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The Choice

Delina Fajardo

Stories of Life, Love, and Learning

Eleven stories of ordinary people choosing extraordinary lives.

  Business & Money    Self-help   30,000 words   75% complete   19 publishers interested
122 preorders
$2,480.00 funded



Eleven stories of ordinary people choosing extraordinary lives.

We are all born with an extraordinary gift, the gift of choice, but so many of us either don’t see it or use it nearly enough. We choose from what’s in front of us, which is not always the best thing, even if it’s a good thing. We “choose” through life by what’s apparent or by default fall back on patterns we learned that might not be good for us.

In The Choice, we get a rare glimpse into the lives of eleven people who lead extraordinary lives. With varied backgrounds, beliefs, professions, financial success, and family situations, we see how a particular choice each author makes led them to lives of abundance in purpose, finance, freedom, and fulfilment, all while living for others as well as themselves.

Once you’ve read The Choice, you too, should recognize you have choices in places you never suspected, that some are hard and some are easy, but they are in fact choices and we are free to make them, and you are free today to choose what your life will look and feel like tomorrow.

Anyone who has gone down a path of tragedy, societal expectation, convenience, and even great success, has to make choices about the future. We want all who read this engaging book to see a little bit better how they too can lead lives of abundance and fulfilment, and that the secret lies within, in our birthright of the choice.


·      Prologue ~ Change the World by Brad Hart: A poem by speaker and thought leader Brad Hart, founder of Make More Marbles, that sets the stage for The Choice

·      Introduction: Reflections on what the choice is by writer Rodney Miles

·      [ 1 ] Light Me Up by Brad Hart: Personal story of a financial prodigy choosing relationships over money alone, and how that led to a life of abundant purpose.

·      [ 2 ] Beyond Your Craft by Yuri Cataldo: Personal story of writer, speaker, and entrepreneur who pioneered a course in entrepreneurship for artists in ivy-league settings.

·      [ 3 ] The Underdog by Brenda Fairchild: Personal story of accomplished doctor who ignored the odds and stereotypes to achieve natural healing for her patients, and her own child as well.

·      [ 4 ] Trail of Breadcrumbs by Phill Ash: How a gifted thinker who wins weightlifting and memory competitions made a breakthrough in learning, and another in his own life.

·      [ 5 ] A Shift in Life by Anton Liberopoulis: Personal story of how communication challenges while young led to professional speaking and training today, and to a life of making connections for himself and others that create extraordinary lives and experiences for us all.

·      [ 6 ] Bridging the Gap by Chad Crowell: Personal story of how a third-generation technology buff recognized a pattern of discontent in life he now cures for others, with special attention on the phases a choice can go through, and which lead to fulfilment.

·      [ 7 ] Living in Awe by Marion Ejan: Personal story of breaking through family challenges and cultural expectations to reaching great heights professionally, but perhaps even more importantly, to connecting with the awe in life, seeing through a new lens, and enjoying a full heart.

·      [ 8 ] First Wakeups by Ryan Charaba: Personal story about standing up to a massive institution, its rules and expectations, and coming back from a point of giving up to living a life in paradise and instructing others on creating their own happiness.

·      [ 9 ] Choose Joy! By Gretchen Stewart: Personal story of overcoming a chronic physical challenge and how that led to connecting with living fully and finding one’s potential, and then sharing that joy as a speaker, author, and retreat leader.

·      [ 10 ] Greener Acres by Jason Graciano: Personal story of rising from harsh inner-city conditions to great success and wealth now shared with school children and adults who want more from life, while revamping the former negative branding of a whole profession.

·      [ 11 ] As My Heart Sings by Delina Fajardo: Intimate look at how a single childhood experience exposed a (conceived) frailty that set the direction for a life of respect and success but without fulfilment, how this was repaired, and what factors led to choosing a life of abundant purpose for this best-selling author, transformational coach, and speaker.

·      Conclusion: Reflections on the power of choosing demonstrated in the personal stories and what this means for us today, moving forward.

·      About the Choice: Behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of The Choice.

·      About the Authors: One-page bios of each author and what they do today.

·      About the Writer


The Choice is for those who either recognize or sense that they are not all they can be today, that there is more in life. They might struggle or excel in their personal, professional, or financial lives, but sense there could be more. The Choice demonstrates to these very people that no matter where you are in life, if you are not completely fulfilled, you have choices probably in places and times you did not think you had them, and the book even suggests by survey of the authors, what kinds of choices lead to abundance and fulfilment. There is more in life, and The Choice demonstrates how they can reach it. The Choice is about being happy. 

According to a Huffington Post poll, “Americans over the age of 50 are more likely to be very happy (36 of those ages 50-64, and 41 percent of adults ages 65+) than young people (31 percent of ages 18-24, 30 percent of ages 25-29, and 28 percent of ages 30-39) 

[Source:],” so those in the ages of 30-39 are the best prospects for the book, especially those seeking or experiencing a relationship or career change, as “There are three main things that make people happy: close relationships, a job or past-time that they love and helping others. [Source:].” The Choice anecdotally demonstrates how to achieve all three


With eleven authors, each of whom represent sizable followings, whether it’s a professional client list, social media following, regular podcasts, releasing books, professional speaking, or leading large groups, the authors of The Choice represent tens of thousands of existing fans and followers and have in the main already mastered contemporary methods of mass communication. 

Each author has a contact information provided in the back of the book that lead to respective websites and platforms studded with scheduled speaking and leadership engagements, endorsements and influential connections, and current plans to continue publishing, speaking, and appearing.  The Choice is ripe for success as a published book, even upon it’s announced pre-release. Coordinated promotional plans and efforts are already in the making, and include seeking celebrity involvement by endorsement and Foreword


The Choice fits neatly into a gap in the self-development niche, providing an easy to understand and very actionable message to readers. That these readers buy books, buy a lot of them, and create viral waves of sales is obvious by comparison with books with similar messages and formats:

1.     Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. By comparison The Choice embarks upon the same personal, anecdotal journey readers love and then enjoy applying to their own lives. We learn by comparison and analogy, and the story-oriented structure of The Choice fits nicely in this same genre.

2.     The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, which “was translated into over fifty languages and remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century.” The Choice as a title not only rings harmoniously with a title like The Secret, but upon initial exposure creates a similar sense of mystery and wonder, enticing readers to read. And once a reader begins turning pages they soon discover a similar message, that the conditions of one’s life are under one’s control to a degree perhaps larger than previously thought, but evidenced by each author’s story.

3.     The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. The simplicity and broad appeal of The Choice is akin to the appeal—and instant mystery—of The Secret as well as The Five Love Languages, and like both, lends itself to easy and obvious serialization. A publisher, then, is not investing in solely one title, but potentially creating a relationship with a successful franchise that can be applied to sub-niches (The Choice for Teenagers, The Choice in Love & Relationships, The Choice in Business, and so on). 

Further, the authors include established leaders, speakers, and writers with established lists of followers, readers, and fans. Their entrance into publishing and the public eye is already either begun or well established in many cases. There will be more books!

Delina Fajardo

About the author

Delina Fajardo, is a powerhouse from Long Island, NY who lights up and thrives when she's inspiring, motivating and enriching lives.

After 16 years working as a Physician’s Assistant, Delina realized she was betraying herself of passion in exchange for “success,” and made a personal breakthrough by “unlearning” societal conditioning about self-worth, happiness and success. She found a passion and true calling through her own personal growth and now lives a life on her terms, a life of authenticity and truth of who she really is and what she's created for.

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Additional authors

Yuri Cataldo
Yuri Cataldo
Boston, Massachusetts

Named one of the 40 under 40 business leaders in Indiana, Yuri Cataldo brings years of experience in the arts, design, entrepreneurship, marketing, innovation, and publicity to his advising of founders, artists, and students. He is a mentor at MassChallenge and has lectured at Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Notre Dame, Tufts, Emerson College, Indiana University, Ohio State, and at numerous conferences about the intersections of art & entrepreneurship, innovation, and how to move past failure.

He currently lives in Boston where he is the resident designer for Harvard Dance and works with/advises tech companies and artists on innovation, PR, marketing, and customer engagement. His efforts have resulted in 6 figure launches, 7 figures worth of press for companies, and products featured on Tech Crunch, Digital Trends, The Discovery Channel and many others.

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Gretchen Stewart
Gretchen Stewart
Delray Beach, Florida

Gretchen Stewart uplifts the world with her writing and speaking, sharing unique insights that have brought her joy, purpose, and peace. She is the founder of
Sunshine Press and the author of Simplicity as well as many other upcoming books. Her desire to empower women to follow their dreams inspired her to start her non-profit Élan Project.
Hosting Joy Of Living Masterminds and Retreats in exotic locations worldwide, she is able to help transform others with her indomitable spirit. From the innovative philosophy of her Joy Manifesto, to her published books on overcoming challenges and finding joy, to inspirational speaking, Gretchen is an unstoppable dervish of positivity. She lives in sunny Florida with her amazing husband and two beautiful children.
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Ryan Charaba
Ryan Charaba

Ryan Charaba is a Husband, Father, Author, Love and Thought Leader, Poet, Adventurer, Dungeon Master, Retired Navy Chief, and oh so much more. Ryan wears his heart on sleeve and on his social media feeds.

Ryan is on a mission to demonstrate through inspired action that a life of exploration and leadership is truly available to all of us. It breaks Ryan’s heart to see so many humans caught inside of an endless loop of grinding, while constantly chasing the ever changing carrot on the stick...products of a culture that has taught and programmed us to be consumers and employees. Ryan is compassionate, determined, and has a zero tolerance policy for mediocrity in his own life and YOURS.

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Anton Liberopulos
Anton Liberopulos
San Diego, California

I'm the guy that grew up without the right advice and thought I had to do everyone on my own. Left college behind before I graduated to become an entrepreneur. Failed until one day I figured out that I needed to ask for help. I found a mentor once I was open to new ideas and putting my own past experiences behind.
Learned to grow with the help of others and now a full-time laptop and smart phone traveler.
I travel and live at other entrepreneur's houses all around the planet!
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Phill Ash
Phill Ash

Phill Ash is an entrepreneur and investor with over 12 years of experience in Investment banking technology.

Transposing this extraordinary level of service delivery to property he founded a number of companies including PS Property Services, managing nearly 50 units in his first year.

Ever striving to develop both physically and mentally Phill has also been British Masters Weight lifting Champion (77kg class) and featured in an ITV documentary about memory sports on his way to the World Championships in China.

When he’s not working on some new artificially intelligent trading engine he’ll be at a property event helping to guide newbies on their property journeys.

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Rodney Miles
Rodney Miles
Melbourne, Florida

Rodney Miles has had a hand in over 200 books, many best sellers, as ghostwriter, collaborator, or primary author. Today he collaborates, coaches, and trains emerging and established authors worldwide.
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Brenda Fairchild, DC, CACCP
Brenda Fairchild, DC, CACCP
Newark, Delaware

Dr. Brenda is one of the leading experts as a chiropractic physician specializing in pregnancy, pediatrics, women’s health, and fertility. She has authored 2 books: Why Didn’t my Pediatrician Tell Me That? Alternative Solutions for Healthy Growing Families and A Crunchy Mom’s Hands on Guide to Pregnancy, both provide a natural approach through pregnancy and beyond. Dr. Brenda’s passion and vision came from her own health issues and healing her daughter Madelyn that were not being addressed in mainstream medicine. So, it has been an honor to help guide families on their journey of healing. Dr. Brenda lives in Delaware with her husband Joseph and daughter Maddy.
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Chad Crowell
Chad Crowell
Austin, Texas

As a husband and a father, I try every day to create a world in which I believe is just, fair and kind for the future.

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Brad Hart
Brad Hart
San Diego, California

Brad Hart is a committed to helping entrepreneurs and investors reach their full potential, so they can focus on solving the grand challenges of our time. With extensive experience in real estate, investments, trading, marketing, sales and peak performance strategy, he’s been teaching entrepreneurs from every walk of life the skills to thrive in the modern world, growing their incomes, increasing the value of their assets, and making wise investments into their future, and the future of the world. You can use his simple, no nonsense strategies to increase your income and your impact exponentially.

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Marion Ejan
Marion Ejan
Los Angeles, California

Marion, Greatly Influenced by her grand parents she thrives on enriching others lives by inspiring and shifting their perspectives to living in a beautiful state.

Her maternal grandmother always told her she was going to be "a healer" . To Marion that meant a profession in healthcare. She had a strong love for Psychology; wondering why people thought the things they did and why.

The last 20 years practicing as a Registered Nurse she got to know herself and heal through client experiences. Her curiosity fulfilled the need to just say YES to create a life experience. Now a proclaimed author. She learned to let go, became vulnerable, free and finally at peace with a moment in her life that she realized kept showing up as patterns.

Thanks to my paternal Grandmother, Mama Ely , she does exactly that. "My mission is to inspire. I am my most fulfilled when I am serving. I remind people that their true essence is deep in their core. The purpose you seek in life... is within you. Its never left. Remember what brought you here today. Its to be in service of anything other than you. And the magic happens.

So what the heck... Just say YES.
The worse case scenario is you'll have a time of your life!"
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Jason Graciano
Jason Graciano
Greenacres, Florida

Jason Graciano who was recently recognized as a "top 40 under 40" in the automotive industry in the US and Canada, started selling at the early age of 16, sold everything from knives to real estate from energy drinks to life insurance. He then joined the automotive industry in 2004 as a retail Automobile Salesperson. He worked his way up the ranks while maintaining his stick-ability and consistency in performance.

He built and managed one of the best sales teams in Honda history, smashing through global records and winning numerous awards. He’s now taking his business savvy to a new venture as Managing Partner of the brand new Greenacres Nissan.
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500 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for motivational, inspiration and the lighter side of business.
Sourcebooks is an independent vision. We are a company bound together by the idea that Books. Change. Lives. For us, it means a passion for books and a dedication to the belief that books change lives. It means innovative publishing, where every book is personal and every author’s voice has a place. And it means not being afraid to say “I don’t know” and forging a new path when we have to. We are a group of passionate, energetic and enthusiastic book lovers, and we are committed to helping readers experience each book. Thank you for being a part of our story.

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Anaphora Literary Press

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Anaphora Literary Press was started in 2009 and publishes fiction, short stories, creative and non-fiction books. Anaphora has exhibited its titles at SIBA, ALA, SAMLA, and many other international conventions. Services include book trailers, press releases, merchandise design, book review (free in pdf/epub) submissions, proofreading, formatting, design, LCCN/ISBN assignment, international distribution, art creation, ebook (Kindle, EBSCO, ProQuest)/ softcover/ hardcover editions, and dozens of other components included in the basic package.

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BrightFlame Books

250 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for business, entrepreneurship, personal development, success psychology and mindset, health, and lifestyle.
BrightFlame Books was set up with one key purpose: to help experts like you get your message out into the world, increase your impact, and ultimately, grow your business. Wherever you are in your publishing journey, we can support you. As a full-service publisher, we transform your draft manuscript into a beautifully finished book. Our editors edit and polish your words, then our creative team turns it into a professionally designed finished product, inside and out, that presents you as the thought leader and industry leader you are. Once your book is published, as a marketing consultancy we specialize in turning you into a bestselling author by orchestrating launch campaigns to drive sales and awareness of your book internationally and creating book-based lead generation and client acquisition campaigns that turn your book into a powerful business development tool.

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Happy About

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Through our imprints and series, we've published over 800 books. Our goal with all of our imprints and series is to make the author happy and achieve their goals. Part of publishing with us includes the creation of an AHAbook on AHAthat which is a great way to have your content amplified in social media.

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Isabella Media Inc

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Isabella Media Inc is a Rhode Island-based, family-owned, mainline publishing organization with a mission to discover unknown stories. We combine unknown or little known authors’ undiscovered potential with Isabella Media Inc’s unique approach to publishing to provide the highest quality books to readers about stories they may not find anywhere else. It’s our desire to find unique stories that drive us.

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Koehler Books

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Koehler Books is an Indie publisher based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Our team of dedicated professionals promises you a holistic publishing experience where you'll receive our full attention, collaboration, and coaching every step of the way. We offer two publishing models: a traditional non-fee model for the highest quality work, as well as a co-publishing model that includes creative development fees for emerging authors. Our titles are broad-based and include nearly every major non-fiction and fiction genre.

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Mascot Books

Mascot Books is a full-service hybrid publisher dedicated to helping authors at all stages of their publishing journey create a high-quality printed or digital book that matches their vision. With comprehensive editorial, design, marketing, production, and distribution services, our authors have the support of an experienced publishing team while still retaining one of the highest royalty percentages in the business.

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Motivational Press

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Motivational Press is a top publisher today in providing marketing and promotion support to our authors. Our authors get favorable rates for purchasing their own books and higher than standard royalties. Our team is at the forefront of technology and offers the most comprehensive publishing platform of any non-fiction publishing house including print, electronic, and audiobook distribution worldwide. We look forward to serving you.

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Next Chapter

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Next Chapter is a Rapid Versatile Publisher (RVP) that combines the professionalism and quality of traditional publishing with the creative freedom of independent publishing. We have published dozens of bestsellers, and take pride in the transparency of our business. There are no hidden fees or small print. Join us today and take your writing career to the next level.

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Prodigy Gold Books

The History
Prodigy Publishing Group was founded in 2009 and has been steadily publishing distinguishable trade paperback fiction since. Its flagship imprint Prodigy Gold Books is spearheading its journey with a fall 2017 line up that includes four novels by four authors sure to delight readers. Prodigy Gold Books is dedicated to publishing a variety of must-read books on a wide array of topics and genres.

The Mission
Our mission is to showcase established voices and to introduce emerging new ones—both fiction and nonfiction genres.

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Wonderwell is an award-winning, values-driven, forward-thinking hybrid publishing company specializing in books and ebooks that help, heal, and inspire. We believe that authors should have access to high-quality, elegant publishing services and full-scale in-store distribution without having to give up their publishing rights or control over the timing and execution of their book. Many of our clients are first-time authors who know a great deal about how to help make the world a better place, but who need help translating that knowledge into a compelling book. That's where we come in. Wordsmiths, idea sculptors, and enthusiastic cheerleaders for the human race, we make a difference in the world by helping authors to make their difference in the world. We publish primarily practical nonfiction in the following categories: Business and Tech, Health and wellness, Parenting and Relationships, Personal Development, and Inspirational Memoir.

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Atmosphere Press

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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Authors Unite

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Authors Unite helps you become a profitable author and make an impact. We take care of printing and distribution through major online retailers, developmental editing, and proofreading with unlimited revisions. We take care of the entire process for you from book cover design all the way to set up your backend so all your book royalties go straight to your bank account. We can also help with ghostwriting if you prefer not to have to figure out all the steps on how to write a book yourself.

With our book marketing services, you don’t need to worry about figuring out all the steps on how to market a book or how to become a bestselling author. We’ve helped hundreds of authors become bestselling authors on Amazon, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. We take care of the entire book launch process for you to help you sell thousands of copies of your book and become a bestselling author.

View case studies here:

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100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Bookmobile provides book printing, graphic design, and other resources to support book publishers in an ever-changing environment. Superior quality, excellent customer service, flexibility, and timely turnarounds have attracted nearly 1,000 satisfied clients to Bookmobile, including trade houses, university presses, independent publishers, museums, galleries, artists, and more. In addition, we manage eBook conversions and produce galleys, and regularly provide short-run reprints of 750 copies or fewer for major publishers such as Graywolf Press.

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Colborne Communications

Colborne Communications is a professional editing and publishing services company based in Toronto. Since 1977, we have been providing editing, writing, proofreading, indexing, and research services to a variety of individual, corporate, and government clients, including all of Canada's major publishers.

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100 copies • Completed manuscript.
eBooks2go, Inc. was founded in 2011 to provide the missing link for all your publishing needs. Our end-to-end solutions provide the guidance and support that enable publishers and independent authors to pursue their passions. To date, we have helped more than 1,000 authors and 250 publishers worldwide. We offer an array of simple and affordable solutions to assist self-publishing authors at every stage of the book publishing process. Our comprehensive service offering includes editing, print and eBook production, book marketing, cover designs, ISBN registration, and even website designs. We are a single source for all of your publishing needs.

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Gladiator Publishing Company

Gladiator Publishing Co. has held a reputation in the Literary Industry for nearly 100 Years as a Writer-Loyal company. Nearly 100-years later, Gladiator Publishing Company still maintains that strong characteristic. We place our Authors publications first and foremost. You may hear many other "Publishing entities" state that they are "the first" to do this or the "originator/pioneer" of that. If everyone is using the same marketing, promotional, and advertising pipelines what makes them so original?

As the proud recipients of six-awards in 2018 for our innovative marketing techniques, media outreach, extremely low budget compared to the Global Industry Standard (72-83% cheaper), and an Author-inclusive style, it is no wonder we are the #1 Requested Publishing Service on the East Coast. We are staffed with industry-specific professionals that are dedicated to market and brand development.

Full Editing Services (substantive, copy, formatting, proofreading, story flow, line) are INCLUDED in the price. No hidden fees, no extra cost for something that Publishing Services should be more than happy to provide to benefit the manuscripts success. The industry has turned toward greed and away from literature. It's sick and inappropriate, it's ok to agree, they know it too.

Maintain 100% of your royalties in all formats.
Maintain 100% of your Copyrights, Intellectual Property, and Creative Control.

You be the Author and we'll be the Publisher.

Happy Writings!!

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Happy Self Publishing

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
Happy Self Publishing has helped 500+ authors to get their books self-published, hit the #1 position in the Amazon bestseller charts, and also establish their author website & brand to grow their business. And the best thing is, we do all this without taking away your rights and royalties. Let's schedule a call to discuss the next steps in your book project:

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ShieldCrest Publishing

ShieldCrest are book publishers based in the UK who fill that vital gap for talented authors where mainstream publishers are unwilling to give them that chance. We strive for excellence and invest in our authors and are listed in FreeIndex as the number one independent publisher in the UK for price quality and service rated author satisfaction. We publish books of all genres including; fiction, historical, biographies and children's books.

ShieldCrest publishing continues to grow rapidly with satisfied authors throughout the UK and overseas. Our range of products includes paperbacks, hardbacks and digitised e-books in all formats used globally in the myriad of e-readers.

In addition to the above, ShieldCrest provides a complete range of services including book design and layout, illustrations, proof reading and editing. For marketing we offer author web page, press releases, social media marketing packages and many other support services to help both first time and experienced authors get their books into the market quickly and maximise on the opportunities available.

These services enable us to guide our authors through the process as we transform their manuscript into a professional book, which can take its place with pride next to any famous author's book of the same genre.

The staff at ShieldCrest have many years experience in the book industry and this wealth of experience is put at the disposal of our authors.

Our clients include established authors such as Diane Marshall who has been acclaimed as the best writing talent to come from Scotland for years by The Scotsman newspaper, and Prof Donald Longmore OBE, who performed the first heart transplant in the UK and has sold thousands of medical books used by students throughout the world. We also recently released "Martin Foran-The Forgotten Man" by J.R. Stephenson, which features fraud within the police, abuse within the prison service and injustices in the courts and has been featured in the press and on TV.

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Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.


CHOICE IS THE MOST BASIC UNIT of freewill. Freewill is a potential, a limited human right, a vital component of sanity and happiness, and choice is how that potential manifests in the universe we share. Some choices are easy to see—those that are announced or arrived at verbally, and others are (almost) silent, appearing like the birth of an electron, known only at first to the beholder. But whether bold and brash or silent and small, the birth of a choice is a fundamental determinant of things to come, for one life and at times for millions. How important is choice? People are instinctively willing to die for it.

There are breakthroughs in thought in this book. One is that as life moves around us we react, defaulting to our training, experience, calculations for survival, our hopes and goals and purposes, and according to the subliminal blueprint we copied from our examples growing up and otherwise, but within that moment where we normally react and default to preset patterns—some of us with empowering ones and others otherwise—is an opportunity for a choice. We can choose our perspectives—it’s part of the magic of our psyche, of our spirituality—and sometimes we can simply start enjoying that chosen perspective, and sometimes we have to work at it for a while. Whole categories of study have been devoted to revealing, changing, and at times breaking those patterns.

Another breakthrough is what choices seem to work out so well. In many of the personal stories that follow, the author had financial success, but lacked fulfillment. The Choice shows how choosing to live for others as well as yourself leads not only to greater purpose, fulfillment, and happiness, but even, they would argue, continued and sometimes improved financial success. And sometimes it’s simply a trade-off well worth making.

It’s realizing you have a choice, even when it seems you don’t; that choices, not luck, lead to extraordinary living; and choosing to live for others as well as yourself leads to fulfillment and greater success.

There are evidences all over American life that we are learning to live better, to include each other more, to focus on what’s important and to recognize and eschew useless or harmful pretenses. Going into debt for the “prestige” of conspicuous consumption and how it leads to stress, financial hardship, divorce, toxic households, squandered time which could have been spent with family and friends, and even a weakening of the country has been exposed. Look at the popularity of speakers and mentors of financial savvy and the tiny house movement, for examples. Look at the survey which revealed the number one regret of people on their deathbeds was “working too much.” If only they could go back and spend more time, have more experiences with the ones they loved.

Across most if not all religions, in the depths of human nature, and as one of the most basic of self-evident truths, we have a birthright in the universal and innate ability to choose. Precious. Powerful. Beautiful. Yet we all, at one time or another, and to one degree or another, neglect this magical human capacity. The people in this book who are about to share their stories vary in walks of life, age, sex, race, even creed and philosophy, but they all have at least a few important things in common: They all, in one way or another, lead extraordinary lives, and they all, as you will see, value fulfillment, purpose, love, and the care of others along with personal financial and professional success—I would go as far as to say they each have discovered they do better for themselves only and perhaps in proportion to how and when they do for others as well. That was one of the most profound epiphanies for me, as the person compiling and writing their stories.

They each chose to do something in life that lights them up, and as a result, others light up, too.

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  • Lloyd Garms
    on Feb. 17, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

    I follow Rodney Miles and am so excited for his participation in this project.

  • Jason Gensler
    on Feb. 19, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

    Really Excited to get "The Choice" and gift my other two copies to two friends I'm confident will enjoy it and get plenty of value from the book. Thanks for writing it & doing your part to spread such an important message!

  • Eric Hodges
    on March 18, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

    Having worked with one of the authors I hope that this endeavour helps others. It makes a difference working with visionaries whose infectious enthusiasm and spirit drive innovation and enterprise. Well done all. Look forward to a good read.



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• 30 minute 1-to-1 personal video chat about how choices lead to extraordinary lives with two co-authors


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Personalized Pack

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Coaching PACK!

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• 60 minute personal coaching and video chat with author of your choice.


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• Special thanks by every co-authors and exclusive invite to launch party


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Exclusive Workshop or Keynote

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6-Months Coaching

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• Recognized in the first-run print edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• 6 Months Coaching with author of your choice

**This package is valued at more than $9,000


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  • 300 physical copies
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Keynote or Panel Q&A

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• Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Recognized in the first-run print edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Keynote speaker or panel discussion invitaiton to author your your choice

**This package is valued at more than $7,000


  • 1 digital copy
  • 300 physical copies
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