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Jason Yormark

Jason Yormark

Seattle, Washington

Jason Yormark is Vice President of Marketing at SportsArt with over 20+ years of experience.

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About the author

Jason Yormark is an award winning brand specialist and highly sought-after marketing consultant. Previously named #30 on Forbes Social Media Influencers List, he has helped hundreds of companies build authenticity into their brand story through the media including brands as big as Microsoft all the way down to small mom and pop shops. Currently Jason is Vice President of Marketing at SportsArt and oversees the planning, development and implementation of all marketing strategies, communications, and public relations activities.

With a combined digital audience over 100,000, Jason blogs regularly on marketing, technology and lifestyle topics with pieces frequently being picked up on numerous business and marketing outlets.

Mirrors will be Jason's first fiction novel.

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$40 You & A Friend

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+First edition signed print copy of MIRRORS
+Additional first edition copy of MIRRORS
+Regular exclusive updates on book progress
+2 MIRRORS bookmarks
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+A digital copy of MIRRORS in your preferred format

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+4 additional first edition copies of MIRRORS
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+MIRRORS T-shirt
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+Special mention in the book thanking you for your support!
+A digital copy of MIRRORS in your preferred format

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$500 Marketing Consultation

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+24 additional first edition copies of MIRRORS
+Regular exclusive updates on book progress
+25 MIRRORS bookmarks
+MIRRORS T-shirt
+An invitation to the book launch party
+Special mention in the book thanking you for your support!
+A digital copy of MIRRORS in your preferred format

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$500 You're In The Book!

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Jason will use your name as one of the major characters in the book! Also receive 25 copies of MIRRORS.

+First edition signed print copy of MIRRORS
+24 additional first edition copies of MIRRORS
+Regular exclusive updates on book progress
+Use your name or one of your choice for a main character in the book
+25 MIRRORS bookmarks
+MIRRORS T-shirt
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+Special mention in the book thanking you for your support!
+A digital copy of MIRRORS in your preferred format

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$1000 Small Biz Sponsorship

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The perfect package for a small to medium sized business or organization that includes premium recognition of your support in the front of the book, along with 50 copies to distribute!

+First edition signed print copy of MIRRORS
+49 additional first edition copies of MIRRORS
+Regular exclusive updates on book progress
+Exclusive recognition of your corporate sponsorship in the book
+50 MIRRORS bookmarks
+5 MIRRORS T-shirts
+An invitation to the book launch party
+A digital copy of MIRRORS in your preferred format

50 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

$2500 Corporate Sponsorship

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The perfect package for a larger company or organization that includes premium logo recognition of your support in the front of the book, along with 125 copies to distribute!

+First edition signed print copy of MIRRORS
+124 additional first edition copies of MIRRORS
+Regular exclusive updates on book progress
+Exclusive recognition of your corporate sponsorship in the book
+125 MIRRORS bookmarks
+5 MIRRORS T-shirts
+An invitation to the book launch party
+A digital copy of MIRRORS in your preferred format

125 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

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A man stumbles across a paranormal global conspiracy while trying to solve the mystery of his abducted wife.

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Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense Sci-Fi
75,000 words
25% complete
11 publishers interested


Every year over 800,000 people are kidnapped, most never return.

JUNE 11TH, 1972 - A clear sunny day at a New York park as families and children enjoy the day. A mother and father tend to their son as their daughter strays off away from the park drawn to a figure in the distance. Before either parent realizes, their young toddler is mysteriously gone, nowhere to be found.

PRESENT DAY - Blake is a seasoned war veteran and gun for hire. Between Blake’s rough childhood, and years of operation, he’s not one to be messed with. Only after meeting Casey, does Blake learn how to love and care for another, and see the world more peacefully. She turns his life around, convincing Blake to walk away from a life of war and killing.

One night out on the town and at dinner, Casey is taken despite Blake’s attempts at thwarting the kidnappers. Convinced this was not a normal kidnapping, Blake relentlessly works to find out the truth and find his wife, despite authorities showing little care and effort in assisting. Time passes and eventually with help from another victim, Blake learns the devastating truth involving the past 50 years of kidnapped victims. The wealthy and privileged of another parallel world are taking our loved ones to replace theirs, and our government is in on it.

Blake makes it his personal mission to find a way to this new world to get his wife back, no matter the cost. With new help, he finds his way to this new world only to learn that bringing back lost ones will not be as easy as he had hoped as they no longer have memories of their past life. Blake’s battle will pit him against the wealthy purchasers, the new world corporation behind the kidnappings, and even our own government in his attempt at getting his wife back, and his life.


Mirrors is the culmination of years of development. It is a story that has been brewing in my head every since I was in college. I was always frustrated that throughout my life it was very rare to find a movie that both myself and my significant other would both enjoy. I wanted to write a movie that was filled with action, drama AND romance.

Mirrors is actually two ideas I had that eventually combined into one to form a complete story. At the end of the day, it’s a love story. The unstoppable love a man has for his wife surrounded by mystery, action and thrills.

I struggled back and forth on whether to write this as a book vs. a script. I’ve never written either and even took some classes and began the script writing process but eventually realized that I needed a more tangible end result, thus re-focusing on the process of writing it as a book.

The overwhelming positive response I’ve gotten from friends and family on the excitement of the story is just about all the motivation I need, but I’d be lying if my true hope is that someday I finish this book, and someday, I’ll see it on the big screen.

This isn't about making money and to prove my point, I'm donating 20% of book profits to the Hand in Hand children's shelter ( in Everett, WA. My story's main character follows a similar path as the children that benefit from this organization, and I'm thrilled that I can combine my passion to accomplish writing a book and combine it with giving back to this great organization.


Prologue - 1972

A typical summer day at a park in New York City, families and their children enjoying the day. A mother and father struggle to manage both of their twin children and lose sight of their young 5 year old daughter who runs off. The child’s attention is drawn by a strange figure, and within seconds disappears followed by the panic of his parents once realizing she is gone.

Chapter 1 – Present Day. Establish main character and his background.

Blake Collier is flawed. We learn of Blake’s rough childhood. One that involves the loss of his parents at a young age and being bounced around foster care system. Blake grows up a misfit, and eventually lands in a place where his misplaced talents can be put to good use. Blake is a war torn hero and we are introduced to the precision, leadership and tenacity of his abilities during his last mission before retiring to a life he never imagined possible. Blake has killed hundreds all in the name of freedom and justice, with little to no emotion. After quickly and easily dispatching a ruthless drug lord and his cronies, Blake returns back home to settle down with the love of his life, Casey. A woman who has shown Blake a new life, having him question how he sees the world, and treats others, one that he begins to embrace.

Chapter 2 – Further establish main character and secondary character (his wife Casey) and their incredible love of each other. Establish how Casey has changed Blake for the good.

Blake met Casey on one of his missions. She was a volunteer doctor in a war torn land. Ironically Casey comes from a similar background, but channeled her struggles in a different way. Casey is the first person that Blake has ever loved. She shows him that there is a life for him that does not involve hurting others to mask his own pain. They have a built a normal life.

Chapter 3 – Casey is taken.

On a seemingly simple date night at a local restaurant, Casey is taken. After excusing herself to go to the restroom, Blake’s instincts kick in and senses trouble and only reaches Casey’s kidnapping a second too late to save her, but soon enough to see that this was no ordinary kidnapping.

Chapters 4 - 6 – 1 year later. Establish how Casey’s disappearance has impacted Blake and what he’s done and is still doing to find her. Introduce the character of Roger, another victim of one of the strange kidnappings.

A year has passed and Blake has refused to give up finding his wife despite local authorities doing so. Blake has painfully reverted back to his earlier personality traits, often going too far in pushing to find answers. Blake believes something is awry involving his wife’s disappearance, and it is confirmed when he meets Roger, another victim of having lost a loved one due to a mysterious kidnapping. Roger has been spending the past 20 years trying to find his missing sister and has stumbled across what he believes not only the answer to where his sister and Blake’s wife is, but perhaps the answer to most of the kidnappings of the past 50 years.


Chapters 7-9 – Blake ups the ante in his search for the truth.

Chapters 10-12 – Blake and Roger come up with the plan and get to the parallel world.

Chapter 13 – We learn about the corporation and technology behind facilitating the kidnappings.

Chapters 14-16 – Blake tries to get acclimated to this new world and start their search while coming across some help.

Chapter 17 – The corporation gets help in tracking down Blake.

Chapters 18-21 – Finding Roger’s Sister

Chapters 21-23 – Blake gets to Casey, but is captured by the corporation in the process.

Chapter 24 – Blake comes face to face with antagonist and learns another truth.

Chapter 25 – Final conflict

Chapter 26 – The truth is revealed.

Chapter 27 – Resolution


Primary target audience:

• Male
• Married
• Aged 26-45
• Enjoy reading thrillers, mysteries and sci-fi

Description of an ideal primary audience reader:

Rick is 43, married with two kids. He went to college and works as a mid-level executive. Rick loves the grandiose of big sci-fi and epic action thrillers…especially ones that feel more grounded and closer to reality. Books and films that take him to a believable place, but far enough from reality to be fantasy. Rick is drawn to anti-heroes, main characters that are rough around the edges, but are grounded in doing the right thing, albeit braking a few laws along the way if necessary. Although Rick isn’t a huge fan of in your face romance themed stories, he’s a sucker for books and films that have epic love stories as their base. Parallel universes, time travel and space travel all massively appeal to Rick.

Secondary target audience:

• Female
• Married
• Aged 26-45
• Enjoy reading love stories, thrillers, mysteries

Description of an ideal secondary audience reader:

Diane is 38, married with multiple kids. She's educated, and was a stay at home mom until her children got older, and she returned to doing some consulting work. Diane loves to read and goes back and forth between mysteries and thrillers and romance/love stories. Diane loves stories that feel more realistic that she can relate to. She's not a fan of the over the top romance novels, but occasionally will read one or two.


1. Blog – - I’ve been blogging for 10 years and have a fairly good following to tap into already. I average roughly 8000 page views per month, and I have a relatively small email subscription list of 150 people.

2. Social Media – I have a combined audience of roughly 60,000 on social media across all channels to promote to.

3. Author Facebook Page – A specific page dedicated to my writing that can pay to promote.

4. Charity – I’m not doing this for the money, so I intend to donate a large % of the proceeds to go to a local homeless shelter for children. I plan to campaign around the idea of a regular guy just wanting to feel the accomplishment of writing a book…not doing it for the money. So donating the money to charity. I feel this will help me connect to those I am not directly tied to help motivate purchasing the book.

5. Paid Media – I will launch a variety of paid campaigns to increase visibility. Facebook ads, Twitter, etc.

6. PR campaign – I feel like there is a story about a regular guy with a job, family, who’s struggled to find a way to write and publish a book and decided to use charity as a means to help make it happen. I’ll craft a press release and try to gain some traction with traditional PR wires and means to push the story.

7. Video – I plan to publish a series of videos detailing my journey in writing my first book.

8. Writing Groups – Using MeetUp, I plan on joining and participating in 3-5 local writing groups to learn, get feedback and promote my book.

9. Email list - will use my current email subscription list to promote


Dark Matter by Blake Crouc
Publisher: Crown
Publication year: 2016
Dark Matter is a brilliantly plotted tale that is at once sweeping and intimate, mind-bendingly strange and profoundly human—a relentlessly surprising science-fiction thriller about choices, paths not taken, and how far we’ll go to claim the lives we dream of.

The Breach by Patrick Lee
Publisher: Harper
Publication year: 2009

A novel of unrelenting suspense and nonstop surprises, The Breach immediately rockets author Patrick Lee into the V.I.P. section of the thriller universe. A treat for Jack Bauer (“24”) fans and “X-Files” aficionados, it is a white-knuckle roller-coaster ride that combines the best of Dean Koontz and Michael Crichton with a healthy dollop of Indiana Jones thrown into the mix—the perfect secret agent/government conspiracy/supernatural adventure.

The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower by Stephen King
Publisher: NAL
Publication year: 2003

Eerie, dreamlike, set in a world that is weirdly related to our own, The Gunslinger introduces Roland Deschain of Gilead, of In-World that was, as he pursues his enigmatic antagonist to the mountains that separate the desert from the Western Sea. Roland is a solitary figure, perhaps accursed, who with a strange single mindedness traverses an exhausted, almost timeless landscape. The people he encounters are left behind, or worse—left dead. At a way station, however, he meets Jake, a boy from a particular time (1977) and a particular place (New York City), and soon the two are joined—khef, ka, and ka-tet. The mountains lie before them. So does the man in black and, somewhere far beyond...the Dark Tower.

Replay by Ken Grimwood
Publisher: William Morrow
Publication year: 1998

Jeff Winston, forty-three, didn't know he was a replayer until he died and woke up twenty-five years younger in his college dorm room; he lived another life. And died again. And lived again and died again -- in a continuous twenty-five-year cycle -- each time starting from scratch at the age of eighteen to reclaim lost loves, remedy past mistakes, or make a fortune in the stock market. A novel of gripping adventure, romance, and fascinating speculation on the nature of time, Replay asks the question: "What if you could live your life over again?"

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
Publisher: Harper
Publication year: 2014

Cloud Atlas meets Orphan Black in this epic dimension-bending trilogy by New York Times best selling author Claudia Gray about a girl who must chase her father's killer through multiple dimensions. Marguerite Caine's physicist parents are known for their groundbreaking achievements. Their most astonishing invention, called the Firebird, allows users to jump into multiple universes—and promises to revolutionize science forever. But then Marguerite's father is murdered, and the killer—her parent's handsome, enigmatic assistant Paul— escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him. Marguerite refuses to let the man who destroyed her family go free. So she races after Paul through different universes, always leaping into another version of herself. But she also meets alternate versions of the people she knows—including Paul, whose life entangles with hers in increasingly familiar ways. Before long she begins to question Paul's guilt—as well as her own heart. And soon she discovers the truth behind her father's death is far more sinister than she expected. A Thousand Pieces of You explores an amazingly intricate multi-universe where fate is unavoidable, the truth elusive, and love the greatest mystery of all.

Mirrors shares similarities with these books in that they all use a parallel universe or dimension as part of their story arc. They also all contain strong main characters that face a struggles and decisions to be made that will impact both not only their own selves and those around them, but both worlds they encounter. Where Mirrors differentiates is on a couple levels. First, the technological differences between both worlds are more subtle. The parallel universe in Mirrors is not that vastly different than the original one with the exception of a handful of technological advances around transportation, weaponry, energy and of course travel between both worlds. The extreme similarities between both worlds will allow for interesting story telling and complex main and secondary character dynamics as they deal with those similarities.

In addition, Mirrors at its core is a love story. It’s the story of a man who will go to any lengths to find his wife. This includes his internal struggle between reverting to his old combative/ruthless self vs. maintaining

11 publishers interested
Odyssey Books logo Odyssey Books

500 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for fiction, memoir, and narrative non-fiction, as well as novelty and picture books from Aus/NZ authors only.
Odyssey Books is committed to publishing engaging and beautifully written books. Books that stretch the imagination, challenge pre-existing attitudes and beliefs, or take readers to far-flung climes. Books are always a journey. And as our name suggests, we invest in epic journeys, adventurous voyages and intellectual or spiritual quests. Readers are sure to find a book within our range of titles to challenge, inspire, and entertain. Odyssey titles are distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Novella Distribution, and worldwide via Ingram.

Traditional publisher

Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, History, Journalism, Society & Culture, Technology & the Future, Travel


The Story Plant logo The Story Plant

500 copies • Completed manuscript • Looking for fiction.
The Story Plant was founded in 2008 by two long-term industry professionals, Lou Aronica and Peter Miller. From the start, the company has been dedicated to publishing quality fiction and to developing authors. Our books regularly receive rave reviews and since our launch, nearly a third of our novels have appeared in the top 100 of one major bestseller list or another – and often several at once.The Story Plant has an absolute dedication to its authors. Both Aronica and Maxwell are novelists as well, and they understand the desires, needs, and insecurities of writers at the most personal level.

Traditional publisher

Literary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense


Agora Publishing logo Agora Publishing

Agora Publishing is a Canada-based not-for-profit organization, founded in 1997 with the aim of making book publishing accessible to all writers across Canada and internationally.

We are the only hybrid book publisher which is also a cable TV show producer; newspaper publisher; social media marketer and search engine marketing organization.

Do you have a Twitter following of at least 5000?

We will interview eligible authors for 15 minutes for our cable TV show broadcast.

If your raw interview footage generates at least 1000 views within a four day period, we will air your interview on our cable TV show.

Contact us for more information.

Applications are due Saturday, May 29, 2021.

#authors #bookmarketing #writers #tv

Hybrid publisher

All categories


Austin Brothers Publishing logo Austin Brothers Publishing

100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Austin Brothers Publishing provides all the services of a traditional publisher, working in partnership with the author, to create the book the author desires. Our strength is the ability to fill any role you might have, including ghostwriting, helping you complete a manuscript, publishing, printing, distribution, or any service you might need to complete your book. Our process is determined by your needs. If you want assistance with self-publishing we can help.

Hybrid publisher

Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Travel

United States

i2i Publishing logo i2i Publishing

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
i2i Publishing was founded by Lionel Ross and asks for a small financial contribution towards costs.

Hybrid publisher

Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Politics & Social Sciences, Society & Culture


Lulu Press, Inc. logo Lulu Press, Inc.

Since 2002, Lulu has enabled more than 1 million authors in more than 225 countries and territories to self-publish nearly 2 million publications. Our industry-leading tools, worldwide print network and global community help authors hone their craft and publish printed books and eBooks for FREE. Offering the largest Indie bookstore at and distribution services, you can sell in online bookstores around the world. With Lulu, authors are in control, forever owning the rights to their works, setting their own price and keeping 80 percent of their book profits and 90 percent of eBook profits.

Hybrid publisher

All categories

United States

Mascot Books logo Mascot Books

Mascot Books is a full-service hybrid publisher dedicated to helping authors at all stages of their publishing journey create a high-quality printed or digital book that matches their vision. With comprehensive editorial, design, marketing, production, and distribution services, our authors have the support of an experienced publishing team while still retaining one of the highest royalty percentages in the business.

Hybrid publisher

All categories

Next Chapter logo Next Chapter

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Next Chapter is a Rapid Versatile Publisher (RVP) that combines the professionalism and quality of traditional publishing with the creative freedom of independent publishing. We have published dozens of bestsellers, and take pride in the transparency of our business. There are no hidden fees or small print. Join us today and take your writing career to the next level.

Hybrid publisher

Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


Dog Ear Publishing logo Dog Ear Publishing

A publishing services company dedicated to delivering amazing results to our authors. From manuscript development and editing to book design to effective marketing tools, Dog Ear delivers. Our dedicated team of publishing professionals have spent years in both the 'traditional' and self publishing worlds.

We know how to build, distribute, and market great books.

Dog Ear authors pay less and make more than authors from ANY other publisher. Visit to learn more.

Service publisher

Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


EMSA Publishing logo EMSA Publishing

EMSA Publishing is a small, independent online publisher with a goal to facilitate new and established authors with an online presence.

We offer pay-per service publishing at a low fee, including editing, formatting, illustrating, cover art, and distribution to on-demand publishers such as Amazon, Kobo, and Ingram-Spark in eBook, paperback and hard cover.

Our main goal is to help independent authors get published and sell books with compelling stories, attractive covers, and effective editing. Building an author platform is key, especially for new authors. EMSA Publishing also offers web page set up services and blog tour planning to help new authors establish an online author platform.

EMSA Publishing‘s overall mandate is to get your book read and to help you establish a foothold in the continually evolving world of ePublishing.

If you are interested, please contact Elise at

Service publisher

Literary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction


Virtualbookworm Publishing logo Virtualbookworm Publishing

Virtualbookworm (VBW) Publishing was founded by a writer frustrated by the long wait time and occasional heartbreak often associated with the publishing industry. After researching the various "alternatives," he discovered a number of subsidy publishers that would publish any author ... for a price. Unfortunately, many reviewers (and readers) thumb their noses at books from such houses, since all it takes is cash to get published by them.

Then he discovered self publishing and the endless opportunities it presented. However, such a venture requires countless hours of research of printers, proofreaders, artists, etc. And after publication, even more time is consumed trying to market the book.

So, was established as a "clearinghouse" for authors, since it offers virtually everything under one roof. Although we now charge setup and design fees, those costs are kept to a minimum so as to cover all expenses. And, as with "traditional" publishers, we carefully review each manuscript and only offer contracts to authors who truly have exceptional manuscripts. We don't print garbage, and we want our authors to proudly say they were published by Virtualbookworm. If we accept your book for publication, you can rest assured that it will be sold next to other quality books, and not just work that had enough money behind it. And, you'll receive some of the best royalties in the business!

Since our initial costs are so low, we want your books to sell as much as you do.

Service publisher

Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


  • Update #11 - MIRRORS will soon be in your hands! Oct. 3, 2017

    I hope you're ready to read MIRRORS!

    So here's the lowdown. I ultimately decided to self-publish Mirrors. After all was said and done, it was the best …

  • Update #10 - August Mirrors Update Aug. 14, 2017

    Guess what?

    Mirrors is done! Well, the first draft is done. Hard to believe I've been able to see this through, but I couldn't have done …

  • Update #9 - July Mirrors Update July 7, 2017

    Hello Mirrors Backers!

    Hope you are all having a great summer. Mine has been filled with writing of course, and I'm happy to report that …

  • Update #8 - May Mirrors Update May 31, 2017

    Hello Mirrors Backers!

    Time for another monthly update! It's been a crazy last month as I'm in the middle of selling our home and having …

  • Update #7 - April Mirrors Update April 24, 2017

    Hello Mirrors Backers!

    Hope you are all well and as promised I want to continue my monthly updates to keep you up to speed on how …

  • Update #6 - March Update March 22, 2017

    Hello Mirrors Backers!

    Hope you are all well and as always, thank you for your support. I wanted to provide some quick updates as I …

  • Update #5 - We Did It! Feb. 16, 2017

    Contrary to what I thought was possible, we did it! All of you helped me reach a goal I did not think could happen and I can't thank …

  • Update #4 - 40 Books To Go! Jan. 31, 2017

    Hello Mirrors enthusiasts! It's true. I'm only 40 books away from hitting the goal. What a grind. I'm very much looking forward to focusing my …

  • Update #3 - 13 Days To Go! Jan. 19, 2017

    When I started this journey, I had no idea what to expect. I knew I wanted to write and publish a book in my lifetime, but I never really took …

  • Update #2 - The Home Stretch! Jan. 10, 2017

    Once again, I wanted to thank all of you for supporting my book! I've learned more than I could have imagined during this process including:

    1.  Social …

  • Update #1 - Thank You For Your Support! Nov. 30, 2016

    First, off, I want to take a moment to thank you so much for your support in purchasing a copy or multiple copies of Mirrors. It …

Please log in to comment.

  • Matthew Davidson
    on Dec. 19, 2016, 8:22 p.m.

    I'm actually digging the topic. Excited to see what you came up with.

  • Jason Yormark
    on Dec. 19, 2016, 8:23 p.m.

    Been working on this one for a long time. Will be worth the wait. Thanks for supporting it!

  • Bobbi Pickering
    on Dec. 19, 2016, 8:50 p.m.

    I've heard quite a bit about your book and it fascinates me. I'm excited to read it once complete. Congrats and best of luck!!

  • Jillian Suleski
    on Dec. 20, 2016, 4:38 a.m.

    So excited to read this and see the movie down the road! Way to go!

  • Jill Romeijn
    on Dec. 22, 2016, 12:40 a.m.

    You got this Jason! Can't wait to read your book!

  • Aaron Pruett
    on Dec. 22, 2016, 11:05 p.m.

    This shit better be good! Of course it will! Proud of you, well as proud as I can be. Congratulations!

  • Derek Church
    on Dec. 30, 2016, 8:05 p.m.

    Bought. I wish I could've done the $500 and got my name in the book! :) Good luck, buddy!

  • Michael Collier
    on Jan. 4, 2017, 2:34 a.m.

    Happy to help brotha - and happy to reward folks that follow their dreams man :). I'm going to read it and critique it every time I see you too, sonthat should be fun :))

  • Ryan Kossack
    on Jan. 4, 2017, 6:34 p.m.

    I just wanted to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you.

  • Guy Vincent
    on Jan. 11, 2017, 5:20 a.m.

    Amazing work Jason! Looking forward to reading this. Keep hustling and you'll be over 250 in no time :)

  • Amy West
    on Jan. 17, 2017, 12:34 a.m.

    Congratulations on taking these steps towards your dream. Best of luck always!

  • Gerardeen Santiago
    on Jan. 17, 2017, 4:42 a.m.

    An intriguing proposal that raises a couple of questions. First, are all the world governments involved in sanctioning these kidnappings? Second, why would our government collude with the parallel world? What are we getting in exchange? Natural resources perhaps? Advanced technology? I'd love to learn more--thanks!

  • Joseph Brown
    on Jan. 21, 2017, 2:35 p.m.

    Ordered my copy this morning. Looking forward to reading it. Best of luck with all your success on this dream project.

  • Chris DeHaan
    on Jan. 23, 2017, 4:20 a.m.

    Good luck with your book Jason. I am Brad Goldstein's mother in law.

  • Scot Robnett
    on Jan. 25, 2017, 5:33 p.m.

    Good luck, Jason! And thanks for helping the children's shelter in the process.