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Robert Mitton

Robert Mitton

London, United Kingdom

Robert Mitton trains and develops professionals in leadership and management and has been delivering seminars for years on the importance of a community culture through international events and workshops.

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About the author

I spent eight years working overseas for a travel company where I developed myself into a management and training position, working within this role gave me exposure to managing different cultures within different cultures and I found this style of transcultural leadership an important part of shaping company culture.

When I moved back to London, I found this knowledge important in my development as a leader and to the companies which I worked for, whilst leading a marketing team I started my MBA and researched the impact motivation had on small businesses which led me onto to bringing in my previous knowledge of working in transcultural environments into my findings.

When I started my training and development company, I launched it out of co working spaces in London and found the culture within these environments fascinating and wanted to develop this within my own company as it grew.

This became an important step for me and I started speaking more about communities within my leadership and business classes. I soon moved into a co living building in London where community was at the heart of the building and I started completing my own research into communities whilst I was living here with a strong focus on the power they can bring in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship. I came across research on the Kibbutz communities which were a social experiment in Israel, since then I have travelled to the country and visited these sites.

My knowledge from being a leader, currently working with large and small businesses, owning my own company and my own fascination about how powerful a community can be has led me to write this book. I'm currently travelling across Europe and Israel delivering workshops and seminars on my theories which are going to be written into the book.

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How To Build a Community In Your Business

Increase Productivity and Innovation

This workbook will guide you in building a community culture within a business environment, which promotes productivity and innovation for your projects.

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Business & Money Community
40,000 words
50% complete
11 publishers interested


The purpose of this book is to help demonstrate that if you take a community culture and maintain it within a business environment, you can start to see the business and it’s community members become productive and innovative. The publication will be a workbook containing my own theories and business models alongside activities for the reader to complete
throughout the chapters. The work will appeal to the buyers as it will be a book that they can work in, share and refer back to.

The layout of the book will be uncomplicated and will mentor the reader through different stages whilst reviewing areas including the foundation blocks of a community, looking at the culture, leadership, case studies and a guide to implementing and maintaining the community.

The book will be eye catching with each chapter having bold colours and areas for the reader to work from, these will include mind maps, charts and note sections. The reader will be able to learn the knowledge and then assess the ideas through activities. There will be areas where the reader can
refer back to their current organisation to understand what needs to be reviewed and implemented. 


The Chapters and Structure

1 - What’s in a community?

A review on the foundation blocks of a community with my own business model of the community circle which will demonstrate the key areas in developing a successful community in a business. An analysis on social capital, a sharing economy, creative thinking, transparency and high motivation will all be uncovered as the foundation blocks of the community.

2 - Is the culture right?

This section will introduce the reader to different businesses and communities which have different cultures and aims. The chapter will focus on different case studies from the world of business and social communities, these include the tech giants of Google and Facebook to the farming communities who live in Kibbutz in Israel to co-living communities around the
world. The reader will be presented with activities on how they want their culture to look.

3 - Leadership in the community

Referring back to the knowledge which has been learnt in the previous two chapters, the reader will now understand the importance of the leadership role within community building. Although they want the community to grow naturally, the community will require leadership to see it flourish. This section
will also review the importance of authentic and transcultural leadership to the community.

4 - The role the team plays

Understanding the importance of a collective environment within the community is a key area. Chapter four will let the reader know about how clusters form with the community and how to manage people and their roles. Critical reviews on emotional intelligence and strategic thinking in the team will form parts of the discussion in this section.

5 - Entrepreneurship in communities

A critical review on how the co-working and sharing cultures which have been born out of the startup scene have changed the organisational culture and how the entrepreneurs and managers can implement this community
behaviour into SME and larger businesses. We will review how this culture can be re-created with the knowledge the reader has started to build up through the previous sections. 


Team Leaders / Managers

In a junior leadership role and higher positions
who are looking for new ways to run the
business. in both SME and large businesses

HR Professionals

At all levels, these readers are looking for and
researching new ways about the future of the
workplace and how to create better
organisational culture.


Readers in this area may be starting a business
for the first time or a serial entrepreneur and are
looking for inspiration.

Business Students

Reading the book for academic studies and for
referencing at all levels of business from level
three to postgraduate.


The Market

Why do people need this book?

With an increase in the number of businesses which are starting each year, there is high demand for books to help entrepreneurs and managers of already existing businesses to succeed. Each year many businesses fail and this book is helping business owners and managers to solve the productivity
and innovation problem by reviewing the culture and building a community which will be a new concept to most organisations.

Unique selling point

The unique selling point of this book is about displaying the reader with an alternative path to business success by ensuring the culture is right.

My ambitions of the book

I see the book changing the way people think about organisational culture and how a business should function. I want this book to demonstrate how the future of the workplace will look and to make people think differently about how they manage teams and to ensure the goals of the business become the goals of the community. The book could also be launched into an online workshop which supports the written theories. I also see the book having different versions as I am interested in co-living and community building in a social setting and I am starting to research the new workplace revolution of remote working. 


Public speaking

I deliver workshops and seminars on my theories and a variety of different subject areas, these are promotional seminars and workshops and can be introduced for the promotion of the book. Back in 2016, the events which were held at CLMD were business students and the workshops which I presented at both Campus London and Tel Aviv, Launch 22 and The Collective were mainly aimed at entrepreneurs, however,professionals and managers also attended. In 2017. I have already delivered one event at Campus Tel Aviv and I have more booked in London and Berlin. 

Public speaking and talking about my book can be recorded through Facebook and YouTube Live and can help bring my theories to life. 

Writing and social media

In 2016 I had my own digital magazine which I used as a promotional tool. In 2017, I will have a blog about my thoughts on communities which will run alongside a video blog about my journey working remotely in different co-working and co-living environments. This will be engaging media which has led me to many conclusions within the book, the videos can be uploaded onto Youtube and I am planning on using Facebook live. I also have a Twitter and Linked In account.


Book launch events in co-working and co-living environments, The Collective in North West London would be ideal and it would be good to see if I could work with leading brands such as We Work. I have also built up strong relations with event spaces in London and Tel Aviv which could support the promotion of the book.


Community Development - A Critical Review

[Ledwith, M]


The Policy Press

This is an academic book
which focuses on social
communities. Mine is more
interactive and linked to business

Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World 

[Grant, A]


Viking/ Penguin

This Author does have new ideas but these are very different to my unique thoughts on using the community power.

Organisation Cultureand Leadership

[Schein,E H]



The book is academic in writing. My book will be smaller
and be something people can carry and use daily


11 publishers interested Express interest
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500 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for motivational, inspiration and the lighter side of business.
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Social Capital Building

Social capital should be at heart of the community and will form a major part to the culture that you are introducing. Social Capital is when social networks have meaning, when there is some kind of purpose to why people are connecting. A community with high social capital will start to develop highly effective collaborations and sub communities which is what you would want to happen at an early stage.

The sub communities will happen because people will connect with fellow community members who have the same interests which gives the leader an understanding that trust is starting to form. This is a natural process which happens with friends or networking groups and it can be a powerful tool for any business who wants to increase innovation.

There are several different ways in which you can increase social capital within the community. One key feature is to ensure that trust is formed, this will need to happen with the community as a whole and something that we will also look at when we develop the leaders of the community, however, for social capital building, trust should always be at the centre of the community in your organisation.

The Importance of Transcultural Leadership

For many teams and businesses, leaders will engage with employees from different cultures. One of the main challenges that leaders have mentioned to me when trying to grow the organisation is being able to harness the different mindsets from different cultures to enhance various elements including performance, creativity and innovation.

A key goal of a transcultural leader is to drive the company into new markets and gain growth, this should be a critical operational objective for the business and the community you are developing as it’s important to remember that the business and the community goals need to be synced to stop the two areas growing and enhancing in different ways.

Transcultural Leader = Drive the company into new markets

The way to achieve this objective is to work with new cultures and embrace this into the community in which you are building. There are different ways to enhance this style of leadership, one important area that a transcultural leader needs to think about is being able to have the right working culture and to develop the right mindsets. From working through the previous sections of this book, you should start to now realise that the different foundation blocks which you have been enhancing will help to develop social capital which will show different cultures working on projects and implementing different ways of idea generating and achieving results. It’s important to have the foundation blocks of community building in place to help develop people’s mindsets, this is helping you as a leader to ensure the right culture is growing in the community and that you are using the knowledge of different cultures to grow.

Changing mindsets and growing your transcultural leadership skills can be implemented in a variety of different methods, one crucial area is through knowledge sharing exercises which we discussed in the foundation block stages. By using social capital projects, you can now start to enhance more co learning experiences into your community through the informal leaders which you are continuously using to build the best eco system.

I think that it’s really important to have developed mindsets through analysing different perspectives from different cultures as this leads onto two more key qualities to transcultural leaders, those are:

Developing a diverse community

Managing the cultural differences within the community

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