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Zack Scott

Zack Scott

Los Angeles

One day while Zack was busy working on his book, a helicopter landed outside of his trailer. A rich looking old man with white hair, and a white beard, and white pants appeared from out of swirling dirt, and he knocked on Zack's door.

Zack was intrigued as he'd never seen a helicopter before.

The old man wasted no time popping open a bottle of champagne and explaining how he owned an island he wanted Zack to visit. After some friendly debate, Zack agreed, and when he got to the island he was amazed at what he saw:

A dinosaur.

Okay, you've likely realized this is the exact plot of JURASSIC PARK.

Zack Scott was born in Los Angeles, California. He's written a few books, likes to do other things, and usually hangs his pants on his desk chair rather than in his closet.

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Success! A Blanket for Decay has already sold 210 pre-orders , and is in discussions with publishers .

$5 Headshot Gunslinger

70 readers

You killed a zombie with the perfect headshot and will be forever remembered as a survivor of the zombie apocalypse on Zack's website.

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$10 Zombie Slayer

14 readers

Killing so many zombies has earned you the kindle version of A Blanket for Decay a week before its official release.

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$15 Savior of the World

11 readers

Not only did you survive the zombie apocalypse, but your actions saved our world. Zack will personally thank you and follow you on twitter, AND you'll receive Their Dead Lives trilogy on kindle.

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$50 Preparing for the Apocalypse

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Get a signed paperback copy of the first book in the trilogy: FOUR (Their Dead Lives, 1)

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$75 Sufficiently Preparing for the Apocalypse

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Get a signed paperback copy of FOUR (Their Dead Lives, 1) and a signed paperback copy of VITAL BLOOD (Their Dead Lives, 2)

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$150 Fully Prepared for the Apocalypse

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Get the entire trilogy in paperback once book 3 is released. Each book will be signed by Zack.

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$200 Name Mentioned In Story

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Your name will be mentioned at least once during the story.

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$275 Named Character Who Talks

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One minor character will be named after you, and you'll get some dialogue!
Will you survive? Probably not.

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$400 The Inner Circle

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Join Zack's inner circle! The Inner Circle receives preview chapters of upcoming books and updates before anyone else. The four of us will have brainstorming sessions together and maybe share a few beers. Or ice cream.

"We leave as four."

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Get signed paperback copies of all three books before book 3 is released to the public (including the kindle versions), AND a character named after you will do something heroic. Then your character will likely die (in a totally awesome way).

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$1000 The One and Only Sold out

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Get signed paperback copies of all three books before book 3 is released to the public AND a character named after you will do something heroic AND you will get a personal dedication inside the book!

ex: 'To the One and Only (name here)'

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Update #2 - Who is Steve Monroe? July 21, 2015

Hi everyone!

It's been brought to my attention that many of you do not know who Steve Monroe is, the same Steve Monroe mentioned in Update 1, and why I'm in a never-ending battle to beat him in my Publishizer campaign. Where to begin? Like most stories, I will begin at the beginning.***

The feud between Monroe and I was forged in the fiery depths of volcanic magma, back when men used wooden clubs, and women...also used wooden clubs. Monroe and I were members of the same tribe, foraging for giraffe hooves. (Why our tribe was looking for giraffe hooves is a story for another update, as I want to keep this brief. Also, I'm not even 100% sure giraffes have hooves. But I digress.)

While we were out in the wild bad lands, looking for giraffe hooves, Monroe wanted to tell me a joke. I was like, "Cool, dude. Jokes are dope fresh." (that's how our tribe talked.)

But Monroe never told me a joke, never said anything after that. He left our tribe, taking all the giraffe hooves, and as we all know a hooverless tribe is a tribe left royally *BEEP*

So you see, Monroe-the-giraffe-hoof-stealing-non-joke-telling-mischief must pay for what he'd done. Together we can beat Steve Monroe.

#beatstevemonroe #giraffehooves

***This is a fictional story. Steve seems like a cool dude and you can check out his campaign here. Now let's beat him.***