Unleash the Power of Your Sexual Mind with Mindfulness
Learn how to keep your sexual passion alive even if you've been with your partner for 10, 20 or more years and have had sex thousands of times together.
Hi Friends,
Many of you have asked me what my new book, Sexual Mindfulness, is all about.
I decided that the best way to answer you is to actually give you a sample from all 18 chapters and let you see for yourself.
Please respond to this email with any questions you still have.
Chapter # 2 How Your Mind Thinks About Sex
In chapter 2 you'll explore how your mind thinks about sex.
A big part of sexual mindfulness is paying attention to what your mind is telling you about sex.
One of the hardest things for me to understand when I started practicing mindfulness was the role played by my mind.
I really didn’t even understand the difference between the brain and the mind.
During my first formal seminar in mindfulness I was continually corrected by the instructor when I made statements about the brain that actually were related to the mind.
The best analogy I can think of to explain the relationship between your brain and your mind is the relationship between your computer and the software it runs.
Your brain is similar to the computer. It is the structure that houses the software and makes it run.
Your mind is like your computer’s software. Just like your computer houses several different programs so does your mind.
Your computer is loaded with many different programs.
It has a word processing program, a photo and video viewing program, an internet gateway program and several others.
Your mind has its’ own programs. Your mind’s “programs” are your thoughts, feelings, self-talk and mental images.
While you are familiar with thoughts and feelings you might not have heard of self-talk and mental images.
If you think of your sex life as a movie, your self-talk is the dialogue that goes on during any specific scene in the movie.
Your self-talk is the sub-vocal speech that no one else but you can hear.
If the self-talk is the dialogue in your sex movie, mental images are the photos and videos that go along with it.
If you close your eyes and think about any scene in your personal sex movie of your life, you can remember the thoughts, feelings, self-talk, and mental images that went along with it.
The other key similarity between your brain and your mind compared to your computer and its /software is the ability of your mind and your computer to run several programs simultaneously.
At any given time your computer is running its’ operating system, virus checker, email, etc. simultaneously.
Your mind does the same thing with its programs.
It simultaneously thinks, feels, and responds to external stimuli such as sights, sounds, smells etc. when you are in a sexual situation.
Not only can your computer and your brain run these programs simultaneously, they are capable of running them non-stop 24/7 every day.
In other words, your mind is a non-stop 24/7 thinking and feeling machine.
Is it any wonder why we think about sex so much???
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Thanks for your support,
Dr Rich