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The Eight Sacred Responsibilities

Cathy Mines

Join the Movement

A movement of fiery and fabulous women over 50 who have chosen to make their third act their personal standing ovation. This is not just a book, it's a movement.

  Society & Culture    Women's Empowerment   50,000 words   25% complete   7 publishers interested
154 preorders
$3,401.00 funded



The book encourages the formation of a community of Stellar Readers who are thirsting for a life well-lived and are willing to bring everyone with them through inspiration, laughter, kindness and lots of sass. Reading and practicing the Eight Sacred Responsibilities together as a vibrant community of individual Sisters and groups through online gatherings to be with women from all over the world. Pod gatherings of readers forming locally as the momentum of the movement builds globally. Podcasts, video clips, social media and retreats are made available to the reader who feels the desire to be in person with her like hearted Wild Women.

Sacred Responsibility: A highly valued course of action towards personal happiness that is regarded with reverence. 
Sacred: Regarded with reverence. Deserving of great respect. Highly valued and important. 
Responsibility: The opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization.

Guided by the Eight Sacred Responsibilities we reconfigure ourselves in ways that honour our highest values and our richest creativity. They begin with the first sacred responsibility  Self Care and continue with the 2nd Rise and Shine, the 3rd Know Yourself, 4th Collaboration, 5th Honour Your Intuition, 6th Create and Play, 7th Relax and Celebrate and ending with the 8th Sacred Responsibility, Gratitude as none of this will reach its full potential without Gratitude.

Therefore, The Eight Sacred Responsibilities give women a protocol to follow, to keep them on track, inspired and in collaboration with all that makes their heart sing. This book speaks directly to the women who are compelled to rise and shine as well as to the women who have forgotten how. Together we stand shoulder to shoulder and call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and lived to the fullest. 


Introduction: Making a commitment to read this book and a welcome to the movement. The author makes a bold request of her readers to hold her accountable to the Eight Sacred Responsibilities. She makes the same request of the reader to be held accountable and take responsibility for their own personal pursuit of a fabulous Third Act.  

Chapter 1. The First Sacred Responsibility: Self Care. Tiny devotional rituals for restoration and self-honour quickly become powerful shifts in lifestyle. A new way of treating yourself and others emerges, and you begin to thrive.
Chapter 2. The Second Sacred Responsibility: Rise and Shine. Show up. Flourish and thrive. Revel in our gifts and our relationship to all that gives us joy and drives our passion. 
Chapter 3. The Third Sacred Responsibility: Know Yourself. Living in the present moment will be one of your best approaches to really knowing who you are and living fearlessly as your sacred self.
Chapter 4. The Fourth Sacred Responsibility: Collaborate: As a species, we do not survive alone. Cyclical living. Connection. All our relations. Sacred Reciprocity. Connected to the natural world.
Chapter 5. The Fifth Sacred Responsibility: Honour your intuition. Intuition is your powerful guide and ally. Remembering that you know exactly what and who is best for you. 
Chapter 6. The Sixth Sacred Responsibility: Create and Play. The Sixth Sacred Responsibility is the gateway to seeing every day as a stage for your own creation.
Chapter 7. The Seventh Sacred Responsibility: Relax and Celebrate. Relax into your joyous lifestyle where care, kindness and passion for all this life has to offer guides your daily celebration.
Chapter 8. The Eighth Sacred Responsibility: Gratitude and the pursuit of happiness. None of this will reach its full potential without Gratitude and happiness for this life. 

Conclusion: This book is now your sacred companion. May it bring you deeper into living a life of freedom. You have begun the practice and there is no stopping you! 

Gratitude and Dedications: This book has been inspired by many of the women in my life.

References: Supporting list of materials and references. 


Boom Boom Boom! The target audience for this book is Fiery and Fabulous Women over 50. Boomers and those on the cusp, The Gen X Women and Boomers who are thirsting to shift gears and work at showing up for themselves in the Third Act of their lives. 

There are over 70 million people in both categories in the USA alone. 50% being women.  

With  an estimated $11 billion in sales in the United States alone the self improvement industry is a growing market is expected to continue to see an average of 5.5% gains each year.

The book industry for self help is estimated to be worth $776 million. With women being the number 1 target audience. 

We now see a trend where women over fifty are finding the supports they looking for in this most exciting time in their lives. Google travel for women over 50 and you will see 55 million hits come up.  As well as over 40 million hits when googling blogposts for women over 50. We are told "A seasoned woman is spicy," by Gail Sheehy the Author of Passages and we have more and more access to books like Fabulous over 50 and Sensational over 60 by Shirley Mitchell. Women in their third act are have money, time and the desire to call back their energy, this target audience is a force to be reckoned with and one that I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with. 

The Shift Network is hosting a massive on line event directly related to The Third Act!


My current e mail list is just over 1100 people of which just under 40% are actively engaging. I have a speaking platform through Reach Yoga that puts me in-front of approximately 200 people per week. Many of whom have been students of mine for well over a decade. New students join the community on a regular basis and I estimate 70-80% are there by word of mouth. The remainder are there through corporate programs that have been running successfully for many years. I present Lunch and Learn seminars with a full calendar for 2019 already and some bookings into 2020. I am a motivational speaker in a larger circle of women activists from all corners of the world. I have a series of 3 'Soul Shops' (soulful workshops) in 2019 at The Grail Springs Retreat for Wellbeing Nominated for Canada's Best Wellness Retreat 2018 - World Spa Awards 2018. Also, Dec 1st 2018 I am part of a group of speakers connected to Women's Empowerment which is the first of a continued momentum to support and empower women change-makers ( these day conferences are connector conferences to a larger conference that happens every other year). I have my own YouTube Channel called Reach Yoga TV and help from a committed friend of 40 years who helps make videos. This is a fairly recent venture that is proving fun and getting views. I have only started to promote it now that I have a few videos with a few hundred views. 

I have been writing a community news letter called Reach Yoga's E~Well News for 10 years that goes out to over 1000 people 5 times per year. 
I have also recently set up for Zoom Conferencing Calls and have test run a handful of inspirational calls to be able to include worldwide participants.
My book is in its early stages and I announced it coming soon to the Reach Yoga Community at a large event recently for two reasons 1. To keep people tapped into my projects for future support. 2. For holding me accountable to complete the project. My goal is to have the book finished by September 1st. Subsequently, I will begin a larger campaign and use the Facebook promotion options as well.  


1. The New Third Act: A Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond. Author Suzanne Justice Carr PhD. 2014. Published by Suzanne Justice Carr.
This book speaks specifically to the subject of women in the Third Act The synopsis reads as like-minded book. I stress that I am creating a supportive world-wide movement of women living their Third Act in creative, happy and empowering ways. 
2.The Warrior Goddess Way: Claiming the Woman You Are Destined to Be. Author HeatherAsh Amara. 2016. Published by Hierophant Publishing. 
This book supports a community of like-minded women determined to reclaim themselves which is a significant part of my book. Mine differs because I am speaking specifically to women over 50 (the age category of The Third Act).
3.  The Third Act: A Baby Boomers Guide to Finishing Well. Author William S. Cook Jr MD and Grant D. Fairley. 2014. Published by Silverwoods Publishing. 
This book competes with mine by focusing on The Third Act and Baby Boomers. Mine differs as it is directly connected to woman empowering them selves to 'finish well' I refer to ways we create a life filled with standing ovations in our Third Act.   
4. Loving Life: The Morality of Self-Interest and the Facts that Support It. Author Craig Biddle. 2002. Published by Glen Allen Press.
This book focuses on self-interest and the pursuit of happiness. In my book, the First Sacred Responsibility is using Self Care to build a foundation for happiness through health of body, mind and fiery spirit. 
5. 30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans. Author Karl Pillemer Ph.D. 2012. Published by the Penguin Group.
This book grabbed my attention. I believe having a number in the title is interesting and something I can immediately grasp when selecting books on self empowerment and growth. My book, with its 8 Sacred Responsibilities gives the readers a number of manageable steps to work with and have as a life's practice. I also see my book as an attention grabber as it creates community, has a call to action and a great cover. 

Cathy Mines

About the author

It's Cathy's passion to inspire a ‘love your life’ attitude through yoga, meditation, and speaking engagements. She is passionately living her 'Third Act' and loving her life's work.

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Sample: An Excerpt from the Introduction. 

Let’s face it, giving our happiness as much consideration as we give our disappointment is going to take an overhaul of the way we think. A calling for a complete ‘renovation’ of the quality of our thoughts, words and actions from this moment forward, starting with how we respond to the Third Act of our lives.In the Eight Sacred Responsibilities we take on the joyous task of being responsible for our happiness, for our joy, for our connection to others and for our gratitude for the absolute treat it is to be alive.The fact of the matter is we are living 25-30 years longer than the generations before us and that means we have access to an extra full adult life in the sense of 'calendar time' then our ancestors had.  This book suggests and at times insists we take that time and begin to transform ourselves into the greater version of the passionate, interested and self knowing women we are here to be, and in that inspire others to rise and shine.It baffles me how easily we can loop into a negative spin sending ourselves down a rabbit hole of disappointment. Going from a moment of ease just walking down the street to utter disappointment in the blink of an eye, or more fitting, in the shift of the mind. We are amazing human beings who can go from joy to disdain in the snap of a finger and we do it with gusto! And then we get really into it and, before we know it, everyone we know is plotting against us, no one can be trusted, and we are not worthy of respect. Top that off with your wallet dumping all of your change on the ground at the bus stop and it’s a perfect human storm of total disappointment. And it’s not even lunch time yet!What I will propose to all of us in this book, The Eight Sacred Responsibilities, is that together, we challenge ourselves. Challenging ourselves to observe from a renewed perspective of Sacred Responsibility those shifts in our mind that take us down the rabbit hole of disappointment and to rewire our operating system so that more often than not we are coming from a place of balance. We keep walking towards the full expression of who we are until we no longer find ourselves getting tripped up into negative thought processes, we put our big girl pants on and we stride our way forward in the pursuit of happiness. Really it is simply time to lovingly call ‘bullshit’. When we find ourselves consciously creating an elaborate backstory to fight for our disappointment or to stand vigilant for all that has hurt us even if it was a decade ago, we have got to call ‘bullshit’ and take responsibility for our happiness and we have to do it now. The good news is we are doing it together. We have a world-wide community of like hearted fifty plus women out there who are no longer ok with playing it small and are who are itching to start living life in a renewed way, to reclaim the fiery parts of herself she had forgotten about. Welcome to the movement Ladies, we have been waiting for you. 

Sample: An excerpt from Chapter 1. 

Self Care. The First Sacred Responsibility.
"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." - Swami Vivekananda
I know, who has time for self care these days right? We have filled our lives to the brim, and if that is not enough we cruise the real-estate sites and vacation sites looking for the next big trip, that dream home, that thing to run to or distract us from being present to our own self care responsibilities. What does it have to take to get inspired just enough to put your self care ahead of acquiring more things?
 ‘But I don’t have time for self care’. I hear this often and I have thought it and even said it out loud myself a time or two, or three. Then one day I hit the jackpot! A depth of understanding flooded over me, and I knew in my bones that indeed self care is a sacred responsibility and I did have time for it! I realized that when I get up in the morning and wash my face and brush my teeth I have immersed myself in Self Care as a Sacred Responsibility. 
I began to pay attention to this morning ritual, to treat it as a prayer of gratitude to start my day. I began to FEEL the moment of gratitude and appreciation for the day, for the freshwater and for my healthy teeth and my shiney eyes in the mirror. I began to be present to what I was doing each morning and that indeed I had been acting in Self Care as a Sacred Responsibility all along! 
I realized that I could no longer say ‘I didn’t make time for self care today’ that I was fully immersed in it upon awakening. This was a game changer for me. 
So, Sisters, this is where it begins. Today you start by honouring what you already do. I know you have a self care practice already and I am happily going to expose you right now. Yes you, who gets up each morning and takes a few deep breaths and stretches even before you put your feet on the floor. When done with intent and mindfulness you have a morning yoga ritual in place already! So, you cat stretch yourself in to the day, pulling in deeply on your inhale, flooding your cells with oxygen and all the full potential awaiting your day. This indeed is a great way to start a day, begin now to honour your morning stretch in bed as your first yoga practice of the day.  Perhaps you even take a few minutes to journal your dream time or many of you rise with creative writing channelling out some of your best thoughts in those first moments of wakefulness. 
For those of us whose bodies creak and those deep breaths are more like moans as we hit the snooze button, you are not out of the spot light of my exposing your current self care practice either. Stumbling to the bathroom you wash your face and brush your teeth preparing to present yourself to the day. You have a self care practice and there is nothing you can do but surrender to the fact you have been caring for yourself all along. 
If you are reading this book it is most likely that you are blessed with clean water and a toothbrush so start looking at these things as a blessing and brushing your teeth as a self care ritual. We begin the road to re-establishing our connection to Self Care as a Sacred Responsibility by honouring what it is that we are doing right now, and I mean truly honouring it.
From this moment forward each time you brush your teeth and wash your hands I’d like you to get into it like it is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. Stay present to the few moments it takes to perform the self care ritual of brushing your teeth. Get to know the inside of your mouth, each tooth and your tongue. Get to know what is going on in there! This is the place that all of your beautiful words flow from, its the place you speak your truth from, the place you taste nourishment from and most importantly this is the place you laugh from. Begin now to give your mouth the honour and respect it deserves. 
During the time I spent studying with Barbra Marx Hubbard she said to us “your voice carries the great creative process in you”. With this in mind, tend to your brushing as if you are establishing your own artist's palette, from where your most creative songs and stories can emerge and inspire.

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  • Groovinda Dasi
    on Aug. 15, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

    looking forward to receiving my signed copy xo Congratulations Ms. Kitty ...I am proud to stand beside you xo

  • Catherine Bell
    on Aug. 15, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

    Love you Sister. You Go Girl! We are the wind beneath your Wings. :)

  • Tanya LeBlanc
    on Aug. 15, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

    Looking forward to reading this! Congratulations Cathy!

  • Leanne Castorina
    on Aug. 15, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

    So much gratitude to you and for you in my life Cathy. You have been a major influence on me and are a huge part of my growth in so many ways! Xoxo

  • Joanne Cleary
    on Aug. 15, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

    I am so excited to receive this are a gift Cathy. Thanks for all you give toe and to your community!
    Love you!

  • Cathy Mines
    on Aug. 16, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

    Thank You all so much for your messages, and your support! You are all Fiery and Fabulous and I am extremely lucky to be connected to all of you. XO

  • Elizabeth Choate
    on Aug. 16, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

    1 for me and 3 for gifts! Very excited! Way to rock it, goddess!👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💃💃💃😌

  • Sharron Merlin
    on Aug. 17, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

    Congratulations Cathy, I’m so excited and happy for you. I can’t wait to receive and read your book. 🙏🏻
    You are such an inspiration for women and I’m so proud to be a small part of your life. 💜

  • Alicia Harding
    on Aug. 17, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

    Your enthusiasm, passion, kindness and love of life inspires me!

  • Patricia Robinson
    on Aug. 17, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

    Congratulations on your book!
    I di look forwardto reading it in the future.

  • Susan Bond
    on Aug. 17, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

    I hope you never stop following your heart! Congrats and "you go Girl"! Love, Sue

  • Angela Jones
    on Aug. 18, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

    Wild Woman: I look forward to receiving your book! Much Love Angela xo

  • Andrea McGilvray
    on Aug. 19, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

    Thank you for sharing your open mind, heart, and spirit, and for re-membering our community! With deepest gratitude from an aspiring Wild Woman; and also with love and big HUGS, Andrea

  • Ann Sulky
    on Aug. 19, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

    I can't wait to read the beautiful words your heart is singing!

  • Kimiko Uchikura
    on Aug. 21, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

    Congratulations on getting this important wisdom written down to ignite the hearts and minds of those wild women/allies drawn to this movement

  • anna leeming
    on Aug. 22, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

    Yay Cathy!!! So excited for this amazing book!!

  • Laura Cimpean
    on Aug. 22, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

    Dear Cathy, I heard you saying "take a deep breath, relax and smile", and now this is my motto. Isn't that just beautiful? you are so inspiring. Thank you, Laura

  • Christine Bendalll
    on Aug. 24, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

    Continue to inspire and nourish! In gratitude, ❤️ Christine Bendall

  • Fanoula Filtsos
    on Aug. 25, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

    Cathy I am so grateful to you my yogi and friend who helped open the veil in my pursuit of finding true calling.
    I am so happy for your rise and success and can’t wait for your book.

    Love and Light sister!
    Namaste 🙏

  • Deborah Del Duca
    on Aug. 25, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

    Congratulations on completing and launching your book! Wishing you a huge success. I have told several friends about you and the book....hope they will join the movement too.

  • anica beljo
    on Aug. 30, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

    THANK YOU Cathy for who you are and all that you do!!

  • Marianne Loranger
    on Sept. 4, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

    Just back from my trip and think this project is joyous and just in time for “the next chapter” -love it and looking forward to the publication!!

  • Mary Singleton
    on Sept. 7, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

    Cathy, grateful for you always and thrilled to be able to support this book!

  • Sue Brady
    on Sept. 7, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

    Looking forward to reading it, thanks Sue

  • Judy Kennett
    on Sept. 8, 2018, 9 p.m.

    Good luck. I think this is what self publishing is all about. Wishing you all the best and congratulations on your commitment and energy!

  • Rose Francella
    on Sept. 10, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

    I’m already a fan :)
    So excited for you an your new venture; looking forward to reading your book and to sharing it with my sisters and best friends!

  • Adam Lewis
    on Sept. 10, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

    Grateful for you and all the energy you put into the world. Can't wait to experience what you put into writing!

  • Adele Frechette
    on Sept. 11, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

    So proud of you. Can't wait to read it and I'm coming back..I swear..I need yoga in my life...

  • Brenda Junkin
    on Sept. 12, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

    I know this book will change my life! You have added to my life in so many amazing ways and this book will be another act of your kindness, wisdom and generosity. Can’t wait! XO

  • Silvia Herreros
    on Sept. 12, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

    This is so wonderful Cathy! You should be so proud of yourself bringing this fire to us women at the peak of the life. Let me know more how to keep enjoy this third act.



Join The Movement

71 readers

1 signed copy of The Eight Sacred Responsibilities.
Your single copy pre order includes a personal invitation to join our vibrant community, behind the scenes author updates and an invitation to the book launch. Your book order is a building block to our community of women who are thirsting to rise and shine. In the pursuit of happiness and a life well lived we stand shoulder to shoulder and we call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and celebrated. See you in the community!


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And Then There Were Two!

12 readers

2 Signed Copies of The Eight Sacred Responsibilities Plus a Downloadable Meditation.
Your 2 book pre order includes a personal invitation to join our vibrant community, behind the scenes author updates and an invitation to the book launch. Along with your 2 signed copies you will receive a downloadable Meditation to suport your self care journey. Two Books because together we are stronger.
Your book order is a building block to our community of women who are thirsting to rise and shine. In the pursuit of happiness and a life well lived we stand shoulder to shoulder and we call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and celebrated. See you in the community!


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Sacred Trinity Bundle

4 readers

3 Signed Copies of The Eight Sacred Responsibilities
Plus Downloadable Meditation.
PLUS Experience Yoga a 70min guided audio yoga class.

Your Sacred Trinity Bundle pre order includes a personal invitation to join our community, behind the scenes author updates and an invitation to the book launch, downloadable Meditation to suport your self care journey PLUS the Experience Yoga download.

Your book order is a building block to our community of women who are thirsting to rise and shine. In the pursuit of happiness and a life well lived we stand shoulder to shoulder and we call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and celebrated. See you in the community!


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$6 shipping 21 of 25 left


Fabulous Five!

2 readers

5 Signed Copies of The Eight Sacred Responsibilities *Downloadable Meditation.
*Experience Yoga Download.
*PLUS a Gorgeous Gold Bar USB stick containing my complete Making Wealthy Choices Program! A seven week audio series with workbook and transcripts.

Your Fabulous Five Bundle pre order also includes a personal invitation to join our vibrant community, behind the scenes author updates and an invitation to the book launch.

Your book order is a building block to our community of women who are thirsting to rise and shine. In the pursuit of happiness and a life well lived we stand shoulder to shoulder and we call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and celebrated. See you in the community!


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$8 shipping 23 of 25 left


Dare Ya Dozen!

1 reader

12 Signed Copies of The Eight Sacred Responsibilities

I dare you to find 11 other like hearted Woman who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and together Rise and Shine.

*Downloadable Meditation.
*Experience Yoga Download.
*A Gorgeous Cast Metal Gold Bar USB stick containing my complete Making Wealthy Choices Program! A seven week audio series with workbook and transcripts.
*PLUS an online group session with your community.
*PLUS The your name and the name of your Sacred Community will be honoured in the book!

Your Dare Ya Dozen pre order includes a personal invitation to join our vibrant community, behind the scenes author updates and an invitation to the book launch, downloadable Meditation and Yoga Class, online group session with your community AND your name and your community name gets a big thank you in the book.

Your book order is a building block to our community of women who are thirsting to rise and shine. In the pursuit of happiness and a life well lived we stand shoulder to shoulder and we call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and celebrated. See you in the community!


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$10 shipping 24 of 25 left


Sacred Supporter Bundle

1 reader

25 Signed Copies of The Eight Sacred Responsibilities
FIVE Sacred Supporters will be featured on a special gratitude page in the book dedicated to their generosity and keen sense that this movement is a game changer!
*Downloadable Meditation.
*Experience Yoga Download.
*Gorgeous Cast Metal Gold Bar USB stick containing my complete Making Wealthy Choices Program! A seven week audio series with workbook and transcripts.
*PLUS a personal letter of thanks.
*PLUS Free Shipping!

Your Sacred Supporter Bundle pre order includes a personal invitation to join our community, behind the scenes author updates and an invitation to the book launch, downloadable Meditation and yoga, Gold Cast USB and special mention in the book.

Your book order is a building block to our community of women who are thirsting to rise and shine. In the pursuit of happiness and a life well lived we stand shoulder to shoulder and we call back the parts of us that are longing to be revived, nurtured and celebrated. See you in the community!


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