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Rainbow Warrior Handbook

Kai Teo

The Underground Guide to the Psychedelic Revolution

How can psychedelics change the world? This book is a global call to all psychedelic explorers – Rainbow Warriors – to come together and start a revolution in human consciousness, thought, and behaviour, armed not with guns, but with love.

  Mind & Body    Evolution and Psychedelics   40,000 words   25% complete   Published by Motivational Press
294 preorders
$5,695.00 funded


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Update #2 - You've made my dream a reality! May 22, 2017

Dear Rainbow Warriors, 

I'm extremely thankful for your unwavering support during this period of crowdfunding. I'm very very proud to know many of you as friends, and together, we've achieved 292 pre-orders with 8 publishers interested in printing the book.

And the folks at Publishizer have extended the campaign indefinitely (until I decide to get in bed with a publisher)! So yes, the campaign is still open and your friends can still pre-order:

But to be honest, these weeks of trying to sell my pre-orders has been both fucking scary, and amazingly beautiful. I hated myself for messaging you after a year of not being in your lives and pushing my book in your face. I sincerely care for all my friends, and now, my readers. But sometimes, life, festivals, and sunshine somehow get in the way of me telling you how much I love you. And I'm sorry for being a pushy salesman, I didn't like it very much either. Please write me on Facebook sometimes and say hello, come visit, or send me your nudes. I do want to catch up with as many of you as possible. =)

All of you I'm writing now though, has shown me so much love and so much encouragement, it reminds me that I am indeed, a good writer, and hopefully, a good friend to you. Many of you have only known me briefly, or barely even know who I am, but still, you gave me your "vote" and let me know that I'm on the right track. Thank you! I am very very very grateful.

In the next days and months, I'll be working hard to deliver to you my promise, while not forgetting to drink my acid. I hope that in a few months time, you'll be able to hold your copy of Rainbow Warrior Handbook in your hands, and I'll be happy to sign my name on your tits. I love you. Thank you again my Rainbow Warriors. Seeya on the dance floor soon!

Your Author, Your Friend, Your Fellow Rainbow Warrior,