economy and the New Worker
An incisive guide for organizations to embrace the gig workforce and embrace this new model of work and the workforce behind it.
Hello all,
Hope you had an amazing weekend!
As per my last update, I am reserving release of "Death of the Gold Watch" to Q1'19. The intent is to align with momentum that is building around the gig workforce and allow me to build in current trends as they happen to ensure an accurate and compelling story.
However, to thank all of you for your patience I am offering to quote you in the book; along with your name, title and company if you would like.
The concept of the book is around trends in the gig economy; how it's affecting the way we work, how it's changing the employer and employee relationship, and how companies must adapt to leverage this agile workforce. If you have a one - two sentence quote around these points I will include it.
Don't worry about context, I can write it in and will figure out how to integrate your quote.
Thank you for your support and look forward to hearing back from you if you would like to participate.
Terri Gallagher