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Fabian Lewis

Fabian Lewis

Honolulu, Hawaii

Hello, my name is Fabian Lewis. However, I do not believe a person can be defined by where they are from, what they do or the name that their parents gave them before they were born. I am many things, an author, world traveler, poet, Army veteran, coach, mentor, entrepreneur and foodie. The list can go on for days!!!! but what does a title tell you about my soul and who I truly am? I believe that who a person is can only be defined by what they believe in, what they value and what they are passionate about. With that being said, I am Fabian Lewis, I believe that our thoughts and actions are like pebbles that fall into a pond and that through a simple act of kindness we can create ripple effects that can change the world. I value the pursuit of and sharing of knowledge because I believe that by learning from our ancestors and teaching our children, we can build a better world. I am passionate about making a difference in the world by making a difference in the lives of everyone that I can.

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About the author

Hello, my name is Fabian Lewis. However, I do not believe a person can be defined by where they are from, what they do or the name that their parents gave them before they were born. I am many things, an author, world traveler, poet, Army veteran, coach, mentor, entrepreneur and foodie. The list can go on for days!!!! but what does a title tell you about my soul and who I truly am? I believe that who a person is can only be defined by what they believe in, what they value and what they are passionate about. With that being said, I am Fabian Lewis, I believe that our thoughts and actions are like pebbles that fall into a pond and that through a simple act of kindness we can create ripple effects that can change the world. I value the pursuit of and sharing of knowledge because I believe that by learning from our ancestors and teaching our children, we can build a better world. I am passionate about making a difference in the world by making a difference in the lives of everyone that I can.

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The Awakening Guide

Discovering your path and purpose

The Awakening Guide is a guidebook designed to help you wake up and make your dreams a reality.

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46,000 words
100% complete
2 publishers interested


Are you awake? Are you sure? Many people are sleepwalking their way through life. The sad part is that they are not even inside of their own dream, they are in someone else's dream. They are making someone else's dreams a reality instead of making their dreams a reality. Do yourself a favor and take a moment to ask yourself if you are making your dreams come true. If you can't without a doubt and fiery enthusiasm say YES, than you're not in your dream you're in someone else's dream. Your not Writing your story, you're a secondary character in someone else's story. The only way to take control of your life, your dream and your story is to wake up and make your dreams come true. Your dreams are far to important for you to only experience it when you are asleep. This is your moment, this is your chance to choose to wake up and make your dreams a reality so that you can reach the day when you refuse to go to sleep because you are already living your dreams.

Are you ready to wake up or are you going to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep?

The Awakening Guide is a guidebook designed to help you discover your path and purpose. It is a 13 chapter book that is approximately 46,000 words. However, this is no ordinary book, the Awakening Guide is an experience. This is a guidebook that leads you on a journey of self exploration so that you can redefine and redesign your life. You are only one or two epiphanies away from everything you have ever wanted. This guidebook is filed with questions and exercises to help you awaken your inner power and become the person you were born to be.  The Awakening Guide calls for you to wake up and make your dreams a reality. The only question is….are you ready to wake up?

Let me tell you a little story from my book about my life and how I went from attempted suicide to life success….. 

 What are you looking for
                                        A poem by Fabian Lewis

I once was lost but now i'm found, was blind but now I see. The problem wasn’t with my eyes, the real problem was what I was choosing to see. The most valuable lesson I have learned from going from near blindness to 20/20 sight is that we think that we believe what we see but nothing is further from the truth….We see what we believe. Most of my life I could not see much farther than my outstretched hands so my mind had to fill in the blank for what I could not see in the world in front of me. 

The negativity and fear in my mind only allowed me to see a world filled obstacles instead of opportunities. You may think that you are seeing the world, but you have yet to notice that the world is only a reflection of you. If you see love in yourself you will see love in the world, if you hate yourself you will see hate in the world, if you have faith in yourself you will have faith in the world. In this way how you see the world is more about you, than what the world looks like. If your don’t see everything you have ever wanted in your life than you must ask yourself what have you been looking for

The bible says ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you”. But if you don’t believe in yourself you won’t ask what you don't believe you can receive. You will not seek what you do not believe you can find and will not knock on the door of opportunity if you do not believe it will ever open for you. Your mind will never let you achieve more than you believe you can have. 

I know this to be true because this is not a speech to me, this is my life, my truth and my confession. Five years ago I was filled with self hate, negativity and fear. I swallowed a bottle of pills and drowned it with alcohol and gave up on my life. I tried to run away from it all, but I woke up in the hospital and my first thought was damn, I’m still here. What am I going to do? What have I done? Something has to change,…..yes….something had to change. I had to change, my life had to change, My MIND HAD TO CHANGE. I was willing to die, rather than live with this burden. People believe that taking your life is the easy way out, it is not, it takes courage. Death is not preferable to life, it is simply preferable to the perpetual pain of a mind that is killing itself, a mind that is eating itself alive with negativity. I reached rock bottom, I lost all hope. 

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. I asked for death, I was seeking an end to my pain, I knocked on the door of death and it was opened to me. My wish was granted, I died that day. The ME that I hated, the me that was killing me died that day. I realized that If I was strong enough to take my life, I am strong enough to let go of the pain and the person that has been killing me for years. 

That part of me died and I was finally free, but I felt more alone than I ever felt before. I felt so very alone because I realized that I didn't know WHO I AM without the pain and self hate.  WHO I was, was defined by my past, so I had to redefine my past and see what I could not see with my old eyes. I had to learn to see the beauty in the boy that I could not see with my old eyes and see the strength in the warrior that I could not see with my old eyes. I had to see the value of the life I couldn't see with my old eyes and the love for myself that I could never see with my old eyes. I had to redefine what my life meant to me and when I did I cried. I realized I had been trapped in a prison in my own mind.  I was so blind that I couldn’t see how great it was to be me. I would never have seen this If I didn’t redefine my past so that I could see the real me. 

I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see….the thing I have been looking for my whole life is ME. I have received what I asked for, I have found what I was seeking, I have walked through the door that was opened for me. Now I see that I am beautiful, I am strong, I have faith, I have opportunity. I have all that I have ever wanted and I am all that I have ever wanted to be. I know this because the world is only a reflection of what is inside of me….and now when I look at the world this is what I see.

I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see. There was never a problem with my eyes, the problem was with what I was choosing to see. It is my hope that by sharing my pain you will open your eyes and see that your life can only be as great as you choose to believe it to be. So If YOU look at the world and YOU look at YOUR life and you do not see everything you have ever wanted and more. Please stop, open your eyes and ask yourself what are you looking for?

My journey to the Awakening
Waking up in a hospital bed taught me that a very important lesson.

 “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” 

- Lewis Carrol

I spent most of my life feeling lost, hiding from my past, running from my fears or chasing things that I believed would fill the void that I felt within. I searched for that “missing thing” in every person, place and thing that I could find. It was only when I hit rock bottom and saw through the illusions in my life that I realized that everything I needed to fill the void within was already within me. Who would have thought that what I was looking for was in the last place that I would have ever thought to look, within me. 

As a hard headed person, I had to learn the hard way that finding the path to your dreams requires you to know what you are looking for. In my darkest hour I gained clarity on what I needed to do to move forward and where I needed to look to find the answers that I desperately needed. Awakening in a hospital bed was my wake up call and one that led me to commit to turning my life around. I searched within myself and found my why, my reason for living and what I wanted my life to be defined by. As I gained a deeper understanding of who I was and what I wanted to achieve, I began to rebuild myself and my life. I spent five years exploring myself, discovering my inner power and mapping the path to my dreams. 

The Awakening Guide is the wisdom and knowledge that helped me to rebuild my life and is also the treasure that I found inside myself. Life is hard and is filled with many opportunities and obstacles. Rebuilding my self, my mind and my life was not easy. I fell down, fell asleep, felt lost, broken, confused and frustrated at times. The path was not always clear and the road was not always easy. The process of being lost then found and asleep then awakened helped me to realize the importance and power of a guide. I created an awakening guide to help myself navigate my way through life. It has become an indispensable tool that has helped me change my life and has given me that faith and power to make my dreams come true. I have been called to share this guide with others so that they can wake up and make their dreams come true. 

                                   The Awakening Guide
The Awakening guide is designed to help you search within yourself to forge a path to your desires. The tools provided within this book will lead you to dig deep within your mind and soul and will empower you to consciously recreate yourself into a more powerful creator. This journey of self exploration will reveal hidden truths and provide you with the ability to achieve your dreams. The workbook is divided into 5 sections, with a total of 13 chapters. Each Section focuses on a vital aspect of making your dreams come true. These 13 chapters provide a step by step guide to figuring out….

* What you desire and how to get it
* How to keep yourself moving towards it
* How to create your desires
* How to know when you see what you want. 


Book Outline
Authors Preface
Introduction- The first step

Section 1: Charting your course
What is your Why
Lights, Camera, Action
Give yourself permission
Section 2: Exploring your steps
How to Redefine the Past
How to use visualization to achieve your dreams 
How to use Affirmation to fuel your dreams
Section 3: Momentum
The power of consistency
Section 4: The Course of Creation
Remain Conscious
The Creation Equation
The Turbulence of Manifestation
Section 5: Guideposts 
The power of Intuition
Self Reflection
The Big Picture


The Awakening Guide is for people who are ready to wake up and make their dreams come true. This guide is filled with questions and exercises that help the reader to reveal their deepest inner truths so that they can live the life they were born to live and become the person they were born to be. Filled with “adult homework” the Awakening Guide leads readers to ask the most important questions of their life and provides the tools to rebuild, redefine and redesign their life. This is not a self help book, its is guidebook and a life changing experience for people who are ready to embark on the most important journey they have ever taken. Valuable to anyone who is ready to wake up, this book can help awaken the minds and spirit of anyone who is searching for their path or who want to become a more powerful and conscious creator.


I own the domain and I am developing a compelling website that will include a blog. This website will not only be used to sell this book but also corresponding books and courses that I have designed and developed to help readers take their experience to the next level. The Awakening guide is not simply a book, it is the catalyst for the formation of a group of people who want to wake up and help each other stay awake. I will utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, pintrest and others. I will also utilize goodreads to promote my book and engage with likeminded readers. In addition, I am an effective public speaker and will be promoting the Awakening Guide through my networks in Hawaii through public speaking engagements and workshops on the topics outlined in the book.

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