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Running From Paradise


The Escape

A gripping tale of a girls struggles w/her psychopathic mother, leading her into drug addiction and forcing her to runaway from Maui.

  Journalism    Memoir   55,000 words   75% complete   1 publisher interested
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                 BOOK PROPOSAL

Running From Paradise: The Escape, All Alone, & The ReturnReturn

Suggested Pen names: A. Frances

This book is an emotional journey of one girls determination to find happiness, instead she finds strength and inner-power; encouraging readers to hold onto their hope and faith during the most painful times of life. 

Non-fiction / Memoir, Biography 

Primary:  200 million people around the world use illegal drugs, This book would attract the family members and friends of those users have undoubtedly struggled through many painful events as a direct result of their drug use. As well as the users still struggling with addiction today. In fact, there are only a small amount of people in this world who have not been affected by drug use at all. If only half of the 200 thousand users are included in the primary audience and only had one family member or friend the potential audience number remains 200 thousand. Let’s say  people have at least 3 living family members and 2 close friends, the number multiplies into billions of potential readers. 

Secondary: It is estimated that close to 6million children will suffer from abuse and neglect in the United States alone. Everyday, 4 to 7 children die at the hands of abuse or neglect in the US Alone. These numbers are outrageously high when taking into account the amount of people in a child’s life, even those that don’t know an abused child personally will be interested in reading this book series.

Everyone has or will face difficult times of crisis in their lifetime. With diminishing hope and determination. Some will be inspired by reading this series because they are also abused children, struggling to overcome obstacles, whether they have drug problems or not. Others will find encouragement for a loved one who has struggled with abuse and drug addictions. Another interesting point, anyone working with children, from teachers to social workers, would gain insight into a home where psychological abuse is taking place. And any professionals working with drug abuse. 
Readers of all types; victims and professionals can find direction and inspiration through the stories that are told that could help those struggling. Or to give insight to those trying to help someone close to them. 

Running From Paradise is a nonfiction three-part book series; The Escape, Finding Home, and The Return.

The first book, The Escape takes readers on the journey of a young girl, Annabelle who is abused at the hands of her mother a “rare woman” psychopath. Growing up in Hawaii sounds whimsical to most. Regularly people think of Hawaii as this “great place” to relax by the beach and hike the most beautiful scenery imagined. A tropical paradise to visitors was nothing more than a terrible place filled with horrid memories of a lost childhood. Annabelle grew up there on the island of Maui; her childhood was never filled with laugher and happiness.

Annabelle’s journey starts early in her childhood when her father is arrested for abuse after Annabelle takes it upon herself to save her mother during a physical altercation. Her journey then continues on an emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs.     

A truly inspirational and captivating story filled with pain, sadness and despair while Annabelle struggles to find happiness. She eventually gives up on life wishing to die and starts acting out. In an effort to numb her pain, she succumbs to drug abuse and addiction. Landing her in institutions periodically throughout her teen years.

Annabelle is in 'way over her head' at age 15 after moving in with her 26 year old boyfriend. Her drug addiction takes ahold of her and she begins stealing from her employer. When her employer catches onto her thievery, she disappears from Hawaii. Intending never to return.


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1st Book - The Escape - soft cover.

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Signed Copy of 1st book

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All three books in soft cover

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Donations of $50 will be gifted the entire series in soft cover. (When each becomes available)A credit will also go into the Acknowledgements.


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Signed copies of three book series in soft cover

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Autographed three book series

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Each donation of $100 will be gifted autographed copies of the entire series, in soft over. (Once the books become available) A credit will also go into the Acknowledgements and a special dedication.


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