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Growth through Adversity

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March 2023 - May 2023


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These authors are making the initial public offering of their books in Growth Through Adversity theme on Publishizer. Subscribe on their campaign pages today to receive updates through their publishing journey. 


“Turning feelings into words can help us process and overcome adversity.”

– Sheryl Sandberg


Oussama Najjar


A rare inside look into Saudi Arabia’s widespread corruption and subjugation from the perspective of Oussama Najjar who, like thousands of others, has suffered arbitrary detention.


Khrystyna Didukh


Khrystyna Didukh is a Ukrainian entrepreneur who was away on business trip when war broke out in her country. She shares her story of business survival with the purpose of empowering other women entrepreneurs in the floristry industry all over the world.

Prime Hall


A countercultural and disruptive look of look at trauma and healing from the lens of a special operations veteran. Prime Hall tells his powerful story of healing following severe Traumatic brain injury, Post-traumatic stress disorder, and lasting effects from deep childhood trauma; while offering helpful resources and lessons from his journey to make an outward-focused impact.

Timothy Sorady


Timothy Sorady's journey to motorcycles, a devestating accident and through recovery. Starting where his love of motorcycles originated, moving through his life as a biker and eventually how his riding days ende and the response from the biker community once an accident was mentioned.

Best Sellers

Top 3 Best Selling in Growth through Adversity

14 Days and Nights Underground

Oussama Najjar

A rare inside look into Saudi Arabia’s widespread corruption and subjugation from the perspective of Oussama Najjar who, like thousands of others, has suffered arbitrary detention.

#1 in Growth through Adversity

$9,565.00 funded
104% of goal
522 preorders
104% of goal

The Alchemy of Meaning

Anna Marshall

Poetic prompts designed to help individuals engage meaningfully with their grief.

#2 in Growth through Adversity

$336.00 funded
8% of goal
41 preorders
8% of goal

It Will Never Happen to Me

Timothy Sorady

My journey to motorcycles, my accident and my recovery. Starting where my love of motorcycles originated, moving through my life as a biker and eventually how my riding days ended. Including the response from the biker community once an accident …

#3 in Growth through Adversity

$415.00 funded
2% of goal
11 preorders
2% of goal