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Natalie Spiert

Natalie Spiert

Ohio, United States

Assistant Director of Sexual Civility and Empowerment at Ohio State University, Sexual Violence Prevention Educator, Creator of Long-term Advocacy Intervention Model, TEDx Speaker & Author.

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About the author

Natalie Spiert oversees sexual violence prevention and support for The Ohio State University as Assistant Director of Sexual Civility and Empowerment. She has met with and discussed various issues and sexual behavior with hundreds students. Also holding a Masters in Social Work and Bachelors of Arts, she constantly dismantles obstacles caused by bureaucracy and ignorance. Natalie pioneers the self-created Holistic Healing Model, an intervention method used to support the long-term healing of victims/survivors.

Natalie is responsible for pioneering and developing of the Holistic Healing Model used with victims/survivors and the creation of the Student Civility Program at the Ohio State University. Natalie is a recipient of the 2016 Women of Distinction Award from the 6th annual Hats & Gloves Women's Tea.

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Success! Disconnecting Discourse has already sold 80 pre-orders , was pitched to 21 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

$20 Limited Edition Package

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$40 Friendship Package

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• 2 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Access to sexual assault prevention programming and implementation of a unique long-term advocacy intervention specifically for college campuses.

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$100 Early Adopter Package

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• 5 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Access to sexual assault prevention programming and implementation of a unique long-term advocacy intervention specifically for college campuses.
• Recognized as an Early Adopter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

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$200 Sponsor Package

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• 10 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Access to sexual assault prevention programming and implementation of a unique long-term advocacy intervention specifically for college campuses.
• Recognized as an Early Adopter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

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$500 Q&A Consult Package

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• 20 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Access to sexual assault prevention programming and implementation of a unique long-term advocacy intervention specifically for college campuses.
• Recognized as an Early Adopter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• 30 min video consult and exclusive Q&A with Natalie Spiert

20 copies + ebook included

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$600 Prevention Workshop Package

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• 30 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Access to sexual assault prevention programming and implementation of a unique long-term advocacy intervention specifically for college campuses.
• Recognized as an Early Adopter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• 90 min workshop on sexual assault prevention and exclusive Q&A with Natalie Spiert

30 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

$5000 Keynote Package

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• 200 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Access to sexual assault prevention programming and implementation of a unique long-term advocacy intervention specifically for college campuses.
• Recognized as an Early Adopter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• 60 min keynote on sexual assault prevention with Natalie Spiert

200 copies + ebook included

$15 shipping

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Update #1 - Making an Impact Oct. 28, 2016

I want to get your support to help spread the word about college campus sexual violence. Too often, we ignore the prevalence and default to outdated solutions.

It is my vision to empower higher education students, staff, and faculty to create safe learning communities---free of sexual violence--by overcoming misconceptions and removing bureaucratic barriers.

Following the success of my TEDx talk, I am spreading the message even further with my first book, “Disconnecting Discourse - Responding to Sexual Assault on College Campuses.”

Help me reach my goal of 250 pre-orders by getting a copy today--just $20.

Each pre-order of the book will increase my publishing options, bringing me closer to accomplishing my ultimate goal of creating sustainable social change.


Shining light on the reality of sexual violence responses is the first step in changing our culture. Help me reach my goal and together we can start to end sexual assault on college campuses

Thank you!
