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Tim Williamson, CEO of Idea Village


By Lee Constantine

Everybody can write, not everybody can sell

Reaching 250 is hard. Think you can sell 250 copies of your own book idea? Just the idea? Prove it. You entrepreneur, you.

Our authors get 250 in distinct 3 ways:

  1. Engaged email list of at least 5k (convert 5% to sales)
  2. Sell corporate sponsors on bulk packages (get one to preorder 250)
  3. Hustle their asses off (full disclosure: these people are blessed, and usually add in the first two)

There is a fourth way but these individuals are super creative and way out of the norm. I wouldn’t flatter yourself. This probably isn’t you. Or is it…? No. No it’s not.

So thank heavens for the first 3 ways.

Do one of them sound like you?

Do you have a unique book idea and a message that you want to share with A LOT of people, but don’t know the most effective way to do it?

Do you want to add the words “Published Author” to your bio? How about the credibility, the clout and the opportunity that come with it?

“If you say you’re a traditionally published author, peoples ears perk up. If you say you self-publish your own books…well, anyone can do that…”
— Tom Morkes

Have you always wanted to write a book and make an impact with your words?

Here’s your chance.

These entrepreneurs took the leap:,

They are also all amazing writers with practical insight and stories relevant to a ‘large but niche’ audience.

Publishizer co-creates a unique publishing experience and usually splits the first 250 preorders 50/50 with our most prestiged authors. But you reach 250 in less than 30 days and we’ll make it 30/70 and still try to land you a publisher. Or we keep it 50/50 and simply place a grand in your hand (or your book campaign).

Care to take us up on it?

This author sold 700 copies of his book, and instead of taking a percentage of sales on every one, we capped our fee and went 50/50 on the first 250. He took the rest.

Check out a few who reached 250:,

Still think you can sell 250 copies of your own book? Have an idea? We can help you make it better and give you a publishing experience that’s fun and exciting.

Trust your crazy ideas and let’s co-create.


Subscribe to our blog and get tips, videos and interviews on how to successful sell more pre-order copies and get published.

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