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The Mama Caravan

Cara H. Cadwallader

A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss

How one Mama healed her heart while road-schooling her young son over 22,000 miles, across 17 states and through 3 countries, during 2 years of a global pandemic and after the loss of her life partner. This Mama Caravan has hit the road and will have you believing in the magical power of love once more.

  Parenting   50,000 words   50% complete   4 publishers interested
16 preorders
$561.00 funded



Across the globe, governmental health boards, including the CDC, are reporting on the increasing complexity of maternal mental health. These reports also cite the high unmet need for support that mothers around the world experience. Current headlines from UNICEF, Harvard, The Guardian, & more, scream: “World not delivering quality maternal health care to poorest mothers!” “9.8 million working mothers in the US are suffering from burnout!” and “America is failing its black mothers!” As Charlotte Naughton wrote in her article, “Why don’t we care about new mother’s suffering?” nearly half of British mothers experience an emotional or mental health problem that could go on to have long-term effects on their relationships with their children or spouses.

As mothers, we have to remember how to prioritize our mental health. In order to do this, we have to appear “selfish” by no longer putting our children or our men before our own needs. Understanding what our base-line self care requirements are is tantamount. We have to be able to identify when and how we need help and, as mothers, we must have a community that we can turn towards.

Yet, in light of broken families due to intergenerational trauma, living in a culture that expects us to move away from our families of origin and the breakdown of in-person community, how do we do this?
We have to know how to create the village we each so desperately need. We need to think outside of the box and be creative problem solvers. We can crowdfund our needs - from our postpartum periods to vacation getaways for the whole family or even an annual sabbatical just for Mama. Everyone deserves support and a break.

At 37-years of age and after the birth of my only child, my life-long educator lens shifted its gaze towards women’s health and well-being. In response to what I noticed was lacking then (in 2014), I created numerous programs for supporting mothers, children and families. I worked with friends and clients to set themselves up for success during their first 40 days after labor and delivery. I volunteered at my local birth center and held a free, weekly meeting for new mothers and their babies. I opened up my suburban home as a “one stop shop” where mothers could leave their children safely supervised in our backyard children’s garden as they enjoyed massage, acupuncture and other activities designed to promote their self care, inside.

As well, in the wake of my life partner’s death and the onslaught of Covid, I prioritized mine and my son’s mental health. I did this by buying a van and hitting the road. Over three, separate Mama Caravan tours, my son and I spent ample time in nature where I soothed my nervous system, with frequent cold dips in bodies of water found in the Pacific Northwest for example. Driving over 12,000 miles in total, I had the time and space to feel, express and release all of my feelings, including my grief, rage and fear. I had to do this because given my personal trauma from losing the love of my life to having experienced early childhood emotional and physical abuse, I knew that mine and my son’s emotional bodies would not survive isolation and social distancing intact.

Sales arguments

  • According to the UK’s Mental Health Organization, approximately 68% of women and 57% of men with mental health problems are parents. As well, poor parental mental health on children costs British society roughly 8.1 billion dollars per year.
  • Superficially, The Mama Caravan is the tale of one mama’s cross-country adventures in healing her and her son’s hearts from the greatest loss they have known. Under the surface, however, The Mama Caravan is a maternal mental health map for how to navigate the stormy seas of parenting, loss and grief while staying relatively afloat in a world turned upside down by a global pandemic.
  • My social media network, of +5,ooo people, has been clamoring to read The Mama Caravan for over a year now. Published in various worldwide, online magazines and platforms, such as Elephant Journal and the Esperanza Project, as well as in the Huffington Post on Mother’s Day 2022, I have also been featured numerous times in publications such as the San Diego Union Tribune, SD Voyager, Shout Out So Cal and more, for my embodiment work as well as my past work in maternal mental health.
  • For a locally grown, San Diego Mama, my web of connection is strong - from midwives, doulas and other experts in the field of maternal mental health, to mothers across the USA, Central and South America, as well as the globe, who have been doing their best to weather the storms of parenthood in this brave new world.

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Cara H. Cadwallader

About the author

Cara H. Cadwallader is an embodiment artist and dance philosopher who dances with the pen on the page as well as her feet on the Earth.
A master of embodiment, Cara has spent over 35 years exploring, studying and performing movement and all of its metaphors. Over the past fifteen years, Cara's main investigation has been in how she can deeply connect to herself, others and our planet.

A creator of joy-filled, diverse and warm spaces, Cara co-founded a community gathering space and dance studio for organic connection in downtown San Diego. With the birth of her only child, Cara shifted her educator lens towards women’s health and well-being as well as in co-creating a village space for families to gather. Now, after having survived miscarriage, her partner’s 4th stage cancer diagnosis and subsequent death, Cara's book The Mama Caravan is a hopeful journey through the stormy waters of loss and grief as well as a maternal mental health map for how other mothers can remember how to prioritize their mental health and emotional bodies.

Driving over 12,000 miles across the USA while embodying her emotions and feelings, Cara worked to better understand how to care for herself and be more present and available to her young son. This is how she has coped with her shock and trauma in finding herself as a lone Mother in this brave new world of Covid, calamity, and chaos.

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We've seen particular success with military memoirs, but we've also recently hired a children's book specialist, so we run the spectrum of genres. We're a small but growing team and take pride in dedicating more time and energy to all our authors than traditional publishers.

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  • Carol Shamon
    on July 22, 2022, 4:05 p.m.

    Yay for Mama's. Yay for writers. Yay for community support. Wishing you a continuing, magical journey with this project.
    Carol Shamon

  • Jenelle Ferhart
    on July 23, 2022, 7:01 p.m.

    I look forward to reading your book! What a gift it is to share your journey with the world! Thank you!

  • Carolyn Pole
    on Aug. 25, 2022, 8:05 a.m.

    Keep on posting about this. The way FB algorithms are, it takes many times for everyone to see it!
    Bless you!!



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3 Live Coaching Sessions

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3 Live Coaching Sessions with Cara online for yourself, your family and/or your constituents.
Practice your Emotional Fitness together and create your own mental health map.
Includes digital copies (PDF & Kindle + Audiobook) of The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss with free shipping of 1 (one), autographed copy of my book.

Sessions available throughout 2023.


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Bulk Order

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20 copies of The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss sent to your home, birth center, or other bookstore, where Cara will personally visit to host a reading, a Q & A session and/or support circle. Plus, we will practice our Emotional Fitness and make a personalized mental health map.

Digital copies + Audiobook for your use included.

In person visit valid throughout 2023.


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Attend one of Cara's Group Retreats

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Attend one of Cara's health and wellness retreats held in her Dojo in southern Mexico.

Choose one of five retreat dates:
October 27 - November 2, 2022
November 16 - 22, 2022
December 27 - January 2nd, 2023
January 22 - 28, 2023
and February 12-18, 2023

INVISION the life you are creating for yourself as you practice your Emotional Fitness in an intimate group setting as well as refine your health and wellness habits and create your own mental health map.

+ Receive an autographed copy of the book, The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss in person.

Please visit
for more.


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Contribute Your Voice: Submit a Chapter of Your Writing!

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You have a powerful tale to tell about your own Motherhood experience, mental health journey or more.
Add your voice to this important conversation (or a different one!)
Cara will coach & support you in envisioning and crafting the tale you want (& need) to share as well as in synthesizing your message.
+ Receive an autographed copy of The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss with free shipping.


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Birth Your Next Big Project with Cara

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Birth your next big project (performance, book, business, etc.) with Cara serving as your coach and mid-wife.
Envision, research, organize, design, plan & launch your passion project - that thing you've been meaning to do but keep putting off. Clarify your vision, simplify your message and share it more widely with our world as Cara coaches and supports you along the way.
Be published on massive platforms. Write your book. Launch your own children's educational garden. Start your own Mother's Cooperative. Dream BIG with Cara at your side.
+ Receive an autographed copy of The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss with free shipping as well as the digital copies (PDF & Kindle) & Audiobook.


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1-on-1 VIP Exclusive Retreat with Cara

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Exclusive 1-on-1 retreat with Cara in her Dojo in southern Mexico. Enjoy a master bedroom with attached bathroom in a cabin on the side of a mountain. Refine your health and wellness habits; create your own mental health map; & envision what you are creating for yourself next with Cara at your side as you savor ample views of the culturally vibrant city of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Receive your autographed copy of The Mama Caravan: A Maternal Mental Health Map for Life After Loss in person.
Offer valid throughout 2023.

Please visit
for more info.


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