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Join Byron Morrison Live with Dr. Lee Baucom in a conversation about perserverence and growth as an author on Tuesday, June 27th at 2:00 PM EST  

$25 for print book, ebook plus access to the live talk & recording. 

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Morgan James Publishing 

ISBN: 9781636980645

The counter-intuitive guide to get out of your own way, stop sabotaging yourself and take control of your life.

Byron Morrison knows exactly how frustrating it can be to feel like you’re your own worst enemy. For years he’d sabotage everything from his health to his relationships and his professional success. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to change, if anything, he knew exactly what he needed to do to create the life he wanted. Yet he’d get stuck in a never-ending cycle of making some progress, only to then lose motivation, fall off track or do something that would undo all his hard work.

Eventually, he had enough, and he committed to figuring out what was actually going on. In doing so, he discovered that the biggest barrier in the way of his success…was himself. It was the sabotaging voice that caused him to overthink and doubt himself. All his thoughts and fears that kept him trapped in his own head. His patterns and behaviors that kept him stuck.

Tired of taking one step forward and two steps back, he realized he needed to do something different. So, he gave up. Not on his goals and dreams, but he gave up being controlled by fear. He gave up living in the past. He gave up comparing himself to others. He gave up on being so hard on himself. And he gave up putting off his happiness. 

And it worked. He was able to finally take his career to the next level, open himself up to more connected relationships, get into the best shape of his life and find happiness in himself.

Along the way, through extensive research and working with people in 15 countries, he discovered that there are seven mental barriers that all of us struggle with. It is these mental barriers that keep us stuck and stop us from taking the actions we know we need to take to create the life we want. 

Maybe You Should Give Up helps you identify and break through those seven mental barriers. You’ll discover cycle-breaking techniques that have been broken down into easy-to-follow steps that will empower you to get out of your own way and stop sabotaging yourself.

Maybe You Should Give Up is a book about empowerment. About helping you break through everything that is standing in the way of the life that you want.

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About Byron

Byron Morrison is a bestselling author and mindset and performance coach, specializing in helping people get out of their own way and take control of their lives. For the last 8+ years, he has worked with CEOs, entrepreneurs and business leaders from around the world to reach their full potential. His books and work have been featured on TV, as well as promoted on radio shows and podcasts globally. He resides out of Warwick in the UK, but to date has worked with clients in 14 different countries, primarily in the UK and North America.

Learn more at or connect on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn


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