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Audrey Brazeel

Audrey Brazeel

Austin, Texas

Audrey self-published Generation Nanny, with help from Positively Powered Publishing, in July 2020 on Amazon! With degrees in Anthropology and Ethnic Studies, and a masters degree in Teaching and Learning; Audrey is a self-proclaimed social scientist who loves to over-analyze everything (including her own white-privilege!). Former nanny, current nonprofit consultant, and owner of the Generation Nanny coaching and match-making business, Audrey is a devoted community builder helping families find the help they need while advocating for domestic workers rights and creating positive social change for women's issues. Follow her blog and social accounts @generationnanny on Facebook and Instagram.

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About the author

As a first time author, Audrey has been working on Generation Nanny for the last 3 years. The release of this book stands as a major personal accomplishment, and writing it has given her the purpose she is in fact searching for throughout her book. Audrey has always been a floater, jumping from job to job and place to place. As she bounces from one thing to the next, she considers every experience as research; meeting people is her way of collecting data and writing is her outlet to share her findings.

As she approaches her 30th birthday this year, she hopes publishing her work will help her to put her 20's to rest and allow her to embrace the next decade. She hopes her book will help other 20-somethings embrace the mundane service jobs that are often done to pass the time as purposeful moments meant to teach and lead us closer to our destinations.

She is originally from Colorado, where she earned her Bachelors in Anthropology and Ethnic Studies from the University of Colorado Boulder and earned a Masters degree in 2017 for Teaching and Learning with a focus in Organizational Leadership and Change Management. Today, Audrey is living in Austin Texas with her Fiancé where she currently works for a school and continues her pursuit to land a career enhancing position in education.

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Success! Generation Nanny has already sold 302 pre-orders , was pitched to 134 publishers , and will be published by Positively Powered .
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$21 1 copy - EARLY BIRD!

118 readers

1 Copy of the autographed limited edition of the book "Generation Nanny" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.

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$39 2 copies - Double Trouble

32 readers

2 Copies (One for you and one for a friend) of the autographed limited edition of the book "Generation Nanny" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.

2 copies + ebook included

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$67 3 copies - SHOUTOUT to my HOMIES!

10 readers

3 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Generation Nanny" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book.

3 copies + ebook included

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$117 5 Copies- It's Official, Rep a Generation Nanny Custom T!

8 readers

5 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Generation Nanny" + Free invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + GENERATION NANNY custom T-shirt

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$497 Be a Sponsor - Spread the GENERATION NANNY LOVE

2 readers

25 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Generation Nanny" for you and your team + Free invitation to the book launch for you and 2 members of your team + Your company's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor + 3 GENERATION NANNY custom T-Shirts, and a personalized 2 hour workshop and keynote for 30 people that Audrey will shape just for you and your team to energize, empower, inspire, and thank for their hard work as nanny or caregiving staff.

25 copies + ebook included

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Update #3 - WOWZERS PEOPLE! I am so blown away! April 8, 2019




I am soooooo thrilled by the outpouring of support I have received! Yesterday was the last day of my crowd-publishing campaign (and my 30th birthday) and I pre-sold a total of 302 copies of Generation Nanny. Happy. Birthday. To. Me!


I can't wait to get your copy/ies in your hands. 

But first, publishing. 

The next steps in this process will be interesting as I am (clearly) a first-time author. I am already being pitched by the Publishizer team to a publisher today (!!!), and have lots of homework to do as I learn more about the other 10+ publishers who have expressed interest in my book (so far!). I am excited to get my manuscript evaluated, apply the appropriate edits and revisions, and curate a finalized product. My personal deadline is to do this by June but with a publisher in charge, my "deadline" might look a bit different. I am hopeful you will all have your copy/ies by the fall (I know, that's a vague and undefined time of year for some) or, because I am an optimist, hopefully you'll have yours by the end of the summer!

With that said, thank you for your patience as you await your copy/ies of Generation Nanny! Keep following me on Instagram and Facebook for some updates as I progress forward.

I'll be real, this is kind of scary. 

I have read a number of memoirs - Lena Dunham’s Not that Kind of Girl, Wild by Cheryl Strayed, and most recently Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming (+many more). From these, I have learned that transparency is a vital ingredient when you read someone’s story.

So, transparent I will be.

You've all purchased a piece of my life story; sprinkled with raw and unfiltered emotions, this book is 100% real AB (Audrey Brazeel). So naturally, a part of me is terrified by the idea of putting myself out there, and the other part is telling me to jump without fear. With that, thank you in advance for all your open-minded attitudes and open hearts as I bear my most authentic self to the world... and thank you for accepting me for me :-)

Again, thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I can't wait to see what’s coming next. I'll be in touch!

