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Clark Russell

Clark Russell

I have spent the past 4 years researching and writing on health, exercise and nutrition, culminating in an eBook, namely The Fat Loss Puzzle.

Working as a limo driver in LA a few years ago, I can remember driving some of Hollywood’s finest (including “Arnie the Terminator”) to Jamba Juice (arguably America’s most famous juice bar) and being hit with the scents of fresh fruits and vegetables and proceeding to order a large Garden Medley green juice or Razzmatazz smoothie, two of the most popular among celebrity clients. This gave me the idea to come up with smoothies and juice recipes.

I have a Bachelors degree in chemistry and an MBA degree from Edinburgh Business School. I am also a personal trainer and blog for The Huffington Post UK, my own blog at and have appeared in Metro (UK) and Cosmopolitan.

I also work within a private psychology counselling practice (, advising clients on nutritional approaches to mental health and other psychological issues.

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Family nutrition made easy and tasty

Healthy and tasty smoothies and other recipes for busy moms looking to provide easy and quick nutrition for their children and themselves.

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Health, Fitness & Dieting
40,000 words
75% complete
1 publisher interested

The book mainly targets time pressed working moms looking to provide easy and quick nutrition for their children and themselves, keeping them disease free and full of energy.

The book is also for those who may be suffering from obesity and related health issues e.g. diabetes, self-harming, depression and body image problems.

The answer to optimum health and the avoidance of obesity and associated health implications lies with simple ideas, and healthy smoothies fit the bill very nicely. 

Therefore I am looking to use my healthy, unique recipes as a basis for a printed release book; the book will also include complementary recipes and some other recipes, which offer a valuable adjunct to the smoothie recipes.

As well as the recipes, the book also serves as a blueprint for health and weight
management, and addresses some health topics that Governments, health charities and the food industry simply won’t touch.

Kids, teenagers and adults are guzzling down caffeine packed energy drinks and junk foods for their daily energy needs and nutrition; unfortunately they offer neither.

Energy drink sales continue to explode in the U.S. and globally. The global energy drink industry leaped to about $27.5 billion last year from about $3.8 billion in 1999, reports Euromonitor, a market research specialist. Within the beverage industry, where soft drink sales continue to decline, much of the growth comes from energy drinks.

Sales of energy drinks jumped 53% between 2007 and 2012, according to the study, which claims to be the first to fully examine existing research, particularly on the marketing of energy drinks to youths under the age of 18. Energy drink brands spent $282 million in advertising in all media in 2012, about 2.5 times the amount spent in 2008, the study notes.

There is a moral obligation to look after our kid’s health, by empowering parents to make the right choices; simple choices that parents can make to lessen the risk of diseases like obesity and diabetes (both epidemics), not only to their children, but to themselves and I can’t think of a more effective way than smoothies. 

Why do Governments give vague and inaccurate health and dietary advice? Quite simply, it’s down to economics; the big food companies employ millions of people and pay corporate taxes. 

Therefore Governments in their defense are in a difficult position, with little room for
man-oeuvre. As the third US president said over 200 years ago, "If people let the Government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson.

This book will put you and your family in the TOP 1% of knowledge in nutrition, health and wellbeing.

Smoothielicious represents a healthy style of eating that fits with the challenges of modern day living; that is lack of time and an over-reliance on nutrient deficient, convenience or junk foods.

Why are smoothies the best answer? Quite simply, they are easy and quick to prepare, tasty, convenient, and relatively cheap and can mask flavors that some people may be averse to, for example greens. They really do tick all the boxes!

Smoothies form the backbone of the book, but there are also juice recipes as well as complementary recipes and some other recipes, which are important for optimal health, and there is little to no cooking skills required.

The book also discusses the importance of a special class of foods, something overlooked or under stressed in mainstream dietary guidelines. For years, nutritionists have categorized foods into groups; meats, grains, legumes, fruits, etc. and by now we’re all familiar with the USDA’s “My Plate” or the UK Government’s “Eatwell Plate”

But it doesn’t matter how healthy you eat, if you continue to consume foods that you are allergic to;that is you trigger adverse immune reactions to them, which will negate many benefits from healthy foods. We discuss these trigger foods in detail.

You will learn about key supplementation (hint, not multivitamins), which will give you added health “insurance”. In a nutshell, the soils are depleted of micro-nutrients, critical for optimal health. We have partially destroyed the very thing we need to thrive, that is fertile soil. We discuss some key supplements to preserve and enhance your vitality and keep you disease free.

Good nutrition is the best investment any parent can make for their children and themselves as it drastically improves their present and future health and ability thrive and excel in life, and it doesn’t have to be expensive; in fact smoothies can be cheaper than junk foods!!!!

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." - Mahatma Gandhi

Diet is obviously the most important lifestyle factor for health and weight control; however the book also discusses and offers solutions to other lifestyle factors (pillars of health) such as exercise, sleep and stress management, as well as other health topics that are key to general health and weight management. 

Finally the book offers real, tangible social value (benefit to society), an elusive element in most business and even social or charity ventures. We are in the midst of an ill health epidemic, and while the reasons are many, the only way to help resolve it is to adopt simple, easy to implement solutions and they don’t get much simpler and easier than nutrient packed, quick to make, tasty smoothies.

This is a health, weight management and recipe book all rolled into one.


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