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Alia Luria

The Artifacts of Lumin - Book Two

Ocularum, the follow up novel to Compendium, also available for acquisition, follows three characters as the ever-expanding complexity of friendship, love, and politics force them choose between each other, their families, and the values they hold dear. In a lush world where nature itself creates the technology, the struggle to control technology is the struggle to control all life.

  Science Fiction & Fantasy   98,000 words   75% complete   Published by Something or Other Publishing
159 preorders
$4,407.00 funded



What if we had to take a 600 year break from technology to save the Earth? That is the backdrop to the Artifacts of Lumin series. Advanced technology, all of which is derived from the electrochemical properties of plants, has become nothing but myth to most of the populace of the planet Lumin, but to those who keep the secrets of the past, a war wages between those sects that think it's time to turn the lights back on and those that think the planet needs to be preserved at all costs.

The Clerics wish to protect and limit the use of the Network so as to preserve the planet. The Druids believe that only by activating the Network fully will humanity find a way to solve their power problems permanently. Two factions work for the same result, but will they ever get along?

Three friends, fractured. Mia hears the trees and feels them, desperate to heal the planet. Cedar, now partially blinded, has walked the path of peace since birth but grapples with a growing rage boiling in his blood. Both have chosen their side, and Taryn, their former friend, has seemingly chosen hers, but all three must face their past betrayals as they try to understand the truth and their roles to come in the future of the planet Lumin.

Ocularum, the follow up novel to Compendium, also available for acquisition, follows these characters and more as the ever-expanding complexity of friendship, love, and politics force them choose between each other, their families, and the values they hold dear. In a lush world where nature itself creates the electricity of technology, humanity’s reliance on the world around it cannot be greater, and the struggle to control technology is the struggle to control all life in Lumin’s fragile ecosystem.

With trouble brewing in Willowslip, the race is on to find the key. No one has accessed the Crater Grove in 10 generations. Which faction will figure it out first? Keep posted for Clavis and Shillelagh.


Chapter 1: The Deep Compound | Mia SainClair is introduced to the Deep Compound that powers the whole Order and given a special new task. She also meets with her uncle and discusses the heirloom locket from her dead mother.

Chapter 2: The Training Yard | Cedar Kannon grapples with the fall-out of his capture by the Druids. Aja Ravyenne visits him to bring him a present and some advice.

Chapter 3: Rosewater | Taryn faces the wrath of her grandfather after a debacle in the Druid Village.

Chapter 4: The Path | Mia wants to make amends with Cedar but doesn't know how.

Chapter 5: Hidden | Mia overhears a conversation between the Dominnus and her new boss while she's trying to work on a panel in the Deep Compound. Later that evening, she witnesses an exchange between Cedar and Aja that boils her blood.

Chapter 6: On Edge | Mia is attacked by a mysterious person on her way to Willowslip on an errand for Cornelius. Her dog Hamish is with her. Only his keen nose alerts her to the presence.

Chapter 7: Confessions | Cedar stays by Mia's side as she recovers from injuries. Aja visits the sick bed, and they confront their feelings.

Chapter 8: Awakening | Mia awakens in a panic over Hamish. In Taryn's study, an important force also awakens.

Chapter 9: Contra | Taryn struggles to reclaim power based on her past knowledge and with the help of Mia's mysterious attacker.

Chapter 10: Hamish | Mia and Cedar and Aja share an uncomfortable exchange in her sick room. Mia realizes that Aja has been to Cedar's family home as part of her ranging, and feels jealousy. They try to figure out how to help the dog, Hamish.

Chapter 11: Rebuke | Mia recovers slowly, but Hamish is not. They discuss the details of the assailant and his special abilities, which may have been provided by an artifact. Mia and Cedar sneak into the Dominus's quarters to try to obtain the log of artifacts.

Chapter 12: Alasdair | Cedar and Mia's uncle visit a former cleric named Alasdair, who was excited from the Order decades back for refusing to fight in the war with the Druids. They speak to the old naturalist about medical help for Hamish and convince her to come back with them to the Compound. Alasdair has some amazing contraptions of her own.

Chapter 13: Intervention | Alasdair disrupts the Compound and clerics as she intervenes on Hamish's behalf. More of her past and how it relates to other clerics is revealed.

Chapter 14: Confrontation | Cedar and SainClair help Alasdair confront Dominus Nikola and demands that the Order help her figure out what is happening at the Keep in Willowslip as her payment for assisting the clerics.

Chapter 15: Signs | Mia finally returns to her work in the central console of the Deep Compound after her injuries have healed enough. There, she makes a startling discovery.

Chapter 16: Departure | Cedar tells Mia that he needs to travel to his home in Senegast, because the Order is concerned for his family. He tells her he is taking Aja with him, since she was the last cleric there. After he leaves, Mia visits Alasdair in Willowslip to beg a favor.

Chapter 17: The Best Laid Plans | The clerics form a plan to go after Mia. Meanwhile, Mia has enlisted Alasdair to help her rescue an old friend from the Druid Village. Taryn stresses on her grandfather's demands and her poor progress in meeting them.

Chapter 18: Onward | Cedar and Aja trave to the Kannon Retreat in Senegast. They discuss their relationship on the way, but he spends most of his time worrying for his family. Mia and Alasdair prepare to engage in their rescue and meet a surprise on the way. Things are not what they seem in Willowslip.

Chapter 19: The Village | Mia has an additional advantage on her rescue mission, but she still has to break into the Village, again

Chapter 20: Senegast | Aja and Cedar learn the fate of the Kannon retreat and all the residents.

Chapter 21: Compendium | Mia is reunited with her family heirloom and confronts Taryn briefly along the way.

Chapter 22: Ocularum | Cedar finds devastation in his family home, but his father left him an artifact to help him rebuild.

Chapter 23: Return | Mia and Alasdair escape the Village and return to the Order. Cedar, still not sure what to make of his new circumstances, returns to the Order with a new mission.

Chapter 24: Reunion | There is a reckoning back at the Order after Mia's discovery and Cedar's return. The clerics must decide what to do with all the knowledge they now have.

Chapter 25: Aftermath | Taryn travels for a dreaded conference with her grandfather.

Chapter 26: Sensory Overload | Mia examine's Cedars artifact to try to understand more about it. They try to come to terms with Cedar's sister's kidnapping.

Chapter 27: Preparation | Mia gets an idea for how to collect data based on information she learns from Ocularum. The friends prepare to infiltrate the Keep.

Chapter 28: Infiltration | Cedar uses Imago Silva to gain access to the Keep. Cedar has a shock when hearing an old enemy affects him. Mia marshals a distraction so she can get into place to execute on her part of the plan.

Chapter 29: Ablation | Cedar brings himself back from the brink and tries to plant the sensors. Time is running out.

Chapter: 30 Chaos | Mia tries to secure the transmission of the sensors as chaos reigns down on the Keep. The clerics try to escape unscathed.

Chapter 31: Redoubling | Mia and Cedar try to extricate themselves from the Keep even as Taryn deals with her own problems.

Chapter 32: Confrontation | Cedar has to make a choice about revenge, and Taryn makes an unexpected sacrifice.

Chapter 33: Fallout | The scattered pieces come together. The clerics need to make decisions about next steps.

[Chapters 34 & 35 coming soon]

Read about why she chose Publishizer

Sales arguments

  • First book in the series, Compendium, sold 6,500 copies in the first year and over 13,000 total. 141 ratings on 77 people listed on Goodreads as currently reading Compendium, and it is on the to-read list of 2000+ additional individuals.
  • Previous novel won Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal in Fantasy category, the National Indie Excellence Award in Fantasy, and was an Independent Author Network Book of the Year finalist in three categories
  • Previously ran two successful BookBub campaigns for paid sales
  • Total direct reach is 7,500 + among all channels
  • Obtained MFA from Fairleigh Dickenson University in 2018

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The target audience is any reader of science fiction or fantasy who loves to read epic adventures where the characters struggle to find a balance between the urges of humanity, the natural world around them, and the impact of technology on society.

Advance praise

Compendium (Artifacts of Lumin, Book 1) by Alia Luria is a one of a kind captivating story that combines incredible science fiction, adventure, drama, intrigue and suspense. Set against a post-apocalyptic background, the story portrays a planet plunged into chaos, darkness, suffering, wars and other forms of social disintegration. It combines a one of a kind plot, a fascinating setting, fresh and memorable characters and a flawless and gripping descriptive writing style capable of pulling you from this world into a new world – Lumin. It was simply amazing to see the plot come together and the story come to life through the combination of all these factors. Each chapter of the novel brought a new thrill as more of the history of Lumin was revealed and new secrets discovered; this was an adventure to look forward to. The story kept me on edge the entire time with intense anticipation of what might happen next. I cannot wait to read the next book in the Artifacts of Lumin series.” – Faridah Nassozi, Readers’ Favorite

“Wow, wow, wow. Talk about unique. This sci-fi fantasy world that Alia Luria has created in Compendium will blow your mind away with its balance between detail and breezy pleasure. There’s so much information to absorb here, but you never feel too overly burdened. And the characters could be my next door neighbors; they’re so realistic. I really feel that the planet of Lumin exists out there in the galaxy. That is a difficult thing to achieve when the author is talking about fantasy stories.

The society on this planet has its own aura to it. There are little quirks about the way people talk and interact that creates a civilization to rival Tolkien and Lewis in its detail and spread. If you have plans for the next few days, do not pick up this book. I repeat: do not start unless you are willing to read for hours on end, gripped by the racing story line and breathtaking intrigue that fills the pages. I cannot wait for the next book to come out and I hope the series continues for many more books after that. I’m bookmarking this author because I know I will fall in love with every word she writes. Wow.” – Samantha Coville, Readers’ Favorite

“It’s a freaking page-turner. Hooked right on the very first page. And it leaves you wanting the second book. I stand corrected, demanding the second book.” – Ren, Nerdy Champagne

“The world building was amazing and descriptive and I flew through the story. There are some surprising secrets revealed, which will leave you wanting more and with it’s fascinating and intriguing plot, Compendium is a must read. I, for one, am looking forward to the next book!” – Natalie, Book Lover’s Life

“I loved the post-apocalyptic background and the way the characters came to life for me. The world of Lumin became more real and I couldn’t stop reading because I just had to know what would happen next.” – Maureen, Maureen’s Books

Alia Luria

About the author

Alia Luria published her first novel, Compendium, in 2015 under the Willowslip Press imprint. Compendium was awarded the National Indie Excellence Award in Fantasy for 2015, took the Silver Medal in the Readers' Favorite Awards for Fantasy General for 2015, was a finalist for the Independent Author Network Book of the Year Awards in the Science Fiction, Fantasy and First Novel categories, Silver Honoree for the Benjamin Franklin Digital Awards. Sales of Compendium exceeded 6,500 copies in the first year, including print, audio book, digital and paid borrows, all as part of her own marketing efforts. Reviewed by Readers' Favorite (5 Stars), the San Francisco Book Review (4 Stars) and many other bloggers. Please see the author website linked below for a full list of reviews and accolades.

Ms. Luria completed an MFA from Fairleigh Dickerson University in 2018, where she focused on fiction and completed a substantial portion of Ocularum with the mentorship of two-time National Book Award finalist, Eliot Schrefer. She is also a licensed attorney and Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of the company InFront Compliance, Inc.

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Odyssey Books

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Please log in to comment.

  • Jamie Talbot
    on Aug. 1, 2020, 2:16 p.m.

    I am so excited for this book. Such a unique storyline.

  • Lakesta Compton
    on Aug. 1, 2020, 5:43 p.m.

    Read Compendium years ago and it's still with me to this day, and I am so excited to further the story! And I love the creativity of these package options, they're so fun. Thanks for sharing this universe with us, and wishing you much success!!

  • Mark Kuivila
    on Aug. 2, 2020, 3:11 p.m.

    Congratulations! We're both super proud of you and can't wait to read!

  • Magda Therrien
    on Aug. 3, 2020, 11:14 a.m.

    Hey Alia,

    So excited to read the next adventures of Mia, Cedar and Taryn! Can't wait to get our hands on the books!

    Thank you for this wonderful universe that you've created and populated with such fascinating characters.

    Magda and Paul

  • deb krabacher
    on Aug. 3, 2020, 10:43 p.m.

    we're happy to be part of your soon-to-be-more-than-merely-famous journey into authorhood!

  • Laurence Brockway
    on Aug. 5, 2020, 5:40 p.m.

    I enjoyed reading Compendium. the story, the writing style and quality and the editing are way above most of what's published these days.

  • Philip Alexander
    on Aug. 9, 2020, 8:55 p.m.

    Hey Alia,
    Ordered both books. Lookin forward to exploring Lumin

  • Deb Silvers
    on Aug. 10, 2020, 4:27 p.m.

    If possible, may I please have just the digital copies? We recently moved into a condo and I had to give up either my library or my knitting space. I took the library digital and kept the yarn stash.



    • Alia Luria
      on Aug. 10, 2020, 4:38 p.m.

      Hi Deb — thanks for the pre-order. I’m more than happy to provide digital instead of print. I can even let you have audio and ebook (both with no print), so I will reach back out to you about that before the books are ready!

  • April Williams-Shaw
    on Aug. 10, 2020, 8:27 p.m.

    Alia its a long way from law school! :-) Wishing the utmost best of success in your writing career. Cannot wait to read, love science fiction and fantasy novels.

    Sincerely, April

  • Maddy Avena
    on Aug. 11, 2020, 1:23 a.m.

    Brava! Just finished re-listening to Compendium. I always hoped there’d be more. Well done!

  • Laurel Collier
    on Aug. 14, 2020, 11:01 p.m.

    Finally got it done! Yay. Can’t wait to read it, and gift your books to my daughter in law.

  • Marina Marcello
    on Aug. 16, 2020, 8:22 p.m.

    Alia, I’m sorry we don’t keep in touch more, but you know I love your work and I’m so stoked for you to be finishing Ocularum!

  • John Utley
    on Aug. 19, 2020, 8:09 p.m.

    Looking forward to continuation of the saga. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

  • Leslie Myerson
    on Aug. 20, 2020, 1:58 p.m.

    Alia I tried so many time to preorder your book but this website is impossible. Today I finally was successful! I am excited to read your new book. Thank you for letting me share your joy in your life, Leslie

    • Alia Luria
      on Aug. 20, 2020, 3:14 p.m.

      I’m sorry you had so much trouble! I did get your pre-order, so thank you! :)

  • Matt Bracher
    on Aug. 20, 2020, 2:30 p.m.

    I first read Compendium about four years ago, I think as part of the Amazon Prime free reading. I loved it so much I immediately bought a Kindle copy so that it'd be mine to keep. I've been looking forward to the sequel ever since.

  • Gוט Hugler
    on Aug. 26, 2020, 10:40 a.m.

    Dear Alia,

    Greetings from Jaffa!

    It was very interesting to read what you've written about the decision to publish it with publishizer. Here, in Israel, many independent writers choose to pre-sell books via Headstart campaign (even when they work with traditional publishing).

    I gave my address in Israel; let me know if there is a need for additional payment for international delivery.

    Best wishes,
    Guy Hugler



Lumin Rising Digital Novella

10 readers

If you want to support this campaign but don't want to pre-order a full copy of Ocularum yet, I'm glad to offer this sneak peek into the history of Lumin. Get access to a digital ebook version of Lumin Rising, a prequel that explores the origins of Lumin. Just be aware that for the purposes of publisher interest, the metric will be pre-orders of book copies. Thank you so much for your support!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 1 physical copy


Save the Trees Option

6 readers

We all know Mia loves the trees on Lumin. If you love trees too and want to order an ebook or audiobook of Ocularum to preserve our planet, this option has been added for you. Once the book is released, you will be contacted to select either the ebook or audiobook version of Ocularum.


  • 1 digital copy
  • 1 physical copy
Free shipping


Ocularum Pre-Order

46 readers

Receive 1 paperback copy and 1 digital copy of the book in when it is published. The first 100 copies from among all pre-orders will be signed. Thank you so much for your support!

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 1 physical copy
$5 shipping


Lumin Book Pack

18 readers

Physical copies of both Compendium and Ocularum in paperback format. Additionally, receive a digital copy of Ocularum. Thank you so much for your support!

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 1 physical copy
$7 shipping


Share the Love

3 readers

Receive 2 paperback copies and 1 digital copy of the book in when it is published. The first 100 copies from among all pre-orders will be signed. Thank you so much for your support!

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 2 physical copies
$7 shipping


Mega Fan Pack

8 readers

Receive copies of Compendium and Ocularum as well as a printed copy of the map of Lumin. Digital copies of both books included. Thank you so much for your support!

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 1 physical copy
$10 shipping 12 of 20 left


Haiku For You Pack

4 readers

Pre-order 5 copies of Ocularum, and I will write you a personalized haiku stating your name and containing the subject of your choice (within reason and subject to creative license). Your haiku featuring your name will go out on all my social media outlets and be included in the print version of Ocularum. Thank you so much for your support!

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 5 physical copies
$10 shipping 21 of 25 left


Zoom Coffee Date

0 readers

This option is for those that really want to support me as I finalize Ocularum but don’t want a haiku. This package gets you 5 paperbacks and digital copy of Ocularum as well as a coffee date (on zoom of course) to discuss anything you want, Lumin-related or otherwise. I may even share a sneak peek of what’s coming up in the Lumin universe and other projects I’m working on.

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!

NOTE: I have the right to cut this interaction short in the instance where the participant is either abusive or has otherwise misrepresented themselves. Thank you so much for your support!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 5 physical copies
$15 shipping 20 of 20 left


Pen Pal Package

2 readers

This option is for those that really want to support me as I finalize Ocularum. This package gets you 10 copies of paperback and one digital copy of Ocularum as well as a hand-painted postcard. Receive a tiny painting of scenes that remind me of Lumin. Each one will be a hand-painted original painted by me. Check my instagram for evidence that I can, in fact, paint. Thank you so much for your support!

The first 100 copies of Ocularum pre-ordered across all packages will be signed copies (this total does not include the Patron Package and Lifetime Membership package, which will be signed no matter what).

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 10 physical copies
$15 shipping 18 of 20 left


Patron Package

1 reader

You love Lumin and want to evangelize it by sharing your joy with a group of your family, friends, and associates. You'll get 25 copies, receive recognition on my website as a Patron for helping launch this labor of love, and your name will be included in the acknowledgements section of Ocularum, listed as a patron. You may elect to be acknowledged in haiku form. You will also get an invite to the official launch party, which may or may not be virtual depending on how public health develops. Thank you so much!

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 25 physical copies
$20 shipping 4 of 5 left


Lifetime Membership!

0 readers

If you’re considering this, thank you so much for really caring about my success! If you want to invest in my continued writing career, pre-order 50 copies of Ocularum, and you will receive a free copy of every book, novella, anthology, chapbook, photo book, art book, non-fiction book, or other publication I contribute to for the rest of my life (so long as you alert me to every address change). If the book is available in print, you will receive a print and digital copy. If only digital, you will receive a digital copy. Your name will be included in the acknowledgements section of Ocularum (and each book I publish thereafter), listed as a Lifetime Patron. You may elect to be acknowledged in haiku form, in which case, I will prepare a haiku for you to be included. You will also get an invite to the official launch party, which may or may not be virtual depending on how public health develops. All future shipments of books will include free shipping. I haven’t checked the actuarial tables yet, but I expect to live a good 40 - 50 years more, so start your collection now!

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 50 physical copies
$25 shipping 3 of 3 left


Live in Lumin Package

0 readers

“Do you wish you could live in Lumin? I have one character that needs a name, and if you want it to be you (or to pick it), this is the package for you. Your character could play a major role in a critical part of Ocularum and to continue as a recurring character in Clavis and Shillelagh. This character’s already been written into the story and just needs a name and maybe a description! Of course, this package includes signed copies of books, electronic and audio version up to 10 of each as requested, patron status on my website, and a haiku!”

+You can choose the audiobook or ebook version with your order!


  • 1 digital copy
  • 75 physical copies
Free shipping 1 of 1 left