(Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 6: The Freckle Monster)
Freckles loses the anti-bullying contest to her best friend. Jealousy ensues and Freckles becomes a bully. Will she stay a Freckle Monster?
About Freckles and the Books
Freckles the Bunny Series was based on my favorite rabbit that passed away. I wanted to share my love for rabbits and for her so I began to write tales about her and her friends. Each main character is based on a real pet with the same unique personalities. The stories are often humorous and teach a moral or two within. The books are written for ages 6 and up. I have found that many older children enjoy them as well though they are recommended for the younger ones.
Freckles' first book was published November 2013. Since then, 5 more Freckles books have been produced and more on the way. The books are slowly getting followers and I was able to create a spin-off series for the lower to middle-grade levels. I have only been able to advertise on my own Facebook page and in that time I have made enough to cover illustrations for two books. I have won numerous Readers' Favorite 5 Star Review awards.
The books are currently published on Createspace (an Amazon.com company) and e-books through Smashwords. Most publishing companies that accept new authors rarely take on a series, especially in the children's area. That is why I chose to self-publish at this time. Due to the fact that I am working on some other stories not belonging to either series as well as some virtual novel games, we have placed everything through one name, 4 Paws Games and Publishing. I am telling you this so that there is no confusion.
Freckles the Bunny Series Flipbook Previews
Freckles the Bunny Series Website
My Goal
I don't have the financial means to give this the push that I need. I require more books then I am able to obtain myself if I wish to attend events that could help do this. This is why I would like to stock up on books. I am also hoping to find someone to help with the marketing to make things a little easier on me. I do have some ideas on where to place ads, etc. but this also requires money. I have an upcoming book on bullying that I would love to hold a book launch for as well if possible. The store that holds them has the books that launch there end up in their best sellers list. I have done well in the amount of time I have been going and I know a bit more money would help get this to succeed a lot faster. I realize the amount I am hoping for may not get me all of my goals but it is a start and will help work my way there a little faster.
1. All signed books are signed by both the author and Freckles II's real paw print stamped into the book.
2. All e-books can be found on Smashwords for download with the coupon code you receive for your free book if eligible.
3. All those who help will be specially thanked in upcoming books.
4. Pets in book requires the photo to be your own and I will need you to sign a document giving permission for us to use. The pets' info will be included in the back and will be drawn into at least one page.
5. The books cost me roughly $8/book to buy and ship to myself.
Vickianne Caswell is married and has one daughter, who has an amazing gift with animals (all animals, wild or tame seem to love her). Vickianne was raised an animal lover, in the cities of Saskatoon and Regina. She has been writing at home since she was a teenager, after her father got her interested in writing when he published a poem. She has done a few articles for a small paper on animal care and continues to experience the joys of pet ownership on an acreage where the family now lives.
Vickianne began writing again in 2012 after the quiet life and animals on an acreage inspired her and is now a proud member of the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild. She had wanted to create a set of children's stories in memory of her rabbit Freckles and the desire to teach morals that are sometimes forgotten. She published her first book in the series entitled, "Freckles the Bunny Series" in 2012. Since that time, she has published 4 more books in the series and a companion book that shares information about the real animals from the stories. Vickianne is currently on her second series as well. "Sherlock the Remarkable Cat Series," was published in January of 2014. She has won a Readers Favourite 5 Star Review Award for most of her stories.
Vickianne's children's books are based on her real pets with the same unique personalities. Many were unwanted, strays or rescues and each special in their own way. Every book in each series comes with "Fun Facts" and a "Behind the Story" at the back of every book. She is always more than happy to visit a school with Freckles III and put on a presentation/story hour for children.
Vickianne is currently working on both series' as well as some other childrens books and visual novel games. She is currently writing, "Caring for My Pets" which illustrates how to best care for your pets and "Don't Feed that Duck!" which illustrates why waterfowl should not be fed bread and crackers. It is her goal for later in the year to submit "Through the Eyes of a Bunny" which follows a little bunny from the pet store to being left and unwanted until it finally finds it's forever home, to a publisher.
Erika-Elizabeth is Vickianne Caswell's only child. She has been a big supporter of Freckles the Bunny Series books. She has helped with numerous parts of the series like listening to the stories and sharing input, joining her mother for school visits while helping out, helping care for the animals, helping voice some of the videos and so much more. Erika-Elizabeth has always been fond of animals. Her favorite animal is a cat. While she was in her mother's womb, she and Boots bonded. Every morning at 7AM, she would begin kicking. Boots would lay upon Vickianne's side and purr, putting Erika-Elizabeth to sleep. They have been best friends since and Boots still goes to bed with her until she is asleep. She developed her mom's great love for animals and creativeness. she sometimes draws animals and perhaps one day will publish stories of her own with her drawings.
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Bronze Reward:
* 1 Free code to download your copy of the e-book once it is available online.
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Register with this website free and keep a permanent, updated copy in your personal library.
Also receive a signed copy of the book which also has Sherlock's real paw print stamped into it.
Gold Rewards:
* 1 Code to download your copy of the e-book.
* 1 Signed paperback book (signed by author and Freckles).
* 1 Printed Freckles sticker and bookmark.
* A 4 x 6 Photo of Freckles.
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Receive a coupon code for Smashwords to download a free copy of "Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 6: The Freckle Monster." Available for most reader systems.
Download instructions: https://www.smashwords.com/about/supportfaq#ios
Register with this website free and keep a permanent, updated copy in your personal library.
Also receive a signed copy of the book which also has Freckles' real paw print stamped into it.
Gold Rewards:
* 1 Code to download your copy of the e-book.
* 1 Signed paperback book (signed by author and Freckles).
* 1 Printed Freckles sticker, bookmark and rabbit pencil.
* A 4 x 6 Photo of Freckles.
* Your name will be listed in the next book as a patron at the front and in our special thanks area on the website.
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Receive a coupon code for Smashwords to download a free copy of "Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 6: The Freckle Monster." Available for most reader systems.
Download instructions: https://www.smashwords.com/about/supportfaq#ios
Register with this website free and keep a permanent, updated copy in your personal library.
Also receive a signed copy of the book which also has Freckles' real paw print stamped into it.
Platinum Books Rewards:
* Code to download your copy of the e-book.
* 2 Signed book # 1 (signed by author and Freckles).
* 1 Printed Freckles sticker, bookmark and bunny pencil.
* A 4 x 6 Photo of Freckles.
* Your name will be listed in the next book as a patron at the front and in our special thanks area on the website.
0 readers
Receive a coupon code for Smashwords to download a free copy of "Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 6: The Freckle Monster." Available for most reader systems.
Download instructions: https://www.smashwords.com/about/supportfaq#ios
Register with this website free and keep a permanent, updated copy in your personal library.
Also receive a signed copy of the book which also has Freckles' real paw print stamped into it.
Place your pet in one of the next Freckles the Bunny Series books. We will not only place your pet's photo in but my illustrator will also draw your pet as a background character. We need you to sign a release form consenting for us to use the photo and the photo must be yours. The book will be sent to you once done and comes signed by Freckles (paw print stamp).
Platinum Pets Rewards:
* 1 Code to download your copy of the e-book.
* 1 Signed book (signed by author and Freckles).
* 1 Signed copy of an upcoming Freckles the Bunny Series book that has your pet's photo and illustrated version.
* 1 Printed Freckles sticker, bookmark and a bunny pencil.
* A 4 x 6 Photo of Freckles.
* Your name will be listed in the next book as a patron at the front and in our special thanks area on the website.