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Sarah Brassard

Sarah Brassard

Amherst, New Hampshire

Empowerment Advocate, Intuitive Healer, Meditation Teacher, Author, Speaker

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About the author

For the last twenty years, Sarah Brassard has been guiding women from a place of struggle in life to one of grace, peace, and ease through her signature process of sacred self-care.

She is the author of Inside: A Guide to the Resources Within to Stay Vibrant and Alive Through All Life’s Challenges, due to hit shelves in summer 2018. The book details the self-care practices that sparked Sarah’s healing journey.
Sarah presents at corporate and nonprofit venues both big and small and currently hosts Mindfulness, Meditation, and Stress Reduction classes at Groton WellnessPilgrim’s Landing, and Stanley Black & Decker. Her work is ignited by an enthusiastic dedication to integrating body, mind, heart, and spirit as well as an unshakeable conviction that there’s nothing in life that can’t be healed.

When she’s not writing, teaching, mentoring, or working on her own self-care practice, you can find her getting intentionally lost on a dog walk or laughing with friends and family on her porch at her family property on Cape Cod.
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$250 A Peek INSIDE

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In this interactive call with Sarah Brassard you will learn to implement the self-care practices that resonate with you the most!

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Sarah is a gifted and provocative speaker, who brings cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to her audience, inviting them to open themselves to new ways of responding to life.

Hire her to speak at your event and receive 100 print copies for you and your guests to take home. Everyone at the event will have a copy of INSIDE on their seat as Sarah delivers a moving, interactive talk.

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A Guide to the Resources Within to Stay Connected to Your Truth, Even in Trying Times With 40 Self-Care Practices That You Can Use Today​

Learn how to build a self-care practice and find the path to true healing

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Society & Culture Mindfulness
55,000 words
100% complete
1 publisher interested


The journey to true healing requires that we take the most challenging path there is: The path within.

It is tempting to hope that someone will do the hard work of your life for you, but no one else can. Inside takes your hand and helps you find your way.

The book's strong yet gentle counsel will help you construct a self-care practice to bring well-being to your life. With this foundation in place, you will be able to move beyond the cycle of fear, anxiety, and blame.

Drawing on ancient wisdom and modern practicality, the book offers a selection of soul-nourishing exercises to awaken your ability to make lasting change. From this new place of self-awareness and self-healing, you will learn to listen deeply-not to the noise of your surroundings, but to the ever-present peace that lives inside you. With a clear path you will be free to grow and realize the unlimited potential of self-healing.



Author’s note 



  • Opening Yourself Up to Self-Healing 
  • Starting with Self-Care 
  • You Are the Expert on You 
  • Finding a New Relationship with Pain 
  • Connecting to Your Energetic Self 
  • Thank the Discomfort and Start Fresh 
  • Practice: Grounding 
  • Embark on a Journaling Practice 
  • Practice: Journaling 
  • Practice: Creating a Vision Board 


  • Illumination
  • Building Life on a Foundation of Pain
  • Reawakening My Inner Child
  • Understanding Suffering Gifts
  • Listening to My Body
  • Releasing Blame, Accepting Responsibility 
  • Taking Ownership of My Life 
  • Practice: Safe Haven 
  • Practice: What Makes You Feel Joyful?
  • Practice: Validation 
  • The Inner Child Returns Home 
  • Awareness of Old, Worn-Out Habits
  • How Challenge Made Me Stronger


  • Distinguishing between Hard Trauma and Soft Trauma
  • Identifying Trauma in Your Life 
  • Practice: Unwinding Your Body 
  • Seeking Help in the Wrong Places 
  • Getting Stuck in the Survival Mind-Set 
  • Cycling through Trauma Again and Again 
  • Practice: Finding Your Relationship to Trauma 
  • Disconnecting from the Body, Mind, and Spirit When Trauma Hits 
  • Discovering a New Way of Being After Anxiety
  • Learning that It’s Never Too Late to Heal
  • Finding Forgiveness 
  • Healing through Trauma Is a Heroic Act 


  • Preparing the Way for Self-Healing 
  • Finding the Teacher Within
  • Becoming a Devoted Listener 
  • Creating a Place of Rest Inside Yourself
  • Practice: Finding a Safe Place Within 
  • Your Healing Journey Has No Timetable 
  • Reconnecting When Life Takes You Off Course 
  • Tuning in to Our Energy through the Chakras 
  • Practice: Laying Your Energetic Foundation 
  • Building a Foundation Strong Enough to Handle Change 
  • Conquering Instant Gratification 
  • Learning Patience 
  • Asking for Help 
  • Thinking about Therapy 
  • Finding a Broader Sense of Self 
  • Self-Care Is Not Self-Indulgence
  • Start Small, Go Easy
  • Understanding that There Is No Failure


  • What Is a Beginner’s Mind?
  • Embracing Yourself as a Beginner 
  • Feeling Your Tenderfeet 
  • Practice: Tenderfoot Journaling
  • Nurturing Yourself as a Child 
  • Being Kind to Yourself 
  • Bringing Awareness into Your Life 
  • Practice: Self-Kindness 
  • Noticing Friendships Built on Wounds
  • The Honeymoon Period 
  • Preserving Your Energy
  • Practice: Morning Reflection
  • Becoming Vulnerable, Opening Up 
  • Listening to Your Heart 


  • The Storm and the Observer
  • Detecting the Storm Inside Us
  • Becoming the Observer 
  • Practice: Seeing Life through the Observer Lens 
  • Who Are You When Nobody’s Watching?
  • Understanding the Law of Karma
  • Finding the Common Denominator
  • Stepping Away from Blame
  • Owning It All
  • Practice: Stop, Look, and Listen
  • Guiding the Ego with the Observer 
  • Nurturing the Observer with Self-Care
  • Moving Ahead 


  • Letting the Sacred In
  • Your Sacred Space and Daily Rituals
  • My Sacred Space 
  • Practice: Create Your Sacred Space 
  • Peeling Back the Onion 


  • Practice: Meeting the Four Elements: Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit  
  • Practice: Taking a Personal Inventory  

  • The Body Is Life’s Vehicle 
  • Learning to Breathe to Heal the Body 
  • The Healing Breath  
  • The Long Deep Breath  
  • Body Practice #1: The Long Deep Breath  
  • Body Practice #2: Alternate Nostril Breathing 
  • Body Practice #3: Breath of Fire
  • How Yoga Became a Messenger for Healing 
  • Bringing Yoga into Your Life 
  • Body Practice #4: Yoga for Posture (Starting Pose)  
  • Body Practice #5: Yoga for Opening (Cat/Cow)  
  • Body Practice #6: Yoga for Balance (Marching) 
  • Body Practice #7: Yoga for Cleansing (Twisting) 


  • Finding the Middle Road of Mindfulness  
  • Shining Light on Your Mind  
  • Making Meditation Work for You 
  • Claiming Your Power through Meditation 
  • Mind Practice #1: The Introductory Meditation  
  • Trusting the Brevity and Consistency of the Basic Practice 
  • Looking for Dedication, Not Perfection 
  • Committing to Yourself with Discipline and Devotion  
  • Training a Stronger Mind  
  • The Four Gifts of Meditation 
  • Renewing the Mind with Healing Sleep  
  • Mind Practice #2: Single Nostril Breathing (Relaxation/Energizing)  
  • Mind Practice #3: A Beautiful Place to Rest  
  • Mind Practice #4: Restful Transitions  
  • Mind Practice #5: Awareness in Waking Up 
  • Appreciating the Gifts of a Balanced Mind  
  • Working with Mantras 
  • Mind Practice #6: Protective Mantras  


  • Facing Vulnerability  
  • Trusting the Energy of the Heart  
  • Feeling the Effects of Love on the Four Elements 
  • Heart Practice #1: What Does Your Heart Say?  
  • Heart Practice #2: Self-Soothing  
  • Heart Practice #3: Look in the Mirror  
  • Heart Practice #4: Write a Letter to Your Future Self  
  • Becoming a Warrior of Love 
  • Heart Practice #5: Warrior of Love  
  • Heart Practice #6: Tapping into the Present Moment 
  • Recognizing the Threats to Love  
  • Threat to Love #1: Judgment 
  • Threat to Love #2: Jealousy  
  • Threat to Love #3: Loneliness  
  • Threat to Love #4: Shame 
  • Empowering the Protectors of Love 
  • Protector of Love #1: Perfect Imperfection  
  • Protector of Love #2: Truth  
  • Protector of Love #3: Gratitude  
  • Protector of Love #4: Bravery  
  • Protector of Love #5: Mutually Loving Relationships
  • Trusting Your Heart 


  • Disconnecting from the Spirit  
  • Spirit Practice #1: The Sensitivity Scale  
  • Listening to the Whispers and Warnings of the Spirit  
  • Following the Spirit’s Guidance  
  • Spirit Practice #2: One Happy Thing 
  • Connecting the Spirit with Body, Mind, and Heart 
  • Spirit and the Body  
  • Spirit and the Mind 
  • Spirit and the Heart  
  • Self-Care and the Spirit 
  • Spirit Practice #3: Spiritual Savings Account  
  • Finding Spontaneous Inspiration 
  • Fueling the Spirit with Faith 

Conclusion: Sitting at the Feet of Your Life

Life of Practices




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  • Nancy Sargent
    on May 7, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

    Congratulations on your beautiful book that so many of us will cherish and be forever grateful to you! Sending you Much Love! Nancy Sargent

  • Kristen Menard
    on May 9, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

    Thank you for brightening the world. I cant wait to stary reading.

  • Deb Gagne
    on May 11, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

    Can't wait to get this to my employees! Its such a wonderful benefit to offer!

  • Jane White
    on May 12, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

    So excited for you! And I cannot wait to read the book❤️

  • deanna jayne
    on May 13, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

    Hi Sarah, just ordered a book...yay to you! no need to ship; can bring to our workshop.
    Love Goddess Love

  • Mary F McLaughlin
    on May 13, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

    Congratulations, Sarah. Can't wait for your book to arrive! Mary

    on May 14, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

    I'm looking forward to getting my hands on your book! Congratulations!

  • Debbie Medici
    on May 17, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

    So excited to have pre ordered. Can’t wait!!!!

  • Sue Hollis
    on May 21, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

    This book is absolutely life changing! The 40 Self care practices really help you stay connected.

  • norman bouthilette
    on May 23, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

    Anxious to read and share your book with our youth development professionals and others at the Boys & Girls Club of Nashua, NH. Good Luck Sarah on sharing your mission. Norm

  • Louise OBrien
    on May 23, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

    So happy for you and for the rest of us who have the opportunity to learn from you!

  • Leigh Alberti
    on May 23, 2018, 7 p.m.

    Yay! Can't wait to share this amazing book with our students at PYCC Dennisport!

  • Yvonne Guri
    on May 23, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

    Love you & very proud of you !

  • Amy Kleine
    on May 24, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

    Hola! So looking forward to reading this. Best wishes and lots of love for the campaign. Xo Amy Kleine

  • Lisa Folsom-Ernst
    on June 8, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

    Congratulations on your book launch, Sarah!! Very exciting indeed. I look forward to reading your book and learning more about your wisdom and insights. Had a lovely evening with Jayne yesterday and she tells me we may even come out for a workshop with you! EXCELLENT! I'm in!! XO Lisa