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Narayan O'Tuathalain

Narayan O'Tuathalain

Geneva, Switzerland

Narayan is writing a climate fiction novel.

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Success! The Idea of Human has already sold 15 pre-orders , was pitched to 15 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

$20 Pre Order

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You will receive a paperback copy AND PDF digital copy of the book "the idea of human".

The first 50 copies will receive a signed copy!

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$60 VIP Pre Orders

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You receive three paperback copies and 3 PDF digital copies of the book "the idea of human". Each copy will be signed.

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$100 Book Launch Package

1 reader

Five paperback copies of The Idea of Human AND five PDF digital copies of the book "the idea of human" to share with family and friends.

You will also receive an invitation to the book launch party in Geneva, Switzerland.

5 copies + ebook included

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Update #1 - Update Jan. 9, 2019

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your interest in the novel entitled "the idea of human".

This is an update, that I am currently in talks with publishers, about the publication of this novel, which will likely happen later this year. 

Best Wishes,
