Preserving the unique legacy of Little Angels Orphanage & its mission.
A selection of treasured photographs bringing readers glimpses into the lives of children living in Little Angels Orphanage in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Rathana's story was featured in Phnom Penh Post
FOREWORD -(Pending chosen writer)
PREFACE - By the photographer/author and co-author
Brief statistics on poverty and education /literacy levels in Cambodia.
Brief story on background and history of Little Angels Orphanage and Khmer Arts Centre.
CHAPTER 1 -Siem Reap ( Sights of streets in Siem Reap, Angkor, street vendors, street children,etc - with captions)
CHAPTER 2 -A Day in the Life ( Life of the children in Little Angels - with captions)
CHAPTER 3 - School and Tools ( Leather carving work, the children going to school, classroom shots, university, etc)
CHAPTER 4 - Making it and Giving Back ( Individuals who have successfully completed their studies, interview scripts, how they give back to society, etc)
CONCLUSION - The future of Cambodia ( foreign investments i.e; the retail scene, financial sector, land development etc )
BIO - Photo and brief bio of photographer and author
Includes bibliographical references / photo index
Chapter 1:
Chapter 3:
Cambodia closes 2016 with increase of 5% of tourist arrivals in 2016 (5,011,712 international travellers compared to 4,775,231 visits in 2015)
Source: Ngamsangchaikit, W. ( 2017, Feb 2017). Cambodia Closes 2016 with record visits. TTR Weekly.
Preah Ko Temple (first temple mountain of sandstone constructed by rulers of the Khmer empire at Angkor) is situated right in front of Little Angels.
There are approximately 2-3 tour buses (on good days) that bring tourists to Little Angels to showcase their traditional Khmer leather crafts, available for sale.
This photo book would be the first book that would provide Little Angels with a more robust identity and which will help tell their unique and meaningful story behind the orphanage and arts centre. Placing this book at the orphanage/craft centre will hopefully boost sales of the book as well as the hand crafts.
There is a plan to set up a small stall at the Siem Reap old market to showcase and sell some of the leather crafts. This book will be well placed there as an introductory book for sale to shoppers who wish to contribute.
Tourists will most likely source for Cambodian-lifestyle themed books for reading pleasure and for guidance.
Organizations/companies are always sourcing for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) opportunities. Sponsorships will greatly strengthen their presence in the local market:
(a) Singapore (SG) firms - SMEs & MNCs seeking first mover advantage in Cambodia. Recent news articles in Singapore e.g. ChannelNewsasia highlighted urgings from the SG government encouraging SG firms to expand in Cambodia. Meanwhile there are already a number of SG establishments in Cambodia especially in the banking and hospitality sector)
Stats: In 2015, Singapore was Cambodia's 3rd largest investor.
(b) Malaysian firms - Large presence in Cambodia especially int eh banking scene - Malayan Banking, CIMB, RHB and Public Bank.
The above top 2 countries are chosen as the photographer and the co-author both are based in Singapore & Malaysia, respectively. Sponsorship talks efforts are underway via existing connections in the financial sector as well as other industries.
(c) Local companies in Cambodia
1. PERSONAL WEBSITE - The photographer will be dedicate a few pages in her personal photography website to showcase this photo book. Marketing tools: Google Adsense, Wix Forum, Visitor Analytics, Pop-Ups in website. Website is currently work in progress and will be launched soon.
2. FACEBOOK - Via Little Angels, Photographer and Co-Author's personal Facebook.
3. INSTAGRAM - Setting up an Instagram account for Little Angels, daily posting of leather carvings, "lifestyle" / casual postings (of the children), the book project, snippets from the chosen photographs for the book, daily quotable quotes, etc. Putting in key hashtags.
4. TUMBLR - Daily posting relating to the book project via photographer's personal Tumblr site.
Offering complimentary copies (limited) to chosen reviewers (via Amazon, or Singapore Review of Books, Singapore National Library.
Hold book launches in Malaysia, Singapore and Siem Reap by invitation expanding to connections of friends, acquintances.
Depending on space, to feature Little Angels' hand crafted Khmer art leather pieces as well.
Possible shortlisted book launches venue:
-National Gallery Singapore which houses Asean art pieces.
- National Library Singapore (spaces for rent) which has a floor dedicated to South East Asian Collection of documents/books.-
-Chapel Gallery Singapore - heritage venue for launches related to photography, art
- Visual Arts Centre, Singapore - Exhibition Gallery for rent - with lower rate of $4,950 for 7 days.
-Have a book launch/party on Eventbrite ( a social media events tool)
- Build a community via the free registrations, grow email list.
- Ebooks, leather carvings by the children, postcards designed by photographer, print book, personal photoshoot.
1. A story of Colors of Cambodia
Publisher: EverDay Art Studio and Educare, 2012
Description: The author's account of how she was drawn into practical involvement with the children in Cambodia via art-based projects.
Difference: Colors of Cambodia focuses on raising funds and promoting awareness via art. Little Angels brings attention to the purpose of existence of the orphanage cum Khmer Arts Centre (to provide a stable roof for needy children at the same time teaching them a skill and ensuring they continue getting an education.
2. Cambodia - Breaking the Bonds of History, 2007
Publisher: Blurb
Description: A photo book showcasing images of Cambodia
Difference: Book is not affiliated with any charity and non-narrative.
3. Bikes of Burden
Publisher: Visionary World Ltd, 2005
Description: A photo book showcasing everyday street life in Cambodia ( motorbikes, drivers with their loads).
Difference: Book is not affiliated with any charity and non-narrative, colorful and quirky.
4. Cambodia - A Journey through the Land of the Khmer
Publisher: Purple Moon Publications, 2015
Description: A photo book showcasing images with brief writings on the history ,landscape & cultures of Cambodia
Difference: Book is not affiliated with any charity focusing on culture. Little Angels focuses on underprivileged Cambodian children with a spotlight on importance of education.
5. Children of Cambodia's Killing Fields : Memoirs by Survivors
Publisher: Yale University Press, 1999
Description: Describing eyewitness accounts of survivors (children at the time) of the Pol Pot regime. With a few photographs of the survivors
Difference: Book is not affiliated with any charity. A record of historical accounts and true stories on the Khmer Rouge.
Amy, a banking specialist, is a freelance photographer based in Singapore who is determined to document stories that inspire through photography.
Celine is living her passion by devoting 2 years of her life teaching the children English at Little Angels Orphanage in Siem Reap.
Celine is a former banker based in Malaysia. She was visiting Little Angels as a tourist a few years ago and was touched by Ratana's devotion ( "father"/founder of Little Angels Orphanage) and saw what she could contribute to the children.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
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A guide book on Conversations for Tourism laid on an old wooden carving board. This picture may not mean much to most people but to the children at Little Angels, the items pictured are the most common tools they use in their daily lives. Items more relevant to children their age in most developed countries may include an computer tablet, a smartphone or a video game console, instead of the book pictured with a carving board. Little Somin (not his real name), aged 10, lives in Little Angel in Bakong, Siem Reap. He does his leather carvings diligently after he is back from school everyday, at the same time taking a few breather to revise on his English and Mandarin conversational skills, hoping the next bus load of tourists would arrive soon to buy his leather carvings. This book will take you into glimpses of the lives of the children of Little Angels Orphanage and the determination they have sowed since an early age to fend for themselves and learn to make a living while still attending school, with the hope of graduating from university someday.
Savet, 25, (pictured below) spent 7 years of his childhood in Little Angels. He was born in a poor family and Ratana accepted him as an apprentice at the centre and taught him leather crafting skills, under the condition that he finishes his high school education. As with other children in Little Angels, Savet received a cut from the any sales made from his handicrafts and helped him cope with his school expenses. After completing his high education, Savet succesfully graduated from a culinary school, with some financial support from Ratana personally and through a kind donor. Today, he has a good career as a demi chef in one of the top hotels in Siem Reap. All is not forgotten and Savet ensures he gives back to society by conducting free English lessons daily to children in his village after he finishes his work for the day.
Dear backers,The books are already on their way to you. For ebook backers do let me know if you didn’t receive the download link that …
Dearest LA Project backers,
First things first, I want to again thank you for your kind patience and with a heavy heart I wish to …
The final touches and editing of the book’s design directions are almost done! A bit of changes and rearrangements here and there, but these are …
Dearest Backers,
I am happy to share that the selected photos are ready for your viewing and selection.
Depending on the reward category you have …
DearAmazing Backers,
A very happy new year to all!
Here are some updates on how the Little Angels Book Project is doing.
Plans are underway …
I realised what a breeze my journey to work has been since last week. The trains are almost empty, more seats available in buses, less …
Dearest, dearest backers,
I’m happy to share that I have chosen a publisher based in Singapore out of the many others, (whom are mostly based …
When I decided to quit my comfortable job 10 months ago without finding another job,I knew I had already taken the first step to give …
Very happy with the progress, click the link below to view more photos selections for the book.
Better yet, feel free to share with your …
People often say that in crowdfunding, backers peak upon launching of campaign, quiet down in the middle and then peaks again towards the end. So …
Sequencing the photos. Honestly, I don't have any sure fire methodology
for this photo book printing process but I know I have a job to …
Hi you good people,
9 days since launching, 20 orders and 80 more orders to go to increase chances of being queried to publishers. My …
I wholeheartedly feel like giving a Big thank you group hug to those who
have backed my book campaign. 5 days into the launch, $1,350 …
So happy to shoutout that I've just received the first 3 pre-orders!
This means a lot!
Do not want my name to be published
Wish u success and receive overwhelming response for this Charity Donations.
To opt out the name appear on the web. Thanks!!
Very Awesome work you are doing here Amy! Wish you and the kids in Cambodia all the best =)
Best wishes. Great caise!
Great project, all the best
All goes into gd cause! Great effort in doing this! Kudos to ya!!!!
Amy jie jie keep up publish more book. Will support you.
Great job, good ppl.
So inspiring! Miss you!😊
wishing you all the best
Best of luck.
Great work Amy!!
Great job Amy! You are an inspiration to me & many others. Please keep up the good job. I wish to be able to help a bit in this great journey of yours.
Fantastic Amy!!! Looking forward to my Copy!!
Thanks for your kindness
Great work Amy! Have just placed an order to suppport this cause. Looking forward. Wishing you success with this poject. regards Meera
Hi Amy, these 3 orders are form 2 - neetu & her husband + 1 under my Husband. All the best👍🏼
Good going gal
God Bless.
Jiayou Amy! God bless you❤️
Good job Amy, keep it up!
Well done !!
Excellent work!! Jacky.. janji dicapati!
Best of luck from Esme and Mu
Jia You Chen Wern! Wendy shared this with me. All the best!
All the best and thank you for bringing attention to the forgotten. Katheleen
Hi Amy, I’m your aunt Dorothy’s friend. Wishing you success in your endeavors
Thanks for this great initiative and for your continuous effort to support this charity
Beautiful works from a beautiful heart, perfect social responsibility by changing the lives of innocent under-privileges in developing countries.
46 readers
Many thanks for contributing! Your name will be mentioned on the website of the book campaign ( you can opt out if you wish )
+ Ebook
9 readers
I will send you a handwritten thank you note on a specially designed postcard with one of the images from the book
Your name will be mentioned on the website of the book campaign.
( you may opt out if you wish )
11 readers
Print book- Softcover
I will send you a handwritten thank you note on a specially designed postcard with one of the images from the book
One B&W 5' x 7' Image Print of one of the images from the photographer's collection (signed)
2 Specially Designed Postcards (of 2 images from the book)
Your name will be mentioned on the website of the book campaign.
( you may opt out if you wish )
( Free book shipping for locations in Singapore & Johor Bahru)
14 readers
Print book- Softcover
Two (2) specially designed postcards (of 2 images from the book)
Five (5) B&W 5' x 7' Image Print of one of the images from the book or from the photographer's collection (signed)
Handcrafted Leather Piece by the children in Little Angels Orphanage
Your name will be mentioned on the website of the book campaign.
( you may opt out if you wish )
( Free book shipping for locations in Singapore & Johor Bahru)
6 readers
1 Print Book - Dust Jacket Hardcover
5 B&W 5' x 7' Image Print of one of the images from the book
(I will contact you for which print you would like)
Your name/company logo will be printed in the book as a sponsor (as a Big Thank You! ) + website
( Free book shipping for locations in Singapore & Johor Bahru)
0 readers
Print Book - Dust Jacket Hardcover
2 Specially Designed Postcards (of 2 images from the book)
5 B&W 5' x 7' Image Print of one of the images from the book
(I will contact you for which print you would like)
Your name/company logo will be printed in the book as a sponsor (as a Big Thank You! ) + website
I will personally come to do a free casual photo shoot, documentary style ( max 25 pictures- DIGITAL only ) for your shop OR your friends/family (you could use the photos for your own photo essay, family story, your business usage, etc)
*Only for locations in Singapore or Johor Bahru (Malaysia)
( Free book shipping for locations in Singapore & Johor Bahru)
0 readers
2 Print Books - Dust Jacket Hardcover
One (1) LARGE Handcrafted Leather Carving by the children of Little Angels Orphanage + Certificate issued by Little Angels as appreciation
Free mini photo shoot, documentary style ( max 25 pictures- DIGITAL only) for your shop OR your friends/family (you could use the photos for your own photo essay, family story, your business usage, etc)
*Only for locations in Singapore or Johor Bahru (Malaysia)
Your name/company logo will be printed in the book as a sponsor (as a Big Thank You! )
on Sept. 9, 2017, 1:52 a.m.
Well done Ta Bab!