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Leticia Cuevas

My aging process and Agism

ASIAGE reflects the human fear of turning old and why in our 60's and 70's, society and culture make us feel old and unaccomplished. If we adopt the attitude of external societies toward aging, we will find the miracle of life at its conclusion with fortunate people, who at their end of life are filled with beauty, wisdom, and purpose.

  Society & Culture   50,000 words   25% complete   7 publishers interested
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$60.00 funded



ASIAGE is an introspective view of ageism. The book covers the social and cultural problems encountered by victims of ageism in work and social environments. ASIAGE discusses the physical and psychological burdens of an individual, who, recognizing her own aging, is intimidated by it. All in all, ASIAGE is about the plight of a human being that due to ageism is continuously ignored, criticized, and subjected to daily maltreatment and abuse while interacting with others.
First, ASIAGE explains ageism and why it happens. By examining the manner in which ageism is exposed in various settings, the individual learns that ageism is a fact of life—it happens, but it is WRONG. Second, ASIAGE proposes ways in which victims of ageism can cope with this vicious contemporary social problem, which Don Juan[1] refers to as , “. . . the cruelest of our natural enemies.” Subsequently, the individual can recover from physical and emotional damage caused by ageism. Finally, after we learn that ageism is wrong and that we can fight it, the rest is in our hands. We can work if it is in our heart to do what we love to do. Forget retiring because others say you should retire. Work for the heck of it! Work because you love to work—and do not let ageism get the better of you. Let us fight ageism until we end it!

As the author of ASIAGE, I explain what ageism is, how it is exhibited, and why it is wrong. I have been working on occupational age discrimination for over 25 years. As an international lawyer, I have written extensively on age and gender-based discrimination. I was selected by the US Department of Labor under the Labor Side Agreement of NAFTA administered by the National Administrative Office (US NAO) to examine and report for the NAO’s second submission alleging non-compliance by Mexico on labor discrimination on the issue of pregnancy-based exclusion in Mexico’s private and public sectors.

Sales arguments

  • Because ASIAGE brings out the perpetuating problems of ageism, the book can be recommended for sociology, pre law, and legal studies at colleges and universities throughout Canada, US, Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Market ASIAGE book through the Inter-American Development Bank and book store, as a must read to end the rampant and inherent problem of ageism in our culture and society.
  • Market ASIAGE through EQUINET (European Network of Equality Bodies) and seek endorsement as well. Market ASIAGE through internationally-recognized NGOs combating ageism and seek endorsement as well.
  • Market ASIAGE through Specialists in International Law on Latin America and the Caribbean, S.C., LLC and similar international law office platforms that combat ageism. Have potential influencers throughout Canada, US and Mexico.
  • Seek to get a forward of ASIAGE written by a leading expert in ageism, such as from Erdman Ballagh Palmore, an American gerontologist and Professor Emeritus of Medical Sociology at Duke University, author of Facts on Aging Quiz, and numerous articles on aging; or by Gullette, Margaret Morganroth. Ending Ageism, Or How Not to Shoot Old People. United States, Rutgers University Press, 2017, as well as from other authors, who have cited my work in ageism and similar.

Similar titles

  • Aging Successfully: How to Enjoy, not Just Endure, the Second Half of Life, David P. Gallagher, Wipf & Stock, 2012. Aging Successfully is a self-help publication that aids people over fifty to age successfully by providing advice from a biblical standpoint on caring for other agers, having strength to reenter the workforce whenever necessary and assisting the terminally ill.
  • Successful Aging: A Neuroscientist Explores the Power and Potential of Our Lives , Daniel J. Levitin, Penguin Random House LLC, 2020 Successful Aging is a technical/medical-medicine publication that explains from a neurological perspective the differences of persons during their aging process according to environment and stimuli.
  • Aging Wisely: Strategies for Baby Boomers and Seniors, Robert A. Levine M.D., Rowman and Littlefield, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2014. Aging Wisely is a self-help publication that proposes ways to deal with various aspects of aging by having a positive attitude, which will help boomers and seniors age better.


Because this book raises awareness of the social stigma of ageism, it is written for all readers, but, in particular, it is written for those 50 and above, who are oblivious to its impact.

Advance praise

Among additional citations, throughout Sharleen Hertel's, "Unexpected Power: Conflict and Change among Transnational Activists," Cornell University Press, 1998: "Leticia Cuevas, Legal Scholar has analyzed the legal underpinnings for the Human Rights Watch campaign in an exhaustive 1997 report prepared for the U.S. National Administrative Office (the body responsible for managing U.S. participation in the NAFTA Labor Side accord. Among the central normative references were the UN Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); ILO Convention 111, on Discrimination; the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation; and Article 4 of Mexico's Constitution, concerning the right to decide freely on family size and spacing of children."

Leticia Cuevas

About the author

Leticia Cuevas, an international lawyer, has written extensively on age and gender-based discrimination. As a Legal consultant on Mexican Labor Law, Ms. Cuevas was selected to work under the first submission on freedom of association for the US Department of Labor under the Labor Side Agreement of NAFTA administered by the National Administrative Office (US NAO). Again selected for the US NAO’s second submission in 1997, Ms. Cuevas focused on the issue of pregnancy-based discrimination in Mexico. The investigation complemented her earlier work and was recognized as a pioneer for raising awareness of all forms of discrimination against women in Latin America. Ms. Cuevas was a key presenter on the topic for women’s rights amid all of the overt forms of public and private employment discrimination against women.

Ms. Cuevas is the Executive Director of an International Law firm focusing on regulatory framework compliance in Latin America and the Caribbean. Academic credentials include a BS (sociology /journalism) from Pace University- New York, a Law degree focusing on Labor Law from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), Mexico, and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Trade and Banking from Washington College of Law-American University, Washington, DC. Ms. Cuevas published her law thesis on labor discrimination in 1992, US Copyright Registration Number TX0006234132/2005-08-25.

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  • Kat Acosta
    on May 21, 2020, 6:47 p.m.

    Am excited to read! I've been looking for a resource that describes the cultural and social aspects of aging and am interested to learn about its impact on labor rights.

  • Andrea Orellana
    on May 23, 2020, 8:46 p.m.

    This is a much-needed book for our current generation, I am a Gen-X er and I have so much love and respect for Baby Boomers and the work they have produced.



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